Homesteading and Such

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Homesteading and Such

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Gen 30, 7:38 pm

My granddaughter and her husband have bees and gave family honey at Christmas and they also have chickens so eggs. He already had property when they got married. My neightbor taps trees for syrup.
I think what you are doing is great.
When we had our family, I had a garden and canned pickles for example. I am alone now so buy what is on sale and in the summer I have tomato and pepper plants. I have chives which survive the Minnesota winters and they are on my deck. It is always nice to see then grow in the spring. My rhubard has not done good for the last two years and I am going to have my kids replant them in another area.
I was thinking today of years ago when out grocery store sold beefalo (spelling??) which was beef and bison.We would buy in bulk. It was good and the kids liked it.

Gen 31, 12:18 am

>2 mnleona: Bees are a great idea. Honey is so sustainable!