Military Fiction Read in January 2007

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Military Fiction Read in January 2007

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Gen 30, 2007, 9:23 am

Eric Flint "1824: The Arkansas War" (4.34)

Alternate History - 2nd in theat Sam Houston series. I didn't realize until I just now looked, but I rated the first book just 1 point more than the second. Ok series.

Brian Haig "Man in the Middle" (Sean Drummond) (2 stars)

6th in the Sean Drummond series. JAG lawyer - loaned to CIA. Modern Times (set in recent past, 2003-2005, can't remember the year now). Iraq. Disappointing book. Not recommend.

Walter H. Hunt The Dark Wing (4.37)

Science Fiction, Alien-Human war.

1st in the series. Interesting first book, that I would recommend with some reluctance. I'm not sure that I will continue the series, though, as it appears that the series moves off with other characters, and a different theme. I have a certain problem continuing series when the main characters are replaced (see Harry Turtledove's "Time of Troubles" series), or there is indication that the original book was supposed to be a stand-alone book and the author was talked into writing a sequel (and the sequels have a different feel, see "Ender's Game" Series).

W.E.B. Griffin The Hunters (Presidential Agent) (4.63)

Modern Times, South America, Europe, UN-Iraq Oil-for-food scandal aftermath.
Third book in the series. Recommended.

Note: Sorry, couldn't get the touchstones to work.

Mar 3, 2007, 8:51 pm

I agree with your assessment regarding The Dark Wing book. I have barely started the book (probably not even 100 pages in), but out of curiousity I looked at the other books that come after on (just to see where the series goes) and I was disappointed by how it veers off into a totally different realm and theme.

So now I'm going to return Dark Wing to Borders and get my money back. I just lost interest after finding out where it's headed. Oh well, good thing for 30 day return policies. =)

Mar 5, 2007, 10:52 am

I acquired the second Dark Wing book from library, but returned it unread. The author has the ability to write, so I'll check in again with Walter H. Hunt when or if he releases a non-series book.