Ellen reads more in 2024 - Book 4

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Ellen reads more in 2024 - Book 4

Apr 27, 2:11 pm

Aloha! I'm Ellen, recently retired reader, beginner sketcher and watercolorist, hiker, camper, cat-lover, wine lover, and LT-er since 2011.

In December 2023 I retired after more than 30 years working in higher education. I currently live in eastern Washington state with Prudence (aka P), my wife of 28 years, and our beloved but sometimes troublesome ginger cat, Carson. We are in the process of selling our house and plan to rent a place in central Oregon for the next year.

I have a "retirement reading" list but I'm following advice I've been given about the first six months of retirement living: no commitments. That said, I'll certainly participate in some group and shared reads as the year progresses.

Modificato: Apr 27, 2:21 pm

A quick study of daffodils in a vase and a super quick "landscape." The landscape was an exercise by one of the online teachers I'm following, more about learning how the water and pigment behave than about creating an image, per se. That said, I really like it. It took about 3 minutes to complete (which was the part of the exercise).

Modificato: Apr 27, 2:25 pm

Carson waiting for the auto-feeder to give him his next meal.

Modificato: Apr 27, 2:26 pm

Carson 2 -- this may have to wait as I'm struggling to upload photos of Carson without the weird gray box covering most of the image. Grrr.

Modificato: Apr 27, 2:32 pm

This year's reading plans that involve friends:

I Am, I Am, I Am by Maggie O'Farrell - Real Life Book Group (RLBG)
The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff - w Beth & Kim

The Bee Sting by Paul Murray - w Mark & others
Chenneville by Paulette Jiles - w Kim & Beth

The Lost Journals of Sacajewea Debra Magpie Earling w Beth & Kim -- I enjoyed the conversation. ❤️

The White Rhino Hotel by Bartle Bull w Kim & Beth

The Known World by Edward P. Jones - w Kim & Beth
Summer by Ali Smith - w Mark

The Winter Soldier by Daniel Mason - w Mark

Bound to Please by Michael Dirda - w Stasia

Modificato: Apr 27, 2:33 pm

About our destination for the coming year:

Camp Sherman is an incorporated little village(?) on the Metolius River in the Oregon Cascade Mountains. The very small community consists largely of summer cabins on the river, many of them 90-100 years old and generally passed along from one generation to the next. There are a few newer homes in small "neighborhoods" (the one we'll be renting was built in 1998). There are several campgrounds, a fish hatchery, and lots of trails nearby. It's about 20 minutes from Sisters, Oregon; this from the Sisters Chamber of Commerce website:

"The Sisters Country, including the charming town of Sisters, Oregon, quaint Camp Sherman, Suttle Lake, Black Butte Ranch, Aspen Lakes Golf Course and Hoodoo Ski Area, all where Central Oregon starts, is a destination like no other. The Sisters Country is an expanse of majestic and inspiring natural beauty reaching from the town of Sisters, Oregon, to the panoramic Pacific Crest Trail. Explore Central Oregon outdoor adventure and cultural experiences including the world renowned Sisters Rodeo, Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show, Sisters Folk Festival, and the Sisters Harvest Faire.

On the edge of town, the Deschutes National Forest offers a 1.6 million-acre playground laced with miles and miles of trails, rivers, lakes, wilderness areas, scenic drives and vistas, clean air, and star filled nights. Choose from rustic cabins, simple campgrounds or world class resorts, all within minutes of downtown Sisters, Oregon. Come for a visit - we guarantee you will want to kick off your boots and stay a while."

The house we're going to rent (we see it Thursday and we're 95% sure we're doing this) is about 1,600 square feet and one of the bedrooms has a sweet little work space facing a window. Can you say Ellen's art space? :-) The house isn't right on the river but it's only about a 5-minute walk away.

Link to article in Bend Magazine

Bend is a town of just over 100K population that is about an hour's drive (38 slow miles) from Camp Sherman.

Modificato: Apr 27, 2:37 pm

I finished American Cult: A Graphic History of Religious Cults in America from the Colonial Era to Today, edited by Robyn Chapman. It was interesting. Not all chapters are equal in art or storytelling but I enjoyed it.

Currently reading Wandering Stars by Tommy Orange and planning to start The White Rhino Hotel by Bartle Bulll soon. The latter is a shared read with Kim and Beth.

Apr 27, 2:13 pm

Next is yours!

Modificato: Apr 27, 2:26 pm

HEY HO! I would absolutely hang that landscape in my home! Can't wait to see what else you'll do.

Carson stares at the auto-feeder the way Molly stares at ME, beginning about an hour before the designated time for feeding.

Apr 27, 2:30 pm

I feel like a bad cat owner - I have no set times for feeding. The bowls are empty, I fill them (I have 2 cats, BTW). Lol

Happy new thread, Ellen!

Apr 27, 2:31 pm

Happy new thread Ellen!

Your rental sounds like a treasure! I hope all goes smoothly and you can enjoy it to the fullest.

Apr 27, 2:37 pm

New thread delights and moving ease whammys, Ellen. *smooch*

Apr 27, 6:11 pm

Happy new thread! I hope the rental works out---the Metolius is so lovely.

Apr 27, 7:17 pm

>2 EBT1002: Lovely Ellen.

>3 EBT1002: So patient Carson.

>8 EBT1002: Sounds perfect. I shall enjoy tales of when you settle in.

Apr 27, 8:33 pm

I love your watercolors, Ellen. Camp Sherman sounds great. The area is lovely. I was in Bend a few years ago and loved it.

Apr 27, 8:41 pm

Happy new thread, Ellen.

Pleased to inform that Beth's post above was the 1,000th to your threads in 2024. xx

Apr 27, 8:49 pm

Happy new thread, Ellen. Your watercolours are wonderful! I love the thin black outlining in the flower one. Almost not noticeable yet it makes the picture really pop. The other one is amazing, very atmospheric.

Theo stands by his bowl and waits patiently just like Carson. But no automatic dispenser here. I am the dispenser, lol

Apr 28, 9:44 am

Happy new thread, Ellen.

Apr 28, 9:51 am

Wordle 1,044 2/6*


loupe, prune

I almost went with prude. LOL

Apr 28, 10:28 am

>11 laytonwoman3rd: Thanks Linda. I do need to shift from watching YouTube videos of other people painting to painting my own self! haha And Carson has a very regimented feeding schedule -- four of his small daily feedings are provided by The Moms (P and me) and the other five small feedings are provided by The Machine. He always knows when it's time (and Tummy Clock is indeed often about an hour ahead of time).

Apr 28, 10:30 am

>12 alcottacre: LOL Stasia. I'd love to be able to just put food out for Carson and have him self-regulate. He is so food focused; he will eat until he makes himself sick and extremely overweight!

>13 quondame: Thanks Susan. I'm super excited about this rental plan. It was such an off-the-cuff idea and it really feels right.

>14 richardderus: Thanks Richard and *smooch* back your way!

Apr 28, 10:32 am

>15 banjo123: Thanks Rhonda. One great thing about this plan is that we'll be a short(ish) drive from Portland so I'll be able to participate in a meetup or two! Yay!

>16 Caroline_McElwee: Thanks Caroline.

>17 BLBera: Maybe you can come to the area again in the next year, Beth? *smile*

Apr 28, 10:34 am

>18 PaulCranswick: Thanks Paul. I'm definitely slower on the posting league than I thought I might be when I retired but I have managed to make life rather busy! haha

>19 jessibud2: Hi Shelley. "...I am the dispenser, lol" Carson has both human dispensers and a machine that makes sure he doesn't starve, poor little mistreated feline. Hahahaha

>20 katiekrug: Thanks Katie!

Apr 28, 10:36 am

>24 EBT1002: You never know, Ellen.

Modificato: Apr 28, 10:37 am

I got up early-ish this morning and read with my coffee. I'm remembering that, when I was still working, I got up about an hour before necessary to read while P was still asleep and before I had to start getting ready to go to the office. Now I'm sleeping later than that. I do NOT want to start setting an alarm again but I do miss that quiet morning reading time.

Apr 28, 10:36 am

>26 BLBera: BIG smile!

Apr 28, 2:05 pm

Congrats on the house selling so quickly and on your plans for the next year. A cabin in the woods sounds lovely! Do you think you'll miss being close to cultural amenities? How is the wildfire situation there? I've been away from Washington for several years, but that was always on my mind during fire season.

Apr 28, 2:37 pm

>29 labfs39: You ask exactly the questions I have in mind, Lisa. Of course, any forested area here in the PacificNorthwest is vulnerable to wildfires. Part of the Camp Sherman area burned in a big and heartbreaking fire about 3 years ago. It is something we'll need to stay alert to in the later summer and early fall months. I don't actually know what the snowpack is like in Oregon this year. I know Washington needed a lot more snow than we got.

Regarding cultural amenities, since our current location of Pullman is desperately lacking in cultural amenities, that will be pretty much the same. We'll have the town of Sisters nearby with an excellent indie bookshop, an arts community, etc. and we'll be about 2.5 hours from Portland when we need actual city activity. At present we drive about 90 minutes to Spokane and a full five hours to Seattle.

Apr 28, 2:39 pm

My sister reports that her wife has turned another corner in terms of health. It's hard to say what it all means but she is sleeping more, eating less, and speaking almost not at all. She does still recognize my sister as well as the staff at the care center where she is, and greets them with warm smiles. That is good news. She is on pain medication to manage pain from an unknown source; at this stage putting her in the hospital for a bunch of tests makes no sense at all. SO - in the midst of all this, I think I'll be getting on a plane rather abruptly sometime in the next few weeks. It will be okay. We'll make it all work out. I want to be there for my sister. Sometimes life doesn't time things very well.

Apr 28, 5:49 pm

My sister lived in Bend, OR for 5 years back in the 1980's. She worked in Sisters and drove from Bend. She liked living there but the cost of living was high. She liked it because she was, and is, a skier and proximity to the slopes was a priority for her. She didn't go to Portland much at all because the road across the pass isn't good in the winter, but she said there was enough activity in Bend that you didn't need to go to Portland. Bend has everything you need. I never got to visit her while she lived there, and since then she has moved all over the world. She still has good memories of living in Bend. I think you will find that area to be a good place to live.

Apr 28, 11:52 pm

Happy new thread, Ellen. Nice to have a housing and life plan in place for the upcoming year. Do you think you'll stay there if you like it or are you still intending to buy a place somewhere in Oregon?

Apr 29, 7:52 am

Happy New Thread, Ellen. I also enjoyed "American Cult" and agree, some were better than others. You have now read or are reading 2 books that are high on my TBR- James & Wandering Stars.

Apr 29, 9:33 am

Wordle 1,045 3/6*


alert, grant, craft

Apr 29, 10:35 am

Wow, lots of exciting happenings in a short time! Your house in Camp Sherman sounds like a great peaceful adventure. Will you have good internet access? That's tricky sometimes in the mountians.

I'm sorry to hear about your SIL.

Apr 29, 6:29 pm

Happy new thread, Ellen!
Much to look forward to, a year in Camp Shermansounds great.

So sorry about your sister in law.

Apr 29, 10:27 pm

I am so sorry to hear about your sister-in-law, Ellen. Hugs. I love dawdling in the morning; it's one of my favorite things about retirement.

Apr 30, 10:13 am

BYW - new season of Brokenwood has started. :)

Mag 4, 10:32 am

Wordle 1,050 4/6*


drape, lathe, fable, value

Mag 4, 10:39 am

We’re back from central Oregon. We read, walked, rode our bikes, watched the river go by, sat by the fire, etc. It snowed about an inch on Thursday morning! We saw the house we’re going to rent and it’s lovely. I wish it were unfurnished but we’ll work with it.

Last night, as we watched tv, recovering from the long drive home, I got a call that my sister is in the hospital. Her wife has taken a turn for the worse in the past couple weeks and this seems to be stress-related afib….. Carol (sister) texted me that she’s “basically fine” but I think I’m now on day-by-day in terms of going back to N.C. She had said she wanted me to wait and come after Betty dies (which seems to be any day now), that is when she’ll need me, but we’ll see.

Wandering Stars by Tommy Orange was very good. Now I’m reading The White Rhino Hotel which, after a slow start, has sucked me in.

Mag 4, 10:53 am

Glad you had a lovely exploration of where you will spend your year

Sorry to hear about your sister's stress related problem, and that your next visit will be a sad one.

I must get to Tommy Orange's earlier book. It's been in the TBR mountain a while.

Mag 4, 11:00 am

{{hugs}} as you both walk this final journey. The stress-related stuff is real and you might want to go sooner rather than later. Since work no longer figures in your timeline, you can stay as long as needed, right? I think your sister may need you more than she lets on, and appreciate your being there with and for her. It still feels fresh and raw for me so I am just saying what I experienced. Strong vibes out to you both, Ellen.

Mag 4, 12:21 pm

I'm glad the house is as lovely as you hoped, Ellen. It's very exciting.

I am sure your sister is having a rough time of it. I'm inclined to agree with Shelley, but I am also confident you'll do what feels right for you. Holding you in my thoughts.

Mag 4, 4:06 pm

I'm glad you and P had a nice trip to Oregon and that the house there is a go. I'm sorry to hear about your sister, stress is horrible on the body. I hope it doesn't interfere with her being able to be with Betty at the end. I also hope that the stress of her situation on top of the stress of packing and moving doesn't impact your health. Take care!

Mag 4, 8:40 pm

>41 EBT1002:
White Rhino Hotel was a grand adventure for me and introduced me to some of the complexities of African history about which I knew nothing. It prepared me for reading some of Abdulrazak Gurnah's books about East Africa. There are three more books in the Anton Rider/Olivio Alevado series. I thought they were all great fun.

Mag 4, 8:42 pm

I am glad you had a nice trip to Oregon and that the house will work for the two of you. Dealing with a dying person in your family is very hard and I am sure that your sister needs somebody to lean on. I am also sure that you will know when it is the right time to travel to North Carolina. I am also sure that your loving contact with you sister will sustain her until it is time for you to make that trip.

Mag 4, 9:47 pm

>41 EBT1002: Saddening to learn the unsurprising news that your sister's having stress issues. Your loving supportiveness will unquestionably help at whatever distance it's given.

The Oregon place is furnished...well, short-term it won't be *too* awful I guess but that would rock me back, too.

Mag 5, 10:53 am

Wordle 1,051 3/6*


plate, laser, decal

Mag 5, 10:53 am

I’m going to make French Toast for breakfast this morning. My first time making it….

Mag 5, 1:35 pm

French toast is one of those things I "whip up" without a recipe....hope yours turned out well.

Your sister's stress is so understandable. Wishing you a clear head to make the decision on when to fly to her side.

Mag 5, 2:00 pm

>50 EBT1002: >51 laytonwoman3rd: Ohh, yum. I should make some again soon. My favorite way to eat it is as a refrigerated leftover without butter or syrup. Anybody else ever do that? Or am I -- unique?

Mag 5, 4:19 pm

>50 EBT1002: Le yum! How're the reviews of your first effort?

Mag 5, 4:31 pm

>52 ReneeMarie: Leftover French toast is not a thing I have ever encountered!

Mag 5, 9:58 pm

Sorry to hear the toll stress is taking on your sister. You are in a whirlwind of change at the moment, but this sounds important.

We have heard of several catastrophes involving our friends in recent days. It's hard to gauge what would be intrusive and what would be supportive, depending on how well I know a person. I try to offer without insisting, but some people do not let themselves ask. I imagine you know your sister well enough to find the balance.

Mag 6, 7:09 am

>41 EBT1002: We’re back from central Oregon. We read, walked, rode our bikes, watched the river go by, sat by the fire, etc.

Sounds like a wonderful trip to me! Glad you had a good time.

I am sorry to hear about your SIL and your sister.

Mag 6, 9:44 am

Wordle 1,052 3/6*


scare, shale, shave

Mag 13, 8:46 am

Wordle 1,059 3/6*


feral, spout, cumin

This was a shocker!

Mag 13, 8:46 am

Updates soon from the melodramatic life of Ellen.

Mag 13, 8:52 am

>59 EBT1002: I hope that they are not bad updates!

Mag 13, 9:04 am

>59 EBT1002: Oh boy oh boy oh boy

Mag 15, 5:26 pm

Much love! I know things are hard right now. Talk to you soon.

Mag 16, 5:48 am

Adding to the hugs Ellen.

Mag 16, 7:08 am

All this silence is making me nervous. . .

Mag 16, 7:22 am


Mag 16, 2:56 pm

Sorry to go AWOL everyone. I keep thinking I'll come give updates and I just haven't had the energy. I'll try to cut to the chase: my sister is recovering from cardio conversion and implantation of a pacemaker. She is a TERRIBLE patient -- won't rest, etc. But ultimately it's her body and her life.

Her wife can hardly eat anything and has declined even in the days since I arrived. She no longer responds with recognition although she seems to know we're good loving people. She's likely in her last 2-3 weeks. At this point a peaceful departure seems best for all. It's hell on my sister who is having a hard time (imho) adjusting her way of interacting. I keep wanting to say "stop trying to get her to eat. Just sit with her and talk to her." Again, not my pasture. I do the best I can.

Meanwhile, P is handling all the business back home regarding the sale of our house. That has been both positive and a bit of a nightmare but we're hopefully on the path to closing June 28.

I finished The Searcher by Tana French and loved it. Now I'm reading Trust by Hernan Diaz.

I fly home tomorrow evening but imagine I'll be back in the next month or so.

Thanks for checking in on me. xoxoxo

Mag 16, 3:13 pm

>66 EBT1002: Enjoy the newest read, Ellen, and much empathy with you all on the end-of-life issues.

Mag 16, 3:46 pm

Thanks for checking in, Ellen. I know this must be really difficult for you. Have a safe trip home, hopefully followed by some much-needed rest.

Mag 16, 4:04 pm

>66 EBT1002: - That's so tough, Ellen. It's good that you can recognize the limitations of what you can/should do.

Mag 16, 5:06 pm

Deep breaths, Ellen. You can only do what you can do. {{hugs}} as you travel this difficult path. There seems to be so many of us in this group who are traversing this journey lately.

Mag 16, 6:14 pm

I hope the pacemaker helps your sister's health. It sounds like she hasn't quite let go of Betty yet. So hard. How are you holding up?

Mag 16, 7:48 pm

Take care , Ellen. I'm thinking of you and yours.

Mag 16, 10:38 pm

Just adding more positive thoughts and support for you and all your loved ones, Ellen. Really tough to be pulled in so many directions at once.

Mag 17, 12:53 am

Mag 18, 4:39 am

Adding hugs Ellen. One step at a time, but I hope you get a little time to rest and relax when you get home. Yay for P too.

Mag 23, 11:27 am

I hope all is well with your sister and the pacemaker has made a difference. You're on quite a ride, right after retiring. Maybe things will quiet down for you and P. soon.

Mag 23, 9:44 pm

>50 EBT1002: interested in your French toast adventure! How can it be that you have not made this amazing dish before? I have been making it since I was a kid, and love how easy it is to make something that feels to luxurious to eat :)

Sorry to hear about the troubles in your sister's home.

You know, I won a copy of Trust by Hernan Diaz from a local bookshop a few years back and still haven't read it! I loved his other one though.

Mag 27, 1:13 pm

Hey everyone. Just a quick update. It'll be a few weeks before I'm more regularly around. My SIL died early Friday morning. I can't go to NC at the moment because we are in the midst of packing and organizing logistics for our complicated move to central Oregon. After we're settled in the rental house I'll make another trip to see my sister.

I finished Trust and gave it 4 stars. I thought it was very good but not a 5-star read.

Now I'm reading It Begins in Betrayal, fourth in the low-intensity Lane Winslow mystery series.

I am still planning to read The Known World and Summer for June shared reads, as well as The End of Mr. Y with Kim and Beth. That said, my reading rate is super low these days. With all that's going on in life and my desire to spend time watercolor painting and doing jigsaw puzzles, I'm only reading about a book a week. I hope I can get back to a more robust reading life once we're settled.

Mag 27, 1:17 pm

>78 EBT1002:
I am sorry to hear about your Sister-in-law. That is never easy. I also sympathize with the unsettled life of packing and moving as I am doing that as well. Right now I am in Kansas attending my 50th High School Class Reunion and also drawing out what furniture will need to move out and where I will place my furniture when I move. The moving date is now set for the week of October 10 -15, 2024. When I get back to Tuscaloosa I will firm that up with the moving company. But the Prairie Redoubt should be my permanent (and last) home before Thanksgiving.

Mag 27, 1:24 pm

>78 EBT1002: My condolences to you and your sister. It was not unexpected, of course, but it still is painful. I hope your move goes more smoothly than you imagine, and you are free to offer comfort soon.

Mag 27, 1:43 pm

Oh, I am so sorry about your sister-in-law! Sending hugs.

Mag 27, 1:44 pm

>78 EBT1002: I'm so sorry, Ellen. I hope your sister is doing okay, and that you and P are coping with the stress of moving. That's a lot to deal with all at once. My heart goes out to all of you.

Mag 27, 1:55 pm

That is a lot to deal with and to process, Ellen. Take care.

Mag 27, 2:07 pm

Condolences to you and your sister.

Mag 27, 2:20 pm

Sending my sympathy to you and your sister, Ellen. When you're free to visit again, I'm sure you'll be a source of comfort and strength for her.

Modificato: Mag 27, 2:49 pm

>77 LovingLit: hee me too, in my family we used Challah, added vanilla and cinnamon and toasted them till crunchy. I still make it now and again

Mag 27, 2:48 pm

>78 EBT1002: Oh so sorry to hear about your sister in law! sounds like you have so many things going on; I dont think anyone will complain about the lack of updates.. do what is needed for you and your family. Sending hugs

Mag 27, 4:11 pm

Adding my condolences Ellen. Far too much to be handling at one time. Keeping you all in my thoughts.

Mag 27, 4:55 pm

>78 EBT1002: Safe journey home. I hope you and your sister will enjoy some intimate healing time when you can get there.

Sending hugs to you all

Mag 27, 5:29 pm

Adding my condolences, too, Ellen. So many of us are going through this, in one way or another. Gentle hugs to you and your sister. You are juggling a lot of balls in the air right now. Pace yourself.

Mag 27, 6:01 pm

Sad for you Ellen. Make sure you look after yourself.

Mag 27, 8:27 pm

So sorry about your SIL Condolences to all of you.

So much going on for you these days. I’m sure your head is spinning.

Love that the Camp Sherman move worked out. Not a bad place to hang out until you decide where you and P want to be long term.

Mag 28, 10:42 am

So sorry to hear, Ellen. Hope all goes well with the move.

Mag 28, 3:49 pm

Sorry to hear about your sister-in-law!

Mag 28, 5:57 pm

You have a lot going on, Ellen. My condolences to you and your sister.

Mag 28, 6:35 pm

I am adding my condolences for the loss of sister-in-law and good luck with the packing. Glad you are still joining us on the shared read of Summer.

Mag 29, 1:36 am

Sorry to hear about the loss of you sister-in-law. How hard for your sister to be going through her own health issues at the same time and for you to be in the midst of moving and all it entails. Best wishes for plenty of calm time to recover from all that has happened in such a short time.

Mag 29, 9:42 am

Wordle 1,075 4/6*


trail, decal, shoal, papal

One of my Wordle buddies had a fail today so I was very nervous.

Mag 31, 12:47 am

>78 EBT1002: Ellen--So sorry to hear about your SIL's passing. Hugs to you and your sister. And best of luck handling all the move commotion. Hang in there. xoxo

Ieri, 11:06 pm

Sending love and hugs to you, Prue and your sister.