How do you talk about books when you're antisocial?

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How do you talk about books when you're antisocial?

Apr 16, 3:29 pm

Hello my name is Eric and I'm a writer. Well self published author really.

I've been trying (and failing) to step out of my comfort zone and talk to writers and readers about books but the whole antisocial thing is getting in the way.

I read books but I don't follow trends, so marketing trends and books on the zeitgeist are not on my radar.

I've parked myself away from the creek and into a pond. Been there a long time just people watching and being myself. I mean social media is not really SOCIAL. And I despise ads of all kinds.

I like thriller books, you know the ones where it's me vs the world for the MC.

- Patriot Games
- The Practice of Deceit
- The Traveler
- Girl Who Played with Fire
- Blades of Winter

Apr 16, 4:34 pm

Welcome to LT. I wouldn't count this as 'social media', as it uses the old-fashioned bulletin board approach; nobody here is "liking" or tagging your posts, etc. This is much preferred, imo. Visit the "Groups" menu up top, find your favourite categories - there's gotta be something about thrillers in there somewhere - see what others are posting about and join in. If you don't get a direct reply and people just carry on as if ignoring you - well, you're not. Readers like to read more than they like to converse. You're probably being "heard" better here, with no replies, than in other places where you get a dozen.

Modificato: Apr 16, 5:00 pm

The first thing to do though, is to enter books.

That doesn't require you to actually be sociable, but does establish a base for people to know more about you.