What Are You Making Now?


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What Are You Making Now?

Ott 27, 2023, 12:07 pm

Post photos of your current WIPs or your finished creations.

Ott 27, 2023, 12:14 pm

Here's my latest: a mage's coat for Charlie's Halloween costume:

Ott 27, 2023, 12:15 pm

wow! impressive!

Ott 27, 2023, 12:16 pm

>3 al.vick: Thanks! I'm pretty proud of it, since he handed me a sketch and I cobbled this together from several different patterns. You can see it in this photo, but it has godets in the back and on each side, which make it really full. I kind of love it.

Modificato: Ott 28, 2023, 3:24 pm

I've been doing a large book purge (at least 100) and catching up with the gardens but I still have more of the charity quilts to finish. So no pic yet....

Ott 29, 2023, 8:30 am

>2 scaifea: That is very nice and l love the color.

Ott 31, 2023, 8:08 am

Charlie in costume this morning for school:

I'm pretty proud of the godets in the coat:

Ott 31, 2023, 8:36 am

very nice!

Ott 31, 2023, 9:28 am

That looks terrific! It's a great costume even without the hat.

Ott 31, 2023, 9:36 am

>9 rosalita: Aw, thanks!

Ott 31, 2023, 11:44 am

Wow that's amazing, Amber! Nice work.

Modificato: Nov 28, 2023, 11:58 am

I have finished my first of the space cross stitch patterns. I don't know if this will come through, there seemed to be some wonkiness in rendering the picture once it was uploaded:

The colors are a little wonky too. The fabric is all white, the dark parts are just shadows I guess.

Nov 28, 2023, 12:09 pm

>12 al.vick: Oh, I like that a lot!

Nov 28, 2023, 4:32 pm

Thanks! I thought it came out nicely. I wasn't sure what to do with the diffraction spikes, the stitches were kind of long, but I wanted them to look straight, not like a line of smaller stitches. I was going to try framing it in a wooden hoop, but have not investigated about how to go about that.

Nov 28, 2023, 4:48 pm

Oooh, very cool!!

Dic 1, 2023, 8:05 am

I've been working on xmas projects lately; here's the most recent finished product, a Feathers McGraw (from Wallace & Gromit fame) for my husband (he's a big fan):

Dic 1, 2023, 8:27 am

I love that, Amber!

Dic 1, 2023, 9:00 am


Dic 1, 2023, 12:54 pm

Thanks, folks!

Dic 3, 2023, 6:29 pm

>16 scaifea: Super cute.

Dic 4, 2023, 10:01 pm

>16 scaifea: Adoreable!

Dic 5, 2023, 6:23 am

>20 MickyFine: >21 beehappy: Thank you! He was pretty fun to make, too.

Dic 10, 2023, 6:06 pm

Trying to finish several more children's quilts before the holiday, but other things seem to get in the way. I'll deliver what I have done so they have it for the holiday and deliver any others after the holiday.

Dic 11, 2023, 6:43 am

>23 avaland: I understand that; I'm feeling my annual Holiday Project Panic. So much to get done and so many other pesky non-crafting obligations.

Dic 12, 2023, 6:32 am

Another xmas gift finished: an Ahsoka (a Star Wars character, apparently) amigurumi for one of our nieces:

Dic 12, 2023, 10:53 pm

She's so cute!

Dic 20, 2023, 1:43 pm

ooh! I love that!

Dic 28, 2023, 8:48 am

Thanks! The niece loved it, so I'm happy.

Dic 28, 2023, 10:19 am

>28 scaifea: - Yeah!

Modificato: Gen 8, 10:28 am

I've been encouraged to share what I'm working on. but as I struggle to maintain multiple threads, I'm likely going to just post in here. I mostly cross stitch, usually in front of the TV. I will also have a go at quilting and other sewing. I've also started french knitting again, but cannot knit or crochet for love nor money.
I've had this kit of The Great Wave by Hokusai on the go for ages, bought it in lockdown with birthday money from my MiL. I finished the 3rd page of 4 and had to move the hoop, so it seemed like a good time for a progress picture.

Gen 8, 11:01 am

>30 Helenliz: Beautiful work!

Gen 8, 12:02 pm

Welcome Helen! I'm so glad you joined us.

I love that Hokusai piece. One more page to go! I'm curious, what is the finished size?

Gen 8, 12:15 pm

>31 MickyFine: thanks. Just don't look too closely >;-)

>32 lauralkeet: I love it too, it will be going in my bathroom when finished, and the bathroom will be furnished to match.
14 inches by 10, approx.

Gen 8, 12:17 pm

Thanks Helen. It's going to be lovely.

Gen 11, 11:59 am

oh wow! Very nice!

Gen 13, 4:26 pm

>30 Helenliz: I adore that painting and have that pattern somewhere or other...

Gen 13, 4:27 pm

My latest finished project:

Gen 15, 10:55 am

so cute! I love these.

Modificato: Gen 17, 12:04 am

My first finished project for this group ever...

This is a scarf I started as a present for my daughter's college graduation. The problem, though, was that she graduated fifteen years ago, and I just finished this project tonight. I sent her a picture of her finished scarf which she thinks is amazing. I'll give it to her next time I see her. She now wants me to crochet a coat for her whippet! LOL! She said her dog cannot wait 15 years for her coat, though. :D

Gen 17, 6:29 am

Gen 17, 9:28 pm

>40 scaifea: Thanks.

Gen 20, 8:03 am

Boba Fett is done, and that'll be all I'll make for the Star Wars display. On to other projects now!

Gen 20, 8:22 am

Gen 20, 11:26 am

>42 scaifea: He turned out great. I bet all those color changes were a bit of a nuisance to do.

Gen 20, 2:57 pm

Gen 26, 6:28 am

>39 SqueakyChu: Wonderful that it got finished!

Feb 22, 3:37 pm

I have taken on a project that I might regret.
We've been clearing his parents' house. He's come home with a captain's chair that was his father's. It needs a cushion. In the house were a lot of kneelers that his mother had been involved in making and were no longer needed after the reorganisation of the church. I said I thought I could try and make a cushion of a couple of them. I have started unpicking the first kneeler. I was relieved to see that the corner fabric is present. It needs a wash before going any further. I fear it might involve a lot of unpicking, I'll never match that red.

Feb 22, 5:57 pm

>47 Helenliz: Not sure what the dimensions are on this, but what if you made it into a stool cover instead? No unpicking required, just sew up the corners and tug it down over the stool cushion.

Mar 10, 10:24 am

My daughter saw a crochted Peeps bunny pattern so I started one yesterday.

Mar 22, 5:25 am

Trying to finish several quits so I can retire.

Mar 22, 6:41 am

I've finished the blanket I was working on and am now making a baby hat to use up leftover yarn. Will make a pair of socks too.

Mar 22, 10:13 am

I've finished the front and back of another Christmas quilt and I'm going to see if I have enough batting to sandwich it and start quilting.

Mar 22, 10:49 am

I crocheted 5 Easter Bunny Peeps. They turned out cute.

Mar 23, 4:11 pm

I just updated what I've finished on my thread (as well as inserting haul photos). Besides those, I'm stitching on 3 larger pieces: Pandemic by Long Dog Samplers, The Lord's Prayer by Lila's Studio, and The Lord Bless You by My Big Toe Designs. I've also got one more sled nearly done. I just don't have the 4 seed beads I need to complete it. I'll pick those up next weekend at the cross stitch shop.

Mar 23, 9:51 pm

I'm working on a cross-stitch piece to go on the wall in our guest room.

Mar 24, 8:05 am

3 squares in on a cross stitch afghan baby blanket, 25 more to go...

It will have numbers 1 to 12, with a square of the same number of items. 9 teddies is next up.
The across the middle, baby's name, date & something to fill the last 2 squares in the blanket.

Mar 24, 9:19 am

I finished the baby things for my friend. Blanket, hat and socks. Details and photo on my thread.

Mar 24, 3:41 pm

>56 Helenliz: That is cute!

Apr 21, 2:11 pm

>57 PawsforThought: Nice.
I found out yesterday, my granddaughter will have a girl.

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