Psychic connections

ConversazioniThe Haunted Soda: A Yarn in 3 Parts by the Literati of LT

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Psychic connections

Questa conversazione è attualmente segnalata come "addormentata"—l'ultimo messaggio è più vecchio di 90 giorni. Puoi rianimarla postando una risposta.

Modificato: Gen 12, 2007, 9:59 am

It may be the spirit of the soda can
Speaking through the collective,
Or it may be a connection
That is more selective.

Oooh, a poem!

This is where we can share which 5-word entries of fellow yarn-spinners are eerily like what we would have posted, if we were able. I have found two:

#268 - giveusadrink
The phrase 'My good man' was so where I would have gone, too.

#311 - BoPeep
I, too, saw Mary dancing alone. How brilliant of you!

Modificato: Gen 12, 2007, 8:57 pm

The poets and punners and pranksters are coming out in this group. And clairvoyants too . . .

I had that moment with BTRIPP's #249 post which used "frog ceviche"-- a much better choice than my intended "frog casserole"

Gen 26, 2007, 8:39 am

I saw crime syndicate had been introduced. I pray. "Please let the Senator be involved! Please let the Senator be involved!". And, lo and behold, BTRIPP totally came through. Ah, sweet collective of the brilliant mind!

Gen 26, 2007, 10:08 am

Gee ... who knew that all those years of psychic training with strange cults would pay off this way?!