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ConversazioniThe Well-Educated Mind by Susan Wise-Bauer

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Nov 10, 2009, 12:19 pm

Thanks for the invitation to the group! I read this book about 3-4 years ago and found it to be helpful in terms of "how to read a book", but I didn't feel I could invest the time to read as in-depth as the author proposes. That said, I've read other books since then on "how to read", and have yet to find one that gives as specific directions as Susan Wise-Bauer. I decided that I would re-visit the book and try to make the time, but don't know how successful I will be!

Long story short, this will be a slow project for me, but one that I hope will make me a better reader and more literate person for it.


Modificato: Nov 10, 2009, 9:29 pm

I'm new to this group also. Thanks, Autodidact101, for making me aware of it. I discovered Susan Wise-Bauer's book several years ago and I was impressed by the directions for reading in the book and also by her atitude to home-schooling and self-education. I thought about beginning her program, but I was unsure if I could stick with the intense reading plan without a "buddy". I tried to entice various friends into joining me, but they weren't interested or didn't have the time. Maybe this group will help me to finally get started.
I notice that most members began with reading the novels. Is there a special reason for this or just because it is the first format introduced? Has anyone progressed into the other sections?

Nov 11, 2009, 11:42 pm

I just started and yes I started with Don Quixote because novels were the first section but after the Don I'm going to go in order from oldest to youngest. Next is the Epic of Gilgamesh. I'm blogging about it and I want it to be a buddy reading system with people emailing me and having a dialogue about the books. And you're welcome.

Nov 19, 2009, 4:18 pm

Thanks for starting this group! For a while there was a Yahoo group going but I don't know if it is still very active, I think it isn't. Anyway- so happy to be here! I have been working through this book and also The New Lifetime Reading Plan for a few years.


Nov 19, 2009, 6:44 pm

I have the Lifetime Reading Plan, I had no idea there was a new one!

Nov 20, 2009, 1:14 pm

It includes works or world (not Western) literature. Some of the Chinese classics, classics from India, Japan and the Middle East. I love it- highly recommend it.

Nov 20, 2009, 2:05 pm

Oh that's great, I was planning to incorporate some works from all over the world on my blog. The Well-Trained mind is very euro-centric. I'll have to order it.

Dic 7, 2009, 11:36 am

I am new to the group--thanks for the invitation--and new to Library Thing as well (at least as an active member). I'm currently busy cataloging my library.

I have a shelf full of books about books and use several lists to direct my book purchases and reading, specifically those by Bloom, Fadiman, Ward, Adler, Burt, Van Doren, Boxall, Dirda, Smiley and Bauer. I've read all but three of the novels in Bauer's list, but less widely in the other categories. I haven't disciplined myself to follow her advice for intensive reading, note taking, summarizing, and re-reading. There is always the thought that I'll miss out on so many other books if I spend three times a much time on each one.

Dic 9, 2009, 1:34 pm

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes." Marcel Proust

She doesn't say you need read every book three times but if you come across one you find particularly challenging or interesting it might be worth the extra effort.

Dic 31, 2009, 12:15 am

I'm a new member as well. I used her Well Trained Mind extensively in homeschooling, so it's nice to have a book directed at me, the avid reader. I went through this book and bought many of the titles, and I like her suggestions, but I'm too much of a wild card to stick to some of the "rules". I tried journaling what I read but that became too much of a chore. I found that it killed some of my enthusiasm.

So for now, I'm using it more as a resource (and a fascinating read in itself) and also using it to select books for my college aged sons. I'm pushing it, maybe, but I still give them books to read and make them report back to me. Since they've finished their general education courses and have moved on to more technical classes, I really think they still need to have literature in their lives. I usually alternate between fiction and nonfiction with them.

Gen 22, 2010, 1:00 pm

Had this book on my wishlist for a long time, but the invitation to this group made me finally go out and purchase it. Thanks for the invite. I look forward to beginning the journey.

Ott 24, 2011, 3:47 pm

Hi there! I hope you can come back to this group. I started it, and then I forgot I started it. I am 130 pages away from reading ALL of the 158 books in The Well-Educated Mind and want to help others get through it too. Hope to see you back. Carol

Ott 24, 2011, 3:48 pm

Hi there! I hope you can come back to this group. I started it, and then I forgot I started it. I am 130 pages away from reading ALL of the 158 books in The Well-Educated Mind and want to help others get through it too. Hope to see you back. Carol

Nov 2, 2011, 2:55 pm

What an accomplishment! Congratulations. I've finished the Novel List, and am now working on the autobiographies.

Nov 11, 2011, 1:17 am

I finished on November 2. I loved the novels. I found that and the dramas to be the most accessible of all the genres. The rest are much more of a challenge, especially the history!

Gen 20, 2012, 11:07 am

By the way, bugsbrock. If I can help you accomplish your goal of finishing the list, I am at your service!

Mag 4, 2012, 9:55 pm

Thank you! I have gotten a bit waylaid with my plans after starting a full-time (and then some) job last December. Did you finish? What are you reading now (assuming that you're done).

Ott 22, 2014, 10:59 pm

Yes, I finished in November 2011. Are you still reading on the list?