Question on relationships


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Question on relationships

Modificato: Gen 8, 3:00 pm

Hi Combiners!
Sorry if this is the wrong forum to ask, but I hope you will know the answer or at least have opinions.
The graphic novels of Henk Kuijpers were originally published as … well first as weekly serials, but then as 46 page albums which were translated to Danish back in the day. Recently some of these albums have been reissued in omnibus format (two albums a book), with author commentary. The reissues are different from the original editions- example: projekt atlantis was originally 46 pages, and in the reissue gangsternes gidsel, projekt atlantis it is 55 pages long, fleshing out some of the sidestories. Would you say this is similar enough to have a contained in relationship ? Or is it so different it should be considered a separate version?

Gen 8, 3:16 pm

>1 amberwitch: Maybe set it to say the originals are expanded in the reissues?

Gen 8, 11:35 pm

>1 amberwitch: >2 amanda4242: I would agree, this sounds like a good use of the "is an expanded version of" relationship. If there wasn't any significant change, but just a reprinting with very minor touch-up, then I would say they're essentially the same and could be combined into a single work. But as you describe it, it sounds like substantial enough revisions to keep them separate, with that "expanded" relationship specified.

Gen 15, 12:09 pm

>2 amanda4242: >3 scott_beeler:
Thank you for the input. I’ll go with your suggestion of an expanded relationship