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Nov 3, 2023, 8:32 am

PAKISTAN -> Afghanistan

Today I am at Torkham, on the Afghan border with Pakistan, where 10s of thousands of Afghans have gathered, having been expelled from Pakistan. More than 2,000 families have crossed here in the past 24 hours. We’re seeing perhaps the largest forced expulsion in the world since the 1950s.
0:10 ( )

- Sulaiman Hakemy @SulaimanHakemy | 4:44 AM · Nov 2, 2023
Journalist, Opinion Editor @TheNationalNews. You can also read me in BBC , @NYTimes
, Vice and elsewhere

IRAN -> Afghanistan

Days after Pakistan started trying to deport 1.7 million Afghans, many of whom have lived there for decades, Iran now says it wants to expel all 5 million of its Afghans. The world’s most refugee-filled countries are on the verge of executing the world’s largest ethnic cleansing

- Doug Saunders @DougSaunders | 12:14 PM · Nov 2, 2023
International-Affairs Columnist, The Globe and Mail. Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow at the Robert Bosch Academy. Author of Arrival City, Maximum Canada, etc.

RC @robblue477
They can certainly go north, but more likely they'll head west to Turkey where they will become pawns to be leveraged by Erdogan against EU. Here comes another crisis.

Doug Saunders @DougSaunders
I expect so, although Turkey has a huge wall on that border and is waving swords at its own afghans

RC @robblue477
Erdogan can't help himself as he loves using the refugees as leverage. He knows very well that its a highly divisive issue for the EU. He always looks great when he turns off the tap.

Doug Saunders @DougSaunders
And he just won the election by outdoing the opposition in promises to deport refugees (different refugees, but still…)

RC @robblue477
The thing about the middle east that people don't understand is underneath all types of transactions there has to be a financial benefit, and of course endless negotiations. It's the culture.

Errant (deport ‘Freedumb Convoy’ back to Europe) @errantballs
Neither Turkey nor Pakistan are in the Middle East. Was Pakistan receiving funding for hosting millions of undocumented refugees for decades? Nothing suggests Pakistan has been angling for $$.
