Who Will Cry for This Little Girl? by Alexander Lee Barrett

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Who Will Cry for This Little Girl? by Alexander Lee Barrett

Gen 30, 1:40 pm

I am looking to get a copy of this book. I have scoured several sites with no luck. It may have been self-published via Kingdom Publishing.
Would anyone be able to help?

Gen 30, 2:14 pm

Looks like it's out of print and not available for check out from any library.

Modificato: Gen 30, 3:50 pm

Who Will Cry for This Little Girl?

Alexander Lee Barrett

Search is not providing any results..

Modificato: Gen 30, 4:33 pm

There's a copy in the Library of Congress, if you live near there, but not much else I can see in terms of libraries or sales.

It looks like it was indeed self-published, based on this newspaper article. It looks like that newspaper was also selling copies at one point; they no longer have a store but they are still active, so you could try contacting them?

The author's website listed there has been down since 2018, but it's available on the wayback machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20100627005839/http://www.greenepickens.org/ I don't know if the email contact form on there still works, but it could still work.

At one point on the websites he links to AuthorHouse as the way to get his books; they no longer seem to be available there, but AuthorHouse is print-on-demand (and also apparently kind of scammy?), which unfortunately makes it unlikely you'll be able to get a copy other than via talking to the author at this point.

Mar 11, 2:00 am

>4 melannen: I thought I would get a notice there was a reply. I just randomly checked this evening and came across what you wrote. THANK YOU!!! Nothing has worked thus far, but your reply provides a number of good leads. I am grateful! Brian