Gormenghast SE photos

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Gormenghast SE photos

Mar 2, 3:47 pm

From Dave McKean on Facebook.

Mar 2, 4:03 pm

I think I like this more than the LE design.

Mar 2, 4:08 pm

>2 A.Godhelm: I agree. The paper is probably not as nice though, and I'm not sure quite how I feel about the RBG color scheme on the spines. Slipcase looks nice and robust from the thickness.

I'm still quite satisfied with my earlier Folio SE, so unlikely to be a customer, but happy this exists.

Mar 2, 5:35 pm

Yes definitely the most attractive design for this series to date.

Mar 2, 8:28 pm

I definitely prefer this to the L.E., I never could get over the missing spin, this resolves that. I am sure I will be purchasing this.

Mar 2, 10:13 pm

I do like that. The case is very "M. C. Escher meets the movie Cube". Given the option to buy the previous SE I'd get that, but this is still a good edition.

Mar 3, 4:58 am

Very appealing design, but it does not conjure up the world of Gormenghast; I always associate it with owls.

Mar 3, 5:47 am

I’m interested I seeing how the illustrations on interior pages work. They only work in the LE because the binding allows pages to fully open so that all parts of the page can be seen, I’m not sure how this would work with traditional binding

Mar 3, 4:37 pm

>8 DMulvee:

That's what I thought. It will be interesting to see photos.

Mar 4, 5:03 am

Looking at Anansi Boys, in which there are many in-text illustrations which are spread across two pages, I don't think it will be too much of a problem. Dave McKean would have known he was designing for both the LE and SE, so it is unlikely that important elements of the illustration would be lost. The LE is so unusual in many ways, that it will be very interesting to see the differences between the two - and also how much the SE will cost. £400-ish, perhaps?

Modificato: Mar 4, 5:29 am

>10 red_guy: I don't think the SE will be £400.

His Dark Materials and The Farseer Trilogy are both three-volume contemporary fiction sets that list at £175.

Folio may want to go up on price a bit because Gormenghast has so many illustrations. But I would predict an SE price of £175-£200. At the outside, maybe £250.

Mar 4, 6:38 am

>11 ubiquitousuk: You may be right, and I hope you are. But I am sure this will be more lavish than the sets you mentioned. More of a fine edition, perhaps.

Maybe a better comparison would be one and a half Songs of Ice and Fire, or three Murakamis ? This would come out at £240. Like the Gormenghast LE, the George Martins use Abbey Pure, and I don't think Abbey Wove is practicable for the Peake SE because there are so many illustrations and chapter headings, all of which are printed in full colour (even if they don't always look as if they are) and you might get show-through. ASOIAF is two colour with plates as inserts. I'm not sure how how the economics of that play out. Are inserted pages cheaper than in-line illustrations? The print run would play a part as well.

Add cloth / foiled bindings and what looks to be a very sturdy slipcase, and maybe we could split the difference at £300? Although Folio are not known for bargains, I think like ASOIAAF this will be a big seller and stay in print for a long time. I thought the LE would be around £1000, and I was pleased to be proved wrong. Anyway, we'll find out soon enough!

Mar 5, 8:01 am

And £150.00 it is!

Mar 5, 9:20 am

Wow - an incredibly impressive bargain for the money, and I am pleased to be proved wrong. It will be a huge and well deserved seller for Folio.

Modificato: Mar 5, 1:16 pm

>14 red_guy:

As a long time buyer, it feels sad to say it's a great price but by current standards it does seem an amazing bargain.

Mar 5, 1:35 pm

>15 MobyRichard: Yes, in fact the whole collection is simultaneously reasonably priced (Folio world) and ridiculously expensive (real world). A curious phenomenon.

Apr 15, 2:11 pm

It's $225 in the USA -- so an added 20% surcharge because, you know, FS. Can someone please let me know where this is printed? Thanks in advance :)

Apr 15, 3:59 pm

>17 astropi:

per the FS website it is printed in Slovakia