work combination / separation, need help


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work combination / separation, need help

Mag 13, 2023, 1:25 pm

Good day. Been working fervently to clean up my library collection from hastily adding books over the past few years without fully understanding how some of the LT features work. Slowly learning. One area I've been a bit timid to approach is fixing works, but today decided I would give it a try. Had a book in my collection (which I've since deleted) because the ISBN (0451628047) appears to be linked to a series in LT, of which, my book is not a part of.

I've looked at - and best I can tell, this definitely appears to be separate from the series.

So, to make things easier (or so I thought), I decided to delete my entry of this book and re-enter it, hoping it would capture the correct data this time from a different source (University of Ottawa).

My book (new entry) -

Much to my dismay, upon adding the book back in, it appeared to be linked to the work/series again. So I separated this from the work/series. It is now here:

I think I've made it worse rather than better and not sure how to fix it at this point. I'd love to know where I went wrong and how to fix it if anyone would be so inclined to help.

Modificato: Mag 13, 2023, 2:30 pm

1) Deleting and reentering almost always makes things worse.

2) This should be combined with the main work of The Inferno. The Italian original and all its translations belong in the same work, unless it is abridged or has major amounts of other material published with it.

3) Yes, every edition of Inferno is part of The Divine Comedy. ( Just as every edition of Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone is part of the Harry Potter series, whatever language it is in and whether it is the UK or US version.

Mag 13, 2023, 2:39 pm

>2 MarthaJeanne: I hear you, but I want to understand. Would you be able to explain to me how deleting and re-entering usually makes things worse? I truly thought it would be easier than trying to "fix" what I wasn't sure if I understood. Trying to figure out things out myself first to see if I can do it, learning from my mistakes.

Looks like you already combined with the main work, thank you. Truly appreciate the explanation, "The Italian original and all its translations belong in the same work, unless..." because I was questioning if The Inferno would be considered an abridged part of the The Divine Comedy. Didn't realize it would be considered it's own work. Sometimes feeling overwhelmed by all there is to learn. Thank you again.

Modificato: Mag 13, 2023, 3:16 pm

>3 chocorua: When you delete your book, the book does not get deleted - your connection to it is removed but the basic record always remains - it just becomes a zero-copy work (if it is on its own) or a zero-copy edition of it is inside of another work. It still needs to be dealt with and moved/combined - just as if you never deleted it. It is not your problem now if you don’t care about the site but for the site? It is now harder to find and fix - the site hides zero copies from some places (for good reasons) but they are still out there - attracting other copies, having info if any is there (series, CK, other authors and so on). Thus deleting and adding again creating a bigger mess than fixing it in place.

Mag 13, 2023, 3:25 pm

>4 AnnieMod: Got it and understood! Definitely care about the site and hope most share in the idea of making it better for everyone. I cringe at some of my past mistakes, but definitely learning as I go along. Sorry MarthaJeanne if I made it more difficult to fix, I know better now (and appreciate your help in fixing it). And thank you AnnieMod for the explanation. Nods to you both.

Mag 13, 2023, 7:24 pm

>5 chocorua: No worries - things are not always obvious and it takes awhile to get used to some of the more unusual things on the site (such as things essentially never getting deleted - updates and deletes merely change your record but leave a ghost of the old data. :) it can make things look a bit weird - but it also means that you have full control of your own data.

We can deal with deleted records - but if you are adding from the same source, the newly added book will end up where the previous record did anyway (and if you change sources but someone else uses the first, theirs get caught there). Thus people untangling even books which do not have active copies - it saves a bigger mess downstream (like the time someone combined all the Shakespeare plays together… cannot happen as easily now but…). :)

I delete only when I either decide not to add the book or if I get the wrong edition. Otherwise, it is a lot easier and cleaner to just figure out what went wrong and why and fix it on the work level if needed. Plus the next person using my source (and I usually use Amazon so a lot of users will use the source) will have a cleaner experience. :)

Translations and parts of works are always fun. Depending on your personal preferences our policies may or may not make sense but the basic rule is that if the text is the same (minus introductions and other minor essays), it is combined regardless of language and edition - so the special edition and the mass market edition, the audiobook (when unabridged and just a reading and not a dramatization) and an Italian (or English) translation stay together. On the other hand a split work, a work with more than one individual work inside or an abridged one stay separate - and we use the relationships to connect them.

The autocombiner has issues with some titles because of how it guesses where to combine. So split volumes and similar things often end up in the main work. So we go and rescue them.

Hope that helps a bit. ;) and have fun with the site - if you need help, just come back and ask - we are always happy to either untangle something or explain how to do it so you can. :)

Mag 13, 2023, 9:22 pm

>6 AnnieMod: I love LT and if my family had any idea how much time I spend on here with my books they just might be concerned about me ;) So appreciative for the help from others and there's a strong desire to learn, improve and contribute. Came to LT with zero library experience, just an ever growing collection of books and a desire to catalogue and make sense of them. Recently, I've spent a lot of time in HelpThing, WikiThing and groups trying to understand works a little better, combining and separating, among other things. Still feeling unsure what to do in a lot of situations and trying to balance 'just giving it a try' and reaching out for help so I'm not too much of pest. Despite all that though, definitely having fun here!

Thank you for explaining all of that about the translations, parts and such. Going to star this topic so I can refer back to it. I know I'll have more questions so I definitely appreciate the willingness to help. :)