Sade Vs Sotos

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Sade Vs Sotos

Mar 6, 2023, 7:36 am

Sade Vs Sotos

I am thinking what does Sotos think of The Divine Marquis , definitely uptil 1970s Marquis ruled this genre , but Sotos emerged , but to be honest I don't think there is any comparison between the two , although both of them have taken literature to the limits where for Sade an unborn or stillborn fetus are destroyed for pleasure where as for Sotos the literature witnessed the discharge towards a fetus in mothers womb , Reasoning vs Extreme consciousness both are unparalleled to their respective , what do you think ?

Is Sade meaner and more violent than Sotos who has taken the imagination to such a level where everything, adult humans, the dead, infants, fetuses as well as unborn fetuses are all subject to his reasoning and to his pleasure of destruction?

Mar 6, 2023, 7:38 am

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