New York, NYC, Argosy Book Store

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New York, NYC, Argosy Book Store

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Gen 17, 2007, 6:53 pm

Argosy Book Store -- 6 tempting floors of old and rare books, antique maps, prints and autographs -- on East 59th Street (between Lexington and Park Avenue, just half a block from Bloomingdale’s). The original store was founded by Louis Cohen downtown in 1925; it is now presided over by his three daughters, Judith Lowry, Naomi Hample and Adina Cohen.

I must confess that as I work nearby, I am a lunchtime habitué of the “arcade” (the outdoor book stalls in front of the entrance), which features a wall of $1 serendipitous bargains and a table of books whose subject matter and prices change frequently (dollar pamphlets for a few weeks, then beautiful art books for $10, followed by cookbooks for $3 a few weeks after that -- always something interesting, unusual and affordable). But go inside to main floor and ask for assistance to see what a real bookstore is all about -- friendly, knowledgeable, helpful staff (often an owner) and a remarkable stock of quality books in all areas. As your eyes adjust to the indoors, you’ll see quality paperback books on a cart for $3, rare first editions in a locked case for thousands, books on a shelf printed in the 16th century, affordable prints and autographs, leather bindings and walls of organized and attractive copies of well chosen books at fair prices.

I could go on at great length (and hope to, someday) but everything you might want to know about Argosy can be found on their website, where you can take a photo tour, read samples of press clippings (I highly recommend Michael Thomas’s article in Quest Magazine from 2005 entitled “Volumes of Praise”) and search their inventory.

This is a famous bookstore frequented often by equally famous customers (and Argosy is often asked to purchase the libraries of famous people). The owners are too discreet to mention such things, but I remember well the day about two years ago when I was casually scanning the books in the arcade; having found a book I couldn’t live without (for a dollar, that is) I was about to go inside when I was politely told by a large, well groomed and extremely polite young man that I would have to wait a few minutes before I could enter. Why, I asked? Well, there was a “VIP” customer in the store at that moment and no one would be allowed in until he had finished his Christmas shopping. I was at first annoyed, until I looked in the window and saw our 42nd President looking through a pile of books that had been gathered for his consideration (apparently he is a regular holiday customer). A small crowd formed, we waited 15, 20 minutes more, happily, and then gave him a big cheer as exited the store and patiently shook hands with almost everyone there. It was a great New York moment.

I like Argosy’s tag line: “Shop at Argosy. Make everyone happy.” And, I might add, patronize and support a bookstore that is a treasure in itself and a source of endless buying and browsing pleasure for people who read and love books.

Basic facts (taken from their website):
Hours: Open year-round, Monday through Friday from 10am to 6pm. From September through April, we're open on Saturday from 10am to 5pm.
116 East 59th Street
(Between Park Avenue & Lexington)
New York, NY 10022
Telephone: 212-753-4455
Fax: 212-593-4784

Gen 19, 2007, 9:43 am

arkandco, I agree with you. Argosy is wonderful, and thank you for mentioning it!

Lug 11, 2011, 1:45 pm

I will be bee bopping into the big apple the week of August 2. Any book store events, signings, or other pointers tossed my way will be greatly appreciated.

Lug 11, 2011, 3:38 pm

well now i have another must-visit bookstore when i return to NYC!