What's everyone reading for January 2010?

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What's everyone reading for January 2010?

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Gen 14, 2010, 7:45 am

So it's a New Year and for me a new start on clearing some books off my tbr shelves, which is now piling up on the floor and taking up way too much space.

I have been reading some non-paranormal but of the paranormal's I have read...

Lori Devoti's Amazon Ink
Mark del Franco's Skin Deep
Caitlin Kittredge's Witch Craft
Ilona Andrew's On the Edge

On sorting my shelves I came across some series' that I have all the books, so may move on to those next. The one thing I love about collecting up a series first, is being able to read them at my leisure but also I don't have to rush out to buy a book to continue reading. I do only tend to do this with either series sold so cheap that I HAVE to buy them or with authors I really like.

Gen 14, 2010, 8:55 am

So far this month (year) I've read one fantasy, one contemporary and one paranormal, Lover Eternal by J.R. Ward. I'm currently in the midst of another paranormal type book, Bleak History by John Shirley, which is okay so far.

Gen 29, 2010, 3:37 pm

Discovered Patricia Briggs, Mercy Thompson series just finished the whole series and have started the tie in series by her Alpha and Omega. Great books hope to see many more. After reading Robin Owens new Heart change, I've started rereading the Heart bks again in order.

Gen 29, 2010, 4:30 pm

Feb 19, 2010, 8:41 am


Robin D Owens?! I loved the Guardians series so much, haven't picked up anything else yet.

I hadn't read any Briggs for a while and realised I had Iron Kissed on my tbr shelves somewhere found it and read it. I want to pick up Bone Crossed but it seems rather elusive in the UK.