MickyFine's 2024 Projects


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MickyFine's 2024 Projects

Dic 31, 2023, 5:58 pm

I'm Micky, 37, and I completely fulfill the librarian stereotype as I wear glasses and cardigans and in my spare time I work on various fiber crafts. I do cross-stitch and crochet and am currently focusing all my attention on wrapping up my cross-stitch Christmas tree skirt (I'm on the last page of the pattern). Once I wrap that up, there's a long list of crochet projects in the queue with yarn just waiting to be used. I might mix in some cross-stitch in there as well. We'll see where the crafting mood takes me.

Gen 3, 6:20 pm

Looking forward to seeing where you go. Every time I see someone in one of the new crochet designs, I think of your work.

Gen 4, 2:35 pm

>2 SassyLassy: I'm looking forward to it too. 😊

Gen 5, 2:17 pm

Add me to the 'watchers' :-)

Gen 6, 1:04 am

Happy New year and happy crafting!

Gen 6, 9:14 am

Hi Micky! I look forward to seeing your tree skirt finished and whatever you decide to do crochet-wise.

Gen 6, 5:29 pm

>5 lesmel: Thank you!

>6 PawsforThought: Thanks, Paws. Tree skirt is shaping up nicely.

Modificato: Gen 13, 6:00 pm

As of 8:53 p.m. on January 11, I have completed the stitching on the tree skirt!

Final steps will be to cut the fabric and sew on trim for the edges but that won't be happening until next weekend at the earliest when I'll be willing to leave my house and get my mom's assistance with the sewing. We're currently dealing with a polar vortex and temperatures are in the "I will not step a toe outside range" aka -40C/F, so I won't be make that excursion this weekend.

Gen 13, 6:02 pm

Reposting my review from over in the 75ers group as there might be some folks around here who might find this book of interest.

The Hooktionary - Brenda K.B. Anderson

A beautiful reference collection of tapestry (or colourwork) crochet stitches. Anderson provides really helpful information in her introductory section, discussing the types of stitches that can be used with her patterns and the different effects your choice will have on how the work will look. All of the patterns are designed to be done in the round but there are instructions provided on steeking your work if you want something flat. The colourwork patterns are divided into sections based on the crochet stitch that works best for them (extended single crochet, front post double crochet, etc) and there are tons of patterns to choose from including adorable narwhals, cassette tapes, and plaid. The final section includes patterns for a toque, mitts, scarf, sweater, and cardigan, using colourwork motifs in them. Anderson also provides directions on how to swap out different colourwork motifs into the patterns (if a jackalope cardigan isn't quite your jam). A gorgeous book that I'll be acquiring for my personal collection.

Gen 13, 6:13 pm

With the tree skirt (almost) done, I have moved on to my first crochet project of the year. Technically, I started this last year as I did some gauge swatching in November and did a few rows of the front hem during my family's Christmas gathering (the cross-stitch project was not conveniently portable).

I'm making the Distant Fog Sweater Dress from Modern Crochet Sweaters.

Photo credit: Janine Myska

I'm using DROPS Air in Pink. It's a blown yarn made with baby alpaca and merino wool and it's deliciously soft.

I completed the front hem this morning and I'm already loving the drape of the fabric. This one is made bottom up, with a front and back panels and sleeves that are then attached. It's working up pretty quickly so far, so I'm hoping to get to wear it once or twice before winter is through.

Gen 14, 5:55 am

>8 MickyFine: - I'm very much interested in seeing this completed. It's so beautiful

>9 MickyFine: - Although not a crocheter, that looks like an interesting book. I'm going to mention it to a friend of mine.

>10 MickyFine: - Unfortunately, I can't see the pictures. I'm guessing that the picture link isn't an "https" which is why. But maybe not - I'm not that computer savvy and I've seen all the rest of your pictures.

Gen 14, 6:53 am

The tree skirt is absolutely amazing, Micky! Beautiful work.

The sweater pattern is really pretty too (I can see the pics), and I bet it will work up very nicely in that yarn.

Gen 14, 7:20 am

Great work on the tree skirt, Micky! Looking forward to seeing the finished product when the temperatures drop. Having experienced my own polar vortex two weeks ago, I completely understand you not wanting to leave the house.

The sweater looks lovely, and so comfy! I love Drops Air, it’s a wonderfully cozy yarn. I have a bunch that’s intended to be a matching hat and scarf.

Gen 14, 9:48 am

>9 MickyFine: The Hooktionary
This looks appealing but I got sooo many crochet books last year and my skills and time can't keep up. I'm sure if I click through to Amazon it'll recommend another dozen books.

>10 MickyFine: Distant Fog Sweater
Looking forward to seeing this in pink.

Gen 14, 12:12 pm

>9 MickyFine: Steeks - yikes! I didn't know they had them in crochet too, but it makes perfect sense.

>8 MickyFine: Been wondering how you were doing as I watch the polar vortex. I would be in the "I will not step a toe outside range" camp too!

Your (almost) finished tree skirt is truly lovely.

Gen 14, 3:21 pm

>11 dudes22: Thanks, Betty. The picture links are https so I'm not sure why you're not seeing them.

>12 lauralkeet: Thanks on both counts, Laura!

>13 PawsforThought: Thanks for the compliments on the tree skirt, Paws. I'm really enjoying working with the DROPS Air. My favourite feature, is that because it's a blown yarn, it doesn't split, which is often a challenge with ply yarns and the twisting required in crochet.

>14 qebo: You could always borrow The Hooktionary from the library like I did, initially if you want to avoid the dreaded temptations on Amazon. :)

>15 SassyLassy: I will admit, steeks look intimidating in either fiber craft so I'm not sure I'll be attempting them any time soon.

The truly cold temperatures are supposed to start abating by mid-week so voluntary trips outdoors are more likely next weekend.

Gen 14, 5:16 pm

>8 MickyFine: The tree skirt turned out so lovely!

Gen 15, 4:31 pm

>17 thornton37814: Thanks so much, Lori!

Gen 30, 8:58 pm

>8 MickyFine: Oh, Micky! The tree skirt is fabulous! Well done, you!!

Gen 31, 3:07 pm

>19 PlatinumWarlock: Thank you, Lavinia!

Feb 3, 7:28 pm

Crochet has slowed a bit in the past week (although I did finish a dishcloth during a meeting on Thursday) as I've been sorting through some new arrivals. My aunt is downsizing her crafting stash and sent me a box FULL of DMC embroidery floss. So some of what would normally be crafting time has been spent sorting and winding onto bobbins (my preferred storage method). I may have also spent a chunk of this afternoon scrolling through Etsy earmarking patterns.

Feb 4, 1:34 pm

>21 MickyFine: I used to wind onto bobbins, and I do admit they are easier to store that way. I use Floss Away bags now.

Feb 5, 3:35 pm

>22 thornton37814: I had to google those as I'd never heard of them. I do love the order of the bobbins. And I have a clear plastic case they go in so it's really satisfying to see them all lined up.

Feb 5, 3:38 pm

The browsing I mentioned in >21 MickyFine: led to purchasing *goes to double-check* 14 patterns (plus one free bonus). I won't be lacking choice for choices for my next project, lol.

Feb 12, 7:00 pm

Finished the front panel of my sweater on Saturday evening. Photo is pre-blocking so it's a little longer now.

Feb 13, 4:15 am

That looks like it's coming along nicely! I like the color too.

Feb 13, 6:08 am

>25 MickyFine: That's very nice indeed, Micky!
Does the kitty approve? 😃

Feb 13, 4:41 pm

>26 dudes22: Thanks, Betty!

>27 lauralkeet: He is mostly annoyed that he's not allowed to play with the ends I tucked away in this photo. 🤣

Feb 13, 5:06 pm

>28 MickyFine: Yesterday my daughter sent me a photo of her kitty sitting comfortably on a sweater she was blocking. At least yours has the respect to keep his distance!

Feb 14, 4:37 pm

>29 lauralkeet: He definitely got a few nudges from me as he did attempt to sit on it while I was taking the photo. Happily for blocking, I didn't need to do any pinning, so I could just put it on a hanging sweater drying rack, well out of reach of any felines.

Feb 18, 4:46 pm

Your supervisor looks like he wants the attention you've been giving the sweater.

Feb 18, 5:03 pm

>31 thornton37814: Always. He wants all the attention always and will grumpily settle for being nearby when projects make my lap inaccessible.

Feb 22, 10:32 pm

Can't wait to see the finished sweater!

Modificato: Feb 23, 6:16 pm

>33 mabith: Thanks!

I'm nearly finished the back panel but I probably won't share a picture of it as it'll just be a boring pink rectangle. Now to make it through sewing together and sleeve island.

Mar 6, 8:15 pm

I finished the sweater on Monday! We still had wintery weather today so I got to wear it before it spends the spring and summer in a drawer.

I really love the drape of the fabric in this one and it's wonderfully cozy. Huzzah for my second sweater ever!

Pattern: Distant Fog Sweater Dress
Designer: Janine Myska
Yarn: Drops Air in Pink
Hook: 3.75 mm

Mar 7, 12:08 am

Lovely work! It does look extremely cozy. Though of course now I'm just trying to recognize books by spines...

Mar 7, 5:43 am

Very nice! And a great color on you too.

Mar 7, 6:00 am

Way to go Micky! Your sweater looks so nice. What's next? Have you thought about crocheting something for spring/summer in cotton or linen?

Mar 7, 8:06 am

Great sweater!!

Mar 7, 10:41 am

>35 MickyFine: Don't put it away in a drawer for summer - it's a great colour and you can wear it year 'round, plus it look really comfortable.

Mar 9, 11:26 am

>36 mabith: Thanks! Enjoy scoping out the shelves. 😆

>37 dudes22: Thank you, Betty

>38 lauralkeet: Thank you, Laura. I do have a tank top pattern I plan to do in cotton yarn eventually. But I have picked up some cross-stitch as my next project.

>39 norabelle414: Thank you, Nora!

>40 SassyLassy: It's a bit warm to wear year- round (baby alpaca and wool blend so it's very toasty). But living in Canada, it'll get plenty of wear come fall/winter.

Mar 9, 11:42 am

As I mentioned to Laura above, I've picked up a cross-stitch piece for my next project. The plan is for it to go on a wall in the guest room as the walls in there are very bare.

I usually post weekly updates on my stitching to Insta (for #stitchingsunday) but I'm not sure how often I'll post updates here. Maybe after I complete each row of squares? Stay tuned for that.

Mar 9, 3:24 pm

>41 MickyFine: It would be perfect for evenings here on the East Coast!

Mar 10, 10:20 am

The sweater is really nice.

Mar 10, 8:24 pm

>43 SassyLassy: I bet!

>44 mnleona: Thank you so much.

Mar 14, 7:49 pm

>35 MickyFine: Very nice. I came home and put on short sleeves. It got warm here today!

Mar 16, 5:11 pm

Well, I've finished the first row of squares on my cross-stitch project so I think it's a good point to show it off around here. I did discover this pattern in this group (I feel like it was Betty or Lois who shared that they had the pattern in their stash and I liked it so much I got my own). It's been a lot of fun to work on so far and while that lime green is my least favourite colour (so of course it's the one with the most stitches in the whole pattern :P), I think the pattern for that square is my favourite so far.

Mar 16, 6:38 pm

>47 MickyFine: - I did buy that pattern with the intention of starting it if we decided to go south for a month or two in the winter. Instead of trying to take quilting with me. Of course the person we used to rent from sold their house and then Florida had the big hurricane, so we haven't been back since. But I will do it one day and will check with you about what thread size fabric you used and what kind of floss. It's looking very nice.

Mar 17, 6:07 am

>47 MickyFine: Oooh, I like that a lot! Something about the precision of those geometric shapes is really appealing.

Mar 18, 10:55 am

ohhh! Pretty! I like the colors.

Mar 18, 4:54 pm

>48 dudes22: Happy to share that info whenever you decide to tackle it, Betty.

>49 lauralkeet: The symmetry of them is really b satisfying for my brain. Also the joy of just managing a single colour for each square and not switching back and forth a bunch (which is its own kind of fun but it's nice to do something simpler for a change).

>50 al.vick: There will be a few more in the mix eventually but I also find the colour palette really lovely.

Mar 18, 5:10 pm

>47 MickyFine: What's the full pattern look like? I'm also digging the colors.

Modificato: Mar 18, 5:22 pm

>52 mabith: It's this pattern from from Vivienne Powers on Etsy. I am (obviously) doing the version that's six squares across rather than the larger version that's now in the listing.

Mar 23, 4:12 pm

It should be nice when you finish it!

Mar 23, 9:52 pm

>54 thornton37814: Agreed. I already love how it looks.

Mar 24, 1:31 pm

The sweater in >35 MickyFine: is super pretty, Micky. Well done!

And wow, the pattern in >47 MickyFine: is gorgeous!

Mar 24, 4:30 pm

>56 PawsforThought: Thanks on both counts, Paws. I'm very pleased with both.

Mar 24, 9:39 pm

Powered through an entire row of squares this past week.

Mar 28, 5:52 pm

>58 MickyFine: Those are looking very nice. It kind of reminds me of the new "324" chart by Works by ABC which uses 324 DMC colors. Apparently there is a version that only uses 36 colors, but most people are going with the 324 colors. They have a stitch-along for it too that Top Knot Stitcher (Abby) is hosting.

Mar 29, 5:36 pm

>59 thornton37814: I looked up that chart and it's lovely, but more intense than I think I want to tackle (at least at this point).

Modificato: Mar 29, 5:43 pm

I took my Earned Day Off yesterday to give myself an extra extra long weekend (we get Good Friday and Easter Monday off at my work) and visited my LYS. Picked up another skein of a yarn I already had in my stash (it was intended for one sweater but after looking more closely at the yarn, discovered it was not the weight the store had classified it as and switched the plans for it to a different sweater, which meant I needed just a bit more) and a crochet hook. And then let myself browse since I had a gift card in my wallet. Came home with this gorgeous Allegria yarn from Manos Del Uruguay. The colour is called Aloha and it was just too beautiful to leave behind. I had no clue what I was going to do with it when I picked it up but after some scrolling through Ravelry, I think it's going to be a cowl/wrap (the pattern is a very long cowl you can pull down over your shoulders).

Here's the beauty:

Mar 30, 6:30 am

I love that yarn, Micky! What a gorgeous color.

Apr 1, 2:43 pm

>62 lauralkeet: It makes me happy every time I look at it. :)

Apr 1, 5:09 pm

>63 MickyFine: That is a happy yarn indeed. Manos del Uruguay can tempt me every time.
This one looks like a versatile weight, so the cowl idea would work well. Cowls can tempt me every time too!

Apr 1, 6:37 pm

>61 MickyFine: That's a nice color yarn (as others have said).

Apr 1, 6:44 pm

Yes - I agree. Looking forward to seeing how it works up.

Apr 2, 4:41 pm

>64 SassyLassy: I made a toque from one of their bulky yarns a couple years ago and I really love it.

>65 thornton37814: I'll be sure to let it know it's admired, lol.

>66 dudes22: It might be a while for that Betty. We'll see if I feel like a big or small crochet project after I wrap up the current cross-stitch project.

Apr 6, 5:43 pm

Finished another row of squares on the cross-stitch project this week. Not the best lighting in this photo, apologies.

Apr 30, 3:15 pm

I went on a day road trip with Mr. Fine and a couple friends last week (and didn't have to drive, yippee!) and as the cross-stitch project is a little too large to tote along, I started a crochet project.

I put in a good chunk on the bottom ribbing of the Mountain Peaks Cardigan designed by Janine Myska. While the design photo is striped, I've opted to make mine a solid colour, so mine will be black. I'm using Estelle Knits DK yarn and finding it pretty solid to work with thus far. The pattern is from Modern Crochet Sweaters and includes a few options for customization. Depending on how much yarn I have left at the end of the project, I might add a pocket or two. I wouldn't expect a ton of updates on this project until June at least though, as I am focusing on the cross-stitch piece.

Photo copyright Janine Myska

Although, while I say I'm focusing on cross-stitch, there is a chance I might be dropping everything and working on a completely different crochet project in the near future. One of the hand dyers I follow on Insta,Rose Hill Yarns, dropped some really gorgeous fades in the last couple months. I bought the Tea Party Fade as a gift for my mom for mother's day/her birthday (her birthday is in June).

I've got a couple shawl patterns bookmarked and the plan is to let her pick the shawl design she likes and offer her the choice of me making it up for her or her having the fun of making it herself (she also crochets). If she opts for me making it, I'll drop everything else and work on that, of course.

I also ordered the Meet Me in the Moonlight mini fade from the same dyer for myself.

Isn't it gorgeous? It'll likely be a cowl/infinity scarf (I'm going to have a lot of cowls to choose from whenever I get around to actually using all the yarn in my stash *snort*).

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