Wyoming, Lander & Rawlins

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Wyoming, Lander & Rawlins

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Modificato: Lug 25, 2009, 1:09 pm

Halfway between Lander and Rawlins is an absolute jewel of a bookshop, housed in a spiffy new barn, near Sweetwater Station Junction...the only other thing near it is a Rest Area. My eye was caught by a little sign which read, Fresh Eggs & Old Books. The store has two levels, is very cozy, has loads of atmosphere, doodads, and dogs...and thousands of used books.

(Edited to add) The name of the business is Mad Dog and the Pilgrim.

Lug 5, 2014, 12:33 pm

We had the enormous pleasure of stopping by Mad Dog and the Pilgrim Booksellers on our recent trip to Idaho. Our stop there was an absolute highlight of the trip. If you are anywhere near Jackson, Wyoming or Grand Teton/Yellowstone, it is worth a trip. In fact, it's worth a trip from anywhere! The book supply is wonderful, and the knowledgeable, engaging, and delightful owners make the visit a true delight. We cannot wait to find a reason to go back. Thanks, Polly. You're the best!

Lug 10, 2014, 11:28 am

>2 BeauxBooks: I'm so glad to hear it's still there, and as great as ever.