2024 Book Challenges

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2024 Book Challenges

Gen 3, 6:52 am

I plan to read books from my book shelves this year.

Gen 4, 11:23 am

My personal challenge is to read more globally.

Gen 8, 3:38 pm

>1 mnleona: Agreed! Need to diminish the TBR pile and try not to add to it too much.

Gen 10, 2:21 pm

I'm focusing on enjoying what I'm reading. I am trying to read from my shelves, but - darn it! - my public library gets in some really good books that are just begging to be read! Whatever I read, it is going to be something that I WANT to read.

My public library is doing an alphabet challenge, and one of my LT groups does a challenge to help clear your TBR. I'll participate, but I don't beat myself up if I don't make it.

Gen 12, 7:51 am

>4 Hope_H: My library also had challenges and I find myself getting books from the library when I need to read what is on my shelves.
I see you are in Iowa. Stay safe. I am in Minnesota and have a winter watch now.