Where are you in FantasyLand? May 2024


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Where are you in FantasyLand? May 2024

Modificato: Mag 1, 10:50 pm

I'm going to Genua on Discworld, starting Witches Abroad for the 75ers group read.

Mag 1, 11:57 pm

I just finished a venture to northern Wisconsin in Winter's gifts, which is a Rivers of London novella that features an FBI agent (with Peter Grant only a phone call away).

Mag 2, 7:19 am

I'm in Tithena experiencing A strange and stubborn endurance. I'm enjoying the journey so far.

Mag 2, 12:03 pm

I'm in Ankh-Morpork with Guards! Guards!.

Mag 6, 10:32 pm

Still on the Discworld, in Bad Blintz, with Maurice and his educated rodents.
In between time taking the Kindle to Sanctuary in the second Thieves' World volume.

Mag 16, 8:50 pm

Just leaving The Lost Bookshop 3½*** (Evie Woods). Perhaps more "magical realism" than it was "fantasy," a pretty decent quick-read on Kindle. I'll likely get around to The Story Collector at such time as it comes out. Probably get it on Kindle like I did The Lost Bookshop. ("Gaughan" and "Woods" seem to be the same author.)

Mag 20, 8:41 am

I just finished a first-time read of The Giver. I'd never read it before and I've been meaning to go back and fill in some of my holes in some childhood "classics" that came out after I was too old to be paying attention. (The Giver came out the year I graduated college.)

I usually have a pretty good ability to reset expectations on books for younger readers, but in this era of Hunger Games-esque dystopian epics, this one was jarringly abrupt. Once the actual "Giver" appears in the story, it was just wham, bam, thank-you-ma'am and over. :)

I'm also surprised in the author's afterword that she says she never really goes back to the original town to explore what happens to it? Can anyone give me some general info about the other books in the series? What ties them together as a series if she's not pursuing the worldbuilding of how their world came to be that way or what it evolves into?

Mag 20, 1:10 pm

I'm around the Indian Ocean, travelling with, and finding out about, the adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi.

Mag 21, 4:27 pm

>8 ScarletBea: what do you think of it so far?
I started it as part of my Hugo reading, but never made it further than chapter two.

Mag 22, 8:45 am

In Ravka and other countries in King of Scars.

Mag 23, 5:12 am

>9 amberwitch: I'm really enjoying it, it's adventure pirates in the Middle East, haha

Mag 23, 7:27 am

I'm in n Vermont and Antarctica with Ink Blood Sister Scribe.

Mag 24, 10:26 pm

I'm in an alternative Napoleonic-era Europe, in His Majesty's Dragon. For some reason I've not read this series yet, but am very much enjoying it so far. It's like Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey-Maturin books crossed with McCaffrey's Pern.

Mag 25, 2:38 am

Just got back from a couple of places inside the outmost tier of the Empire of Khanum, solving murder mysteries in The tainted cup by Robert Jackson Bennett. Kind of old-school mysteries where the clues are probably all there, but only the chief investigator puts it all together.

Mag 26, 12:02 pm

Back on the Discworld and Ankh Morpork for Night Watch, started aptly enough on the 25th of May.

Mag 29, 4:03 pm

Now reading the second Soulwood book, Curse on the land by Faith Hunter. Sort-of nonhuman protagonist finished FBI Spook School and is now an official employee of the supernatural division of the FBI, Knoxville office.

I'd gotten impatient and read the third one already, so at least I know how one problem will resolve (in a larger sense). Living-in-the-future library problems, where ebooks are faster to check out than paper ones.

Modificato: Mag 30, 10:41 pm

Just leaving Basgiath and the war college in Fourth Wing. Debating purchasing Iron Flame or waiting a bit.

Mag 31, 12:50 pm

With Duckwight and Reedbones and the Eldest, as Toadling in the land of the greenteeth, having just finished T. Kingfisher, Thornhedge 4****.

Giu 3, 10:27 am

Wrapping up the "Wells of Sorcery" trilogy with Siege of Rage and Ruin.