New York City - Strand Annex Closing

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New York City - Strand Annex Closing

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Ago 8, 2008, 2:44 pm

I recently found out that the Strand Annex on Fulton St. is closing on August 15. Until then, all stock is 50% off the stickered price, with unstickered books being 50% off list price. The famous $1.00 books are now $10.00 for as many as you can stuff into a tote bag. I picked up 6 books for a total of $24.00.

The main location at Broadway and 12th Street is remaining open. A combination of increased rent and decreased customer traffic due to the massive Fulton Street transit center construction project has forced them to close their doors in the Financial District. I will miss them as I spent many lunch hours browsing the stacks. When I went I would say about 1/3 of their stock was gone, so get there this week to grab some bargains and offer your best wishes to the staff.

Ago 8, 2008, 10:23 pm

I hope the main store does continue in business. I have been there twice; it's a Mecca of the used bookstore world. Others: Kings in Detroit, Powells in Portland, Half Price flag store in Dallas and one (I can't recall the name now) in Lake Denton, Texas.