New novel: "Jane and the Final Mystery" by Stephanie Barron (2023)

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New novel: "Jane and the Final Mystery" by Stephanie Barron (2023)

Nov 29, 2023, 6:18 pm

Any fans of the "Being a Jane Austen Mystery" series by Stephanie Barron here?
In the 15th and finale novel, Jane and the Final Mystery, Jane is visiting her brother in Winchester and her health has been declining. When a local schoolboy is murdered, one of his classmates is accused of the crime. Jane sets out to discover the truth.
Afterward by the author following the text. I enjoyed reading this series over the years and was sad to see it conclude.

Gen 22, 1:04 pm

>1 princessgarnet: Stephanie Barron spoke to the Jane Austen Society and said she was sad to write this as well. I have enjoyed her earlier books in the series, as she captures the limits on what a proper lady in that era could do, and works within them. But gets things done.

Gen 26, 10:41 am

I love this series. Thanks for altering me (us) to the latest. And yes, I guess, like Jane herself, it had to end sometime. I plan to go back and reread them from the beginning.

Feb 9, 2:18 pm

I just checked this book out from the library and the plan is to start reading it this weekend. As sad as it is to conclude this series, I'm really glad Stephanie Barron lived to tell the tale and is alive to boot. I've had to say goodbye to favorite authors and wonder what might have been.