Where I've been

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Where I've been

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Modificato: Lug 24, 2008, 10:39 am

Working on finishing my Slow Bee Mystery I shawl. Since I cannot figure out how to load pics here, I have to direct you to my blog for the hugeness which is this knitting project (quite literally--it hangs from neck to below knees, all in lace).
I'll try one thing; if all you see is gibberish below, consider it a failed experiment in photo uploading:

Lug 23, 2008, 10:14 pm

That is absolutely gorgeous. Perhaps your daughter will cooperate later, or better yet, take a photo of you wearing the shawl.

So you liked the Tencel? I'll bet it drapes beautifully. I saw a Merino Tencel blend that was tempting, but it came only in white.

Lug 24, 2008, 9:54 pm

It looks great LeesyLou!

Lug 25, 2008, 3:35 pm

You have turned into a butterfly like in that opera "Florencia en el Amazonas"!

Lug 26, 2008, 11:04 pm

Oregonobsessionz, FYI the tencel comes in multiple colors as an 8/2 laceweight, and it's very inexpensive. I think the spools are about 1500 yards and in white it costs about $8-9; in colors it's $15-20 per spool. It's very nice and easy to work with; it has a bit of a silkish sheen, drapes like rayon, no knots or imperfections anywhere in the thousands of yards I've ever worked; as I've said on my blog the one downside if you want to consider it that is that since it's not a hairy fiber, it snags easily, but less easily than silk or rayon do. It is not nearly as slippery as they are so it holds stitch shape well and can be knotted if needed. It doesn't felt and holds up to squeezing and wringing quite well. It doesn't have any spring to it, no elasticity at all, so I wouldn't use heavier weight tencel on a piece that had a lot of stockinette because it would show every single change of tension, but that helps make it perfect for lace--it doesn't pull in at YOs at all.

Lug 27, 2008, 12:49 pm

Oh, that's so lovely, LeesyLou!

Set 23, 2008, 9:20 pm

And now there's more; my Slow Bee II Stole is half done (ignore the funny multi-colored yarn at the edge; that's my chain for the provisional cast on):

That's 15 clues/weeks' worth, and now there's another half to knit. And oh, yes, we're three weeks into the Mystery Stole 4:

Set 23, 2008, 9:43 pm

Those are both gorgeous. Is that beading on the second one?

Set 23, 2008, 9:49 pm

Yes, the beading is "required" by the designer and the design. I'm actually not so crazy about it--I'm not sure if it's the pattern or my color choices yet but I just don't feel it's that inspired. The lace seems almost an afterthought. I'm hoping the second half of the pattern on that one turns me around, but at least it's not quite as huge an undertaking and time investment as the Slow Bee ones have been!
Thanks for liking them.

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