Banning apostrophes?

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Banning apostrophes?

Mag 6, 1:00 pm

I'd be the one filling them in with a marker pen :D

Mag 7, 8:25 am

Well, I can see their point — I live in a city whose official name starts with an apostrophe (and contains a hyphen for good measure) and that certainly defeats some forms I have had to fill in. But that’s a matter of lazy programming, surely, not a reason to change the name.

If you put my postcode into the post office database which Dutch companies use to generate mailing addresses, it’s the version with the apostrophe that comes up, even though the city council itself uses the informal, punctuation-free name in its own letterheads and internet material.

Mag 7, 8:30 pm

I love eating Grandma and pets.
Don't be a psycho - use commas.

Modificato: Mag 8, 10:45 am

>4 lilithcat: I was going to post the link to the quiz too!
I got 2 wrong but they were the ones unrelated to usage of apostrophes, haha

Mag 16, 3:08 pm

I walked past a gym today that announced "kid's classes": I wonder who's the lucky kid that gets to have classes on their own haha

Modificato: Mag 17, 12:23 pm

>7 ScarletBea: People just make unnecessary trouble for themselves when they design signs. Like the primary school I passed where there was a row of parking spaces with a sign over it saying “Teacher’s parking only” — puzzling rather than necessarily wrong, but “Parking for teachers only” would have been just as easy to fit on a sign and doesn’t get you into any pointless discussions about whether it would apply if there are teachers who car-share or who park more than one car. On the other hand, teachers often enjoy making fun of people who get into apostrophe trouble, so maybe the school maintenance people were just trolling…

Mag 17, 12:31 pm

Back when my mother still taught Middle School English, the English teachers insisted on checking all school announcements before they went out. It's hard to answer a kid who wants to know, "Why should I learn this stuff if even the principal gets it wrong?"