lesmel - 2023 spoolish procraftination

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lesmel - 2023 spoolish procraftination

Gen 6, 2023, 2:56 pm

I spotted my quilt on the quilter's Instagram feed! I should get an invoice in a couple days, I think. It looks really good!

Also, I am going to send off the other lap quilts to get them out of the way. I have to decide if I'm going to stick with the same quilt pattern...which looks great with the Double Slice block...or go with different patterns. Different patterns mean each quilt is just that little bit extra special, right?

Gen 7, 2023, 6:05 pm

I loved all the reviews and photos at the end of your 2022 thread!

Gen 8, 2023, 3:41 pm

I enjoy your thread titles, and just know I'll enjoy seeing your quilting projects.

Gen 9, 2023, 11:09 pm

My Ottlite came apart in my hands! {insert sobby emoji}
My poor lamp (you survived four years). My poor bank account (the lamp is two years out of warranty). A bracket that holds the head to the neck snapped. I'm wondering if I can take it to a repair place. The light works great. From what I can tell, the wires would have to be cut, the metal piece would have to be replaced, the bracket that's still screwed into the neck would need to be carefully removed, and the wires would need to be retwisted and capped (whatever that is really called).

In the photo, you can see the attached bracket on the left. The broken bracket is still securely screwed into the neck on the right.

Is repairing possible? Is it worth it? Ugh. Too much adulting with everything else in the house going wrong.

Gen 9, 2023, 11:22 pm

I can't really tell from looking at that picture what broke, but if the replacement piece can be acquired, it should be repairable! Rewiring in a lamp is about as basic an electronics project as you can do. You could probably even do it yourself if you dareď, wire nuts (those little twisty plastic cap things) are way simpler than I realizeď before I actually did anything with them.)

Gen 10, 2023, 1:25 am

Oh, no!
I agree that it should be fixable and rewiring is definitely easy enough to do it yourself (I’ve done it several times). I hope you can get it sorted out.

Gen 11, 2023, 8:29 am

The little table-top OttLite I got didn't even last that long. At the moment, I'm using a reading LED light for when I travel somewhere. I've got a floor stand light but it's not a fancy one. I'm going to try out several of the higher end ones before deciding which I like best. I try different ones at the cross stitch shop as they have several set up around the table where we stitch. I think I'll be able to try some others out when I go to StitchCon and lots of crafters and their different lights are in the room.

Gen 11, 2023, 1:13 pm

If you see The Daylight Company at StitchCon, try them out! I'm price shopping a replacement if my Ottlite can't be repaired. So far, I really like the design of the lamps from The Daylight Company.

Gen 13, 2023, 5:05 pm

>4 lesmel: Scary, but like the others, I'd opt for trying to fix it myself.

Gen 17, 2023, 2:17 pm

Here are some better photos of the broken bracket:

Here you can see the "prong" on the left. There's a nut and a washer that hold the entire bracket to the neck. You can see where the wires feed through the bracket, washer, and nut.

You can see the bracket that is broken off is still securely screwed into the body -- near my thumb. Also you can see where the wiring is already in the twist caps.

I emailed Ottlite to ask if the bracket is even fixable/replaceable to start with.

Gen 17, 2023, 2:20 pm

First completed project for the year: Double Slice Library! This will be going to a family friend in California.

Gen 17, 2023, 3:21 pm

Am I the only one that does this while sewing? There's something very soothing about lining up all my clips as they come off the project.

Gen 17, 2023, 3:47 pm

>11 lesmel: - That's a cute quilt. The color distribution is really nice. And I like the back too.

>12 lesmel: - Were these clips from the binding? That's a lot of clips. I'm surprised they don't fall off.

Modificato: Gen 17, 2023, 4:46 pm

>12 lesmel: Well, I don’t do that but then I don’t own any clips. I can see their usefulness in some cases but I hate plastic.
I do have a mouthful of pins every time I sew anything…

Oh, and great quilt! I love the simplicity of the blocks.

Gen 17, 2023, 5:01 pm

>13 dudes22: Yep! I use Clover clips for keeping the binding in place. I can't remember when I stopped using pins for almost all of my piecing

>14 PawsforThought: Do you use only glass-head pins?

Modificato: Gen 17, 2023, 6:35 pm

>15 lesmel: Eh, I honestly couldn’t tell you what kind of pin they are - they’re just sold as “sewing pins”. But I use ones that don’t have a big “head” but just a very small metal blob at the top. I find the larger (usually plastic) heads to be in the way and making it difficult to have the fabric lay flat.

ETA: I’ve search around online and I think the type I use are “dressmaking pins”. They looks the same, at least.

Gen 18, 2023, 7:59 am

>11 lesmel: gorgeous quilt!

Gen 19, 2023, 11:02 am

Beautiful work!

Gen 19, 2023, 11:29 am

I love a quilt with red in it. It always looks properly cosy. I've taken to using those plastic clips when I'm sewing bindings on. Saves getting pricked and stabbed. I too dislike plastic, Paws, but it isn't single use so I console myself that way.

Gen 20, 2023, 10:36 am

>19 tiffin: That's how I feel about these clips. I'm going to use these clips until they wear out. If I'm careful, they won't wear out and they can go to someone else whenever I stop crafting. Also, the last time I used straight pins for a binding, I stabbed myself for two hours straight. Not doing that ever again.

Gen 20, 2023, 1:49 pm

Funny - I only attach my binding in place at the beginning. I leave about 10"loose for attaching it at the end and then I basically walk it around the quilt. Unless... do you sew both sides on at once? I only attach it to the front and then hand-sew it to the back.

Gen 21, 2023, 9:29 am

>21 dudes22: I attach to the front, figure out the invisible join, fold, clip the binding to stay in place, machine sew back to front. I'm 100% sure my technique wouldn't pass muster for any quilt judging; but my way has worked for 10+ years. I CAN sew both sides at once on small projects; but that's rare.

Gen 21, 2023, 4:33 pm

>22 lesmel: - Basically the same way I do it. I do walk it around before I start to make sure none of my joins will end up at the corners.

Gen 22, 2023, 10:35 pm

Spotted an embroidery project on Instagram that ALMOST had me tempted to haul out whatever floss and needles I have...and I even think I have a couple hoops. Basically, 1 icon per day. Like a mood or activity journal for the year. I could probably do that for my reads for the year. Probably won't though. lol

Gen 25, 2023, 7:33 am

>23 dudes22: I have gotten fairly good at missing corners with the joins. I think that is more a reflection of the quilt size than my skill, though. lol

Gen 25, 2023, 8:45 am

>25 lesmel: - Yes - some quilt sizes I can figure out without the "walk".

I was going to pop over anyway to ask how you square up a block that is larger than your biggest square ruler? The blocks I'm working on will be 15.5" sq but my biggest ruler is only 12.5. (This is going on my Christmas list for next year) Do you use the cutting mat or just an extra ruler? Sometimes when I cut strips larger than my 6.5" ruler, I just bump 2 rulers together. I'm wondering if that would work.

Gen 25, 2023, 12:49 pm

Quilt from >11 lesmel: was received! I got a call in the middle of bookclub and stood out in the cold weather talking to the recipient for about 10 minutes. I was so pleased with his joy. :)

I have the last quilt from 2022 sitting on my table waiting for me to sew border strips and attach them.

I also need to ship out another quilt to the longarmer. I think I mentioned my plan is to send two quilts a month and until I get them all finished. Huh. Well, my schedule will be delayed. My quilter is having shoulder surgery and their schedule is pushed out 8 weeks!

Quilt form submitted this morning. Now to line up the next two I want to send.

Gen 25, 2023, 1:02 pm

>26 dudes22: I never trust my cutting mat to be accurate. Between warp and a table that isn't really flat (more on that in a second) I will either use my largest square ruler and my largest long rulers or I'll tape two rulers together.

Now that I have a fancy cutting table that is smooth and even AND I have non-warped mats, I could probably trust my mats for cutting. However, I'm so ingrained to not trust them, I never think about it. LOL

Gen 26, 2023, 4:17 pm

Got a text from the friend with the quilt in >11 lesmel:. I'm ridiculously pleased by this quilt gifting. A lot of times, I feel like the quilt gift is an obligation (fyi, NONE of the quilts I've made and gifted have been obligatory); but this one feels different.

Gen 29, 2023, 11:37 am

>24 lesmel: I rarely use a hoop or q-snap with cross-stitch. Someone at the cross-stitch shop was amazed that I seemed to have the right tension even without one. I kind of started stitching in hand because holding the q-snap was aggravating my carpal tunnel. I know people with arthritis often need them so at some point, I'll probably have to begin using one again, but I hope not soon. I get more things in my wish list from FlossTube than from Instagram but Instagram can still be dangerous.

Feb 7, 2023, 4:52 am

Quilt from >27 lesmel: is already winging its way back to me. I spotted it twice on the quilter's Instagram feed. Time for me to get another quilt in the mail! This means I need to get the top on my table finished because it will be the second quilt to ship for Feb.

I was thinking about it last night, I am going to pay to have my double star quilt bound at the same time I send it for quilting.

After having read Remarkably Bright Creatures I now want to make an octopus quilt. Maybe just a wall hanging? Anyone seen anything like this? While I was at Quilt Festival, there was a booth that had a jelly fish wall hanging. That thing was gooooorgeous.

Modificato: Feb 7, 2023, 5:21 am

>31 lesmel: - I have this book on hold at the library. I think I've seen that jellyfish quilt in a magazine (or one like it). There are some octopus quilt patters on Ety.

Feb 11, 2023, 10:47 am

Colorful Cats came back from the quilter. I need to piece the binding and sew it on. The plan is to get it done this weekend and ship it to the giftee on Monday or Tuesday.

Do you see the quilting design? I really love how all of the quilt designs have worked so well with all the quilts so far!

Feb 11, 2023, 11:04 am

The quilt top from the end of 2022 is finally pieced! It will be going out in March for quilting. If you remember, this was the true random project with a tumble in the dryer and a picking process that had only a few "rules."

Somethings really interesting about this project:
* There are only two blocks that doubled up -- the green and the brown ON THE SAME ROWS
* There are only three blocks where the long "skylight" is horizontal.

I will probably try this pattern again very soon. I want to try with a layer cake of solid metallics.

Modificato: Feb 11, 2023, 12:52 pm

That's a great design for the quilting on the "cats" quilt. When I did the 2 memory quilts with lots of music fabric, my quilter found a pattern that had music notes and clefs in it. IT a nice but subtle thing to do.

ETA: I forgot to say that a quilt blogger that I follow is doing something similar to the bottom quilt. The blocks are all similar and she's arranging it in a color-wash pattern across the quilt.

Feb 11, 2023, 1:15 pm

>35 dudes22: Which blogger? Interesting thing about this pattern...I've seen it at least one other time in my long-armer's Instagram reels. There aren't very many posts for the pattern on Instagram, either.

Feb 11, 2023, 3:50 pm

It's not exactly like yours, but close.


Feb 11, 2023, 5:09 pm

>37 dudes22: I was pretty sure that's who you meant. You mentioned her last year or maybe the year before? I have followed her since!

Feb 19, 2023, 11:17 am

Quilt from >33 lesmel: was sent to the giftee! She loved it!

Text conversation:

LB: Oh. My. God. Spike!!! You made me a cat quilt!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! I am overwhelmed--thank you so much! That looks like a lot of work!

Me: Did you get a good look at the quilting?

LB: Omg. It's hard to see on the patterned parts, but it was clearer on the purple. CATS!! I am not worthy. RB is gonna plotz when he sees it.

Me: I'm so glad you love it!

LB: It's so beautiful! Thanks, Spike! It is the best surprise present EVER!!!

Me: Fair warning, I apparently am a cat whispering quilt maker. Everyone that get a quilt & has pets discovers they have to share. 😆

LB: I am sure it will get sniffed thoroughly. And I predict Tycho will commandeer it and want to hide under it to stay warm. She just shot me a creepy look, as if to say, "Buzz off, woman! This quilt is MINE!"

LB: Okay, THAT didn't take long. Tycho claimed the quilt already!

Me: Ha! Weird cat whisperer skills unlocked (again)!

LB: She just crawled under it to take a nap. Oh, BTW, how do I wash it?

Me: It can take, hot cold or warm. I already washed & dried on hottest to get the classic quilty crinkles. It's all 100% cotton from fabric to batting.

LB: Okay, cool. Thanks. And Tycho thanks you, too.

Feb 19, 2023, 11:29 am

I'm looking over my project list and I'm trying to decide what to make next. I really want to send more tops before I tackle another project; but I think I will be making a pattern called Brickyard from Amy Smart (aka Diary of a Quilter): https://diaryofaquiltershop.com/products/brickyard-quilt-pattern-pdf.

I have the perfect collection, I think. A line called Simple Pleasures from FIGO: https://issuu.com/figofabrics/docs/_figo_lookbook_april2020_v3-pages-low2/46

Feb 20, 2023, 11:26 pm

Project shift! I pulled my fabric and realized it's fat quarters. This means I can use a different pattern -- Craftsman (also from Amy Smart): https://diaryofaquiltershop.com/products/craftsman-pdf-pattern

Also, I think I need some fabric other than sharp white for the sashing. A LQS has the perfect print. Maybe.

Feb 21, 2023, 5:27 am

>41 lesmel: - That's a pattern I've looked at too. Someday...

Feb 21, 2023, 8:49 am

>41 lesmel: I love that Craftsman pattern!

Feb 21, 2023, 11:16 am

I slept on it and would really prefer not to buy more fabric. I need to work with what I've got. That's going to take some sorting and thinks.

Feb 21, 2023, 4:16 pm

Ooh, I love that Craftsman pattern, too. I can't wait to see what you do with it. And I admire your commitment to using fabric you already have. 😃

Feb 21, 2023, 4:58 pm

>44 lesmel: Very wise!

Feb 25, 2023, 9:51 pm

Ok. I folded like a wet paper napkin. I found the single fat quarter I need for the Simple Pleasures/Craftsman; buuuuuuuut Sparkly Elephant has a Friday Fat Quarter sale. For the love of fabric gods, how am I supposed to resist that?!

I foresee a second Craftsman or Brickyard in a smaller size. Maybe I'll do some sort of spin on the Craftsman with larger rectangles. I don't even know the fabric collection, designer, manufacturer of any of this. Huh, I just realized I put the tomatoes fabric in with the fruit instead of down with the olives and such. The plan is to make a double sided quilt. No idea if that will even work; but as a wall hanging it would. Probably.

Feb 25, 2023, 10:53 pm

I will not admonish you for your fabric weakness! Nicely vibrant colors in those.... Will look forward to seeing what you do with it all!

Feb 26, 2023, 3:58 am

There is a line of fabrics called "Farmer John" that these look alot like. If you go back and look at pos #123 from my thread last year, you can see the pattern I used for my vegetable and fruit quilts. It's from a pattern called "Chopped" that was in a McCall's magazine years ago and it's made from fat quarters. I could make a copy and send it to you if you're willing to wait until after Mar 9. We're leaving on vacation today, so wouldn't be able to get to the post office.

Feb 26, 2023, 6:57 am

What an interesting fabric haul! Like Lois, I can't wait to see these appear in a quilt or two.

Feb 26, 2023, 7:22 am

>47 lesmel: I did not know they made such fun patterns on fabrics. I do not quilt and have not sewn forever. These are great.

Feb 26, 2023, 1:18 pm

>48 avaland: & >50 lauralkeet: The colors are really what caught my eye. There's something about the chalkboard lettering and the bright pop of the fruit.

>49 dudes22: That's actually exactly the line. It took some Googling; but I found it last night. Farmer John's Garden Party. I'll go look at your thread later. I have to go buy mulch to appease the HOA gods first. lol

>51 mnleona: It is amazing what novelty fabrics are out there in the world; and now with digital printing, the photo-realism of the fabrics is sometimes...disconcerting.

Feb 26, 2023, 1:59 pm

I think a quilt made out of those fruit and veggie fabrics would make me hungry all the time.

Feb 27, 2023, 10:07 pm

>53 thornton37814: That's what two friends said! 😂

Feb 28, 2023, 10:59 am

My projects may be on hold for a month or two. I'm not 100% sure just yet. I went to the podiatrist yesterday to finally figure out what the heck is wrong with my foot (left) and ankle (right). Turns out, the thing I was dreading is exactly what I have -- plantar fasciitis and heel spurs on both feet. The left is significantly worse than the right.

I got a cortisone shot in the left (and taping) and strict instructions to start stretches on the right. In four days, I'll take the tape off my left foot and start on the stretches for that foot. I've been told I need to be consistent and diligent in my stretches. Oddly, I have been doing all the correct stretches...just not consistently.

So, now I have reminders in my phone to stretch 3x a day AND ice my feet with frozen water bottles 10-15 minutes every day 2x a day. If everything goes as planned, I should heal on my own in two months.

Feb 28, 2023, 4:19 pm

>55 lesmel: Fingers crossed that your feet heal up nicely!

Mar 3, 2023, 8:09 am

I've been super diligent about stretching and icing; I have noticed a difference in my right foot/leg. I can untape the left foot tonight. I am ridiculously excited about it because it means I can shower like a normal human.

I have been testing my limits of "light activity." That seems to include about 10 minutes of standing once an hour twice OR about one hour of kitchen activity.

This means I can do some fabric cutting if I'm laser focused, organized, and mindful. One might ask why I don't just cut while sitting. I have tried dozens of times and I cannot cut straight while sitting. Not large or long pieces, at least.

I'm not pushing myself. I sit almost all day for work. I only get up to get some steps in. I'm conserving all of my standing and walking minutes for getting the big rectangles cut for this Craftsman quilt. The smaller rectangles, I should be able to cut sitting they are 4x5.

Mar 4, 2023, 6:47 pm

Got a few more big rectangles cut. I have three more fat quarters to cut the big rectangles. I might get them cut tonight before going to bed.

Yesterday's shower was a glorious as I hoped. I had the water turned as hot as I could stand it. That's pretty rare for me. I do not like coming out of a shower feeling like a boiled lobster.

If I get most of the fabric cut for the quilt before Monday, I can spend my week piecing. I have an online conference I'm attending. It may not be possible because I really don't like the idea of stark white sashing for this quilt; but that means buying instead of using what I have. *sighs*

I'll have to think on it.

Mar 6, 2023, 6:00 pm

Spent a few minutes today mocking up the quilt top with the two solids I was considering.



This is just sample layout. I haven't even begun to figure out placement. I did figure out I can incorporate a 3" border instead of sashing and a border. Also, I will have enough blocks left over to make a pieced back.

Also remembered the fabric shop is closed on Mondays. I'm glad I double checked before heading out there at 4pm.

Mar 7, 2023, 6:02 am

I think I like the seafoam better, but then it is your quillt :-) I seem to be doing everything but quilting these days (reading, cleaning, rearranging....) but I hope to be inspired by your quilt.

Mar 7, 2023, 6:22 am

I think I agree with Lois. I like the green better too.

Mar 7, 2023, 8:15 am

>60 avaland: & >61 dudes22: Seafoam seems to be the clear winner. It's what I chose when I first pulled the fabrics. J, my friend with the cat quilt, picked seafoam, too. Here's hoping they have the fabric in stock at the LQS.

Mar 7, 2023, 1:59 pm

I also like the seafoam.

Mar 7, 2023, 4:24 pm

YALL!! Someone sent my quilter a Craftsman quilt! https://www.instagram.com/p/CpgIgFvvd4I/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

The universe needs to stop freaking me out.

Mar 7, 2023, 5:56 pm

Definitely seafoam!

Mar 12, 2023, 5:55 pm

Seafoam is winging its way to me. As well as a solid back that I can combine with the extra blocks. I think I'll start cutting the small rectangles in prep for the fabric arriving in a couple days.

I have been flirting with the idea of cutting some projects (no one faint) mostly because when I get bored with work (usually when there is nothing pressing for me to do) or need a short break I used to take a quick walk. I can't do that just yet. Now, I sit on the couch and snack while watching a short documentary episode. Snacking bad. Bad bad baaad snacking! So, maybe some short little fabric cutting sessions will help me break the snacking habit.

Y'all know me. I don't like more than one project on my table at a time. Also, I have a tendency to not do well with projects unless there's continuity. Maybe I can just sit down and design a quilt top as a break. That could be fun.

I'm hoping the doc will tell me I can go back to walking so long as I do my stretches and ice my feet. I see him on Monday.

Mar 12, 2023, 7:13 pm

I've been thinking of cutting out a project that I probably won't get to until next year. It's sort of a sampler quilt so I was thinking I could put each block in its own bag so it's organized until I can sew it. I usually have two projects going at the same time which is not good. I like the way to concentrate on just one project and get it done so fast.

Hope your doctor gives you good news and you can start walking again.

Mar 14, 2023, 2:51 pm

I've been graduated to a night splint and see the doc again in 8 weeks! I can go back to walking. I need to maintain my stretching exercises. I already hate the splint; but I'm adjusting and will be an adult about it...eventually. lol

The fabric has arrived! I haven't had the time or ambition to cut the raindrop fabric. I'll work on everything and maybe have a new quilt top by Sunday.

Mar 15, 2023, 7:25 am

Great news about your recovery! Keep doing that PT -- it will pay off.

Apr 27, 2023, 8:02 pm

Good news! Hope your foot continues to get better!

Apr 29, 2023, 9:56 am

I hope your recovery is still going well!

Have you cut that new fabric yet?

Apr 29, 2023, 12:01 pm

The seafoam will be perfect. All the best with your foot recovery.

Modificato: Mag 18, 2023, 10:52 am

It's been ages...or seems that way. My foot is still in recovery. I have a appt tomorrow to (probably) get a second shot. I'm in significantly less pain; but there's still tightness and pain depending on how hard I push and what shoes I'm wearing. The fact that I can walk barefoot to the toilet at 2AM is a minor miracle.

I'm going to try to finish cutting all the fabric for the project from >59 lesmel:. I will have to re-read all the instructions again to make sure the raindrop fabric is running the correct direction.

I haven't sent a quilt for binding in 2.5 months. I need to get back on the ball for that. I have four smaller quilts and then my quilt. I'll have more tops to sandwich and get backed up again if I don't get back on schedule!

Modificato: Mag 17, 2023, 5:49 pm

Wow! It's nice t see you back here. Seems like ages. I went back to look at your mock-ups. I like that pattern a lot. We're working on kids quilts in my church charity sewing group and that would work up pretty fast I would suppose. I have a lot of novelty prints that I think would work well with it. Hope you do some sewing soonish.

Mag 18, 2023, 10:47 am

>73 lesmel: Sending more well wishes as your foot continues to heal!

Mag 18, 2023, 11:09 pm

>73 lesmel: Get well soon! Your work is beautiful.

Mag 31, 2023, 6:43 am

Happy to hear you are getting better.

Giu 22, 2023, 9:19 am

My foot is about 98% better. I still have tightness when I walk; but I just need to remember to stretch, ice, and soak my feet. Oddly, soaking has been an eye opener. I thought for sure that hot Epsom soaks would maybe make things worse; but I did a foot peel thing and it needs warm/hot soaks to help make your feet look like they have a disease. I can't say the soaking is a miracle cure; but it definitely makes my feet feel a LOT better.

In other news, I had to euthanize the love of my life last week. The vet said it was time. I've pretty much been useless since. I have no motivation and I don't want to face the effort of making any decision. Even worse is this crushing guilt I feel because I'm getting the best sleep I've had in probably a year. I'm sort of going through the motions of life. I've even been cutting pieces for the quilt that has been on my table since March (>59 lesmel:). I figure if I can get that cut and piece through my grief, I might actually be able to complete other quilts this year. There's very little decision making to be made on this quilt. I made all the decisions back in March. I just need the mindless routine of cutting and piecing.

Giu 22, 2023, 10:17 am

>78 lesmel: I'm so sorry for your loss. What a sweet face your pupper had. I totally understand not feeling like doing anything fun right now.

Giu 22, 2023, 10:50 am

>78 lesmel: Oh, I’m so sorry you had to make the awful decision to say goodbye to your friend. I had to do the same thing a few months ago and there really are no words to describe how crushing it is to have to make that decision and then to have to be without them. Try not to feel bad about being able to sleep better, grief carries with it many emotions and relief is very often one of them.
Working on the quilt sounds like a very sound idea to me, that kind of near-mindless work is referred to as “therapy work” over here, for the exact reason you mention - keeping your hands occupied can often be helpful.

Giu 22, 2023, 11:24 am

>78 lesmel:: I am so sorry you've lost your friend. Having gone through this a few years ago with a 20 year old cat with dementia who wailed throughout the night for two years, I really understand your guilt at finally getting a decent sleep. I didn't realise how sleep deprived I was until I wasn't. When we love them, it's always so raw for the first while. Just do what you can manage, and be gentle with yourself.

Giu 22, 2023, 11:25 am

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Giu 22, 2023, 2:46 pm

Reading your post brought tears to my eyes as I remember how hard the decision is to let your pet go. Even when you know it's best for them, you still fell guilty. I hope having something to keep you busy will help you through this.

Giu 22, 2023, 3:50 pm

>78 lesmel: I'm so sorry you lost your pup. :( He has a darling face - and I have to wonder how you got him to sit still for the picture! (My three fur babies seem to want to look ANYWHERE but the camera when I'm trying to get a picture of them.) I'm glad for you that you have that visual to enjoy as you miss him, and I hope the memory will be a blessing for you.

Giu 22, 2023, 4:54 pm

>84 PlatinumWarlock: Tater tots. Her absolute favorite thing after cheese.

Thanks, everyone, for the sympathy.

Giu 22, 2023, 6:19 pm

>85 lesmel: Tater tots might be MY favorite thing after cheese also. I get that. 💜

Giu 23, 2023, 6:59 am

I'm just catching up with the sad news, and I'm so sorry. Like others here, I've experienced the sadness that comes with grief, and the guilty relief that comes from no longer having to care for a pet in the late stage of their life. It's a tough time, and I'm glad you have the piecing work to help you get through it.

Giu 23, 2023, 10:55 am

>78 lesmel: Oh, I'm so sorry. I made the decision to euthanize my cat yesterday, and intellectually I realize it was the least awful of the available options, better than waiting for a crisis and acute distress, but I felt horribly sad and weirdly out of sorts this morning without the routine of preparing and administering an array of medications. I can completely sympathize with the mental and physical exhaustion.

>85 lesmel: Tater tots.
Hah. What an adorable face!

Giu 23, 2023, 3:19 pm

>88 qebo: Oy. That first day after is so hard! I sympathize with you.

Giu 24, 2023, 10:02 pm

I think I may have made a small mess of my "no thinking required" plan...by thinking. I started with four colors for the smaller rectangles:

And seven prints for the larger rectangles:

I decided I wanted three more fabrics for the smaller rectangles:

I'm too tired to care if I've really made a mess. I'll figure it out in my sleep or some time tomorrow.

Giu 24, 2023, 10:05 pm

Related to the mess, I went to two LQSes today. One I have been to, one is new to me. I have no idea why I didn't realize they are only about 2 mins about from each other. Altogether, I think they are maybe 12 miles from me. This should be interesting now that I'm aware how close they are.

Modificato: Giu 25, 2023, 9:09 am

Nice to see you feel well enough fret over your quilt. I do especially like the prints for this. It will make a great quilt. LQS? - Large Quilt Show? Large Quilt Shop?

Giu 25, 2023, 9:50 am

>90 lesmel: That does seem elaborate for "no thinking".
Local Quilt Shop/Store? I'm familiar with LYS = Local Yarn Shop/Store.

Giu 25, 2023, 2:51 pm

>92 dudes22: & >93 qebo: yep, LQS = Local Quilt Shop

>93 qebo: I swear that once my brain starts going I'm gonna make something 10x more complicated than it needs to be. I had it ALL PLANNED OUT. There WAS no thinking with this quilt because I'd laid it all out in >59 lesmel:. It was all tidy and repeating and then I had to be all obsessive about wanting some dumb balance in my own brain with the number of large rectangle prints (7) and small rectangle prints (4).

It turns out to be a blessing because focusing on this "problem" (that I created) has kept me from dwelling on the depression I feel from picking up her ashes on Friday. Although, last night I had a minor freakout when I tried to nudge her away from me on the bed and realized it was my iPad and pillows crowding me. That split second of "not her, she's gone, what the hell is touching me" made me almost have a panic attack. Yay, brain!

Giu 25, 2023, 3:39 pm

>78 lesmel: I mostly lurk here, but wanted to say that I'm very sorry for your loss. She had such a sweet face. Hang on to all those good memories, and that you knew it was her time. Grief does funny things to our brains, for sure. Sending virtual hugs.

>88 qebo: sorry for your loss as well.

Modificato: Giu 25, 2023, 6:04 pm

I let randomness solve all my problems -- not much thinking needed.

What will need to be decided is how big I want this top. I'll figure that out once I get the blocks pieced. I'm pretty sure it will be 4 blocks x 5 blocks. That will leave me with a column of blocks for the back!

Giu 26, 2023, 9:12 am

I want to say how sorry I am to hear from those who lost their pets. It is always a hard decision to make. I have also lost pets. Sending hugs.

Lug 4, 2023, 9:40 am

Some interesting prints there!

Lug 4, 2023, 7:25 pm

I've made decent progress on the Craftsman quilt. Here's where I was this morning:

I've got the block rows sewn with vertical sashing between each block. I've got the sashing rows cut. I still need to piece them and sew them to the block rows; but I think I may shuffle a couple rows if I can manage it.

I've been sewing all day with a couple long breaks. I'm taking another break before I decide if I'm going to tackle the last of the sewing. It would be great if I finished the top today. If I don't, no big shakes. I can tackle it in parts the rest of the week.

Lug 5, 2023, 4:43 am

That's looking nice, lesmel.

Lug 5, 2023, 11:35 am

>99 lesmel: I like the 1 & 3 arrangement. Also admiring the cleanliness of the kitchen floor.

Ago 21, 2023, 10:02 pm

My life is wildly out of control at the moment. https://www.librarything.com/topic/347509#n8171425

Ago 22, 2023, 6:21 am

>102 lesmel: - Well that's certainly a headache. We live in an HOA too with the same rule and it can be hard to plan when outside things need to be done. Hope you get your approval in a timely manner.

Ago 25, 2023, 8:12 pm

Craft room is packed -- mostly. I have some odds and ends left. The count so far:

eight 27-gallon totes
seven 16- or 18-gallon totes

I still have the stuff in a dresser and an armoire (mostly sheets and blankets) to pack.

Ago 26, 2023, 9:19 am

>105 lesmel: That's a handsome dog. Congrats on the packing. What a disruption this all must be.

Ago 26, 2023, 5:50 pm

What a gorgeous dog. Kudos to you for the training. I'll keep you in mind if we ever get a puppy LOL.

Ago 26, 2023, 8:41 pm

>107 lauralkeet: My cousin cracked me up when I was talking about the puppy. She asked when I would be available for a new client. Camp Puppy is defunct as of Tuesday. 🤣

Ago 29, 2023, 4:28 pm

Puppy has gone home. Foundation repair rescheduled b/c HOA has not approved EMR. Storage unit reservation cancelled. Now I get to do some "fun" flooring shopping.

Set 15, 2023, 12:43 pm

Sorry for the HOA headaches.

Set 17, 2023, 11:43 am

Haven't done any floor shopping. Foundation repair is two weeks away. Still need to get my butt in gear to rent a storage unit, hire movers, and pull carpet.

Ott 29, 2023, 11:29 pm

Foundation done. Sadly, the new roof has to be repaired. 1/4 of it has to be ripped off & reshingled. I am just alight with joy...not.

It will cost me twice what I paid out of pocket when the roof was done back in FEBRUARY.

I need to pull my stuff from storage. It will probably be the new year before I get to the flooring in the bedrooms. My garage will be my storage unit, instead.

At least I will have all my fabric back. Maybe I will be able to finish the one top that has been on my work table for nearly a year.

Ott 30, 2023, 6:24 am

I certainly hope that things get back to normal for you soon. We've only been in our place for a little over 7 years and already we need to have all the windows replaced. (and - yes - the place was new when we bought it.) I'm hoping the vendor will give me a quote that will be held while I get the HOA to approve. Such a hassle.

Nov 1, 2023, 3:56 pm

Movers booked for next Tuesday. I'm hoping to keep my totes in on one side of the garage...closest to the house door. That way; I might be able to get to fabric. Although, really, who am I kidding. Sewing is like the second to last thing on my list of 5,000,00 other things to do/be doing.

Nov 3, 2023, 6:29 am

Crossing all fingers that everything goes well. How dare life gets in the way of your quilting! :-)

Modificato: Dic 14, 2023, 12:41 pm

Quilt Festival was last week/end. I went on Friday and Saturday. I'm not sure I was really invested in the show this year like I was last year. I think some of it was the show itself and some of it was the last 10 months. I bought two patterns and two yards of fabric. I was totally committed to buying a LOT of yardage if Giucy Giuce fabric had been at any booth. I'm in love with Sleuth, From the Basement, and From the Attic (a trio of lines he/Andover Fabrics calls "True Crime"). I mean, really, one of the colors is called "Ecchymosis." How ridiculously nerdy and perfect is this set of fabric collections for me? I watch/listen to true crime while quilting. I've probably mentioned these collections before.

I took maybe 10 photos across 2 days. This year's quilts didn't wow me nearly as much as last year. Although, I missed a quilt in the show and only saw it on Instagram. If I had seen it, I'm pretty sure I would have just sat in front of it all afternoon (see below).

Also, I wanted to cry (not really but yes) after having to walk away from the new Little Rebel machine from Grace Company. It's a great price for a mid-arm machine that will work with a frame or a quilting table. The sales guy let me rethread the machine. It was easy. Yes, the diagram in on the machine; but threading sideways on a machine with a loaded frame is not a walk in the park. Apparently, Grace Company is releasing a new Cutie frame next year called the Cutie Breeze. That will be interesting to follow.

The other thing I saw was the Martelli tables. If sewing/design/quilting was my business, I would 100% invest in at least one of these tables. Three-way tilt, electronic raise/lower. Their stool was also pretty awesome.

Found a copy of the photo that went missing...

Nov 6, 2023, 7:03 pm

>116 lesmel: - Wow! and Wow! It's just dawned on me that it was before covid when we visited my husband's cousin and went to the show. Might have to plan a trip back in a year or two. Those fabrics you linked to are so interesting. I have to admit, I've never heard of that line of fabrics before.

Modificato: Dic 14, 2023, 12:42 pm

>116 lesmel: I have no idea where the photo went. I don't remember deleting it; but I can't find it at all. Grr!

Dic 9, 2023, 10:50 pm

The house is still a wreck. I don't have flooring. I can't park in my garage. There's not a tidy spot in the house. I have, however, made some decisions about the rooms.

I am going to swap the current office with the no longer a craft room...and currently known as Front Room 2.

Right now, the office is center to the house and has French doors. I have wanted it as my craft room from the day I moved into the house because it has wood floors and Front Room 2 had carpet. Well, if I'm living in the house I own, I should get to do what I want, right? So, yep. Front Room 2 will be my office and French Door Room will be my craft room.

In the new office, I want to put in a day bed. I have an old iron and brass full bed frame that is my old bed. I want to talk to my nephew (he's working on his last year of welding at college) and ask if he thinks he could take it and convert it to a single day bed frame. My vision is to take the headboard, turn it into the back of the day bed, split the foot board and weld those to the headboard as the sides, and weld the rails in place to allow for slats to be laid down. I have no idea if this would even work. Maybe the head- and footboards are too short? Maybe the rails won't work for a day bed? Maybe the footboard needs to be the back and the headboard needs to be split?

I'm also possibly buying an adjustable desk and treadmill tomorrow. I hope I am. I have wanted one for 2+ years now. I'll have to store it in the garage until I get the flooring down for the front rooms.

Mom asked if I was going to sew this weekend. Ha. There will be no sewing until the new year...until I can move stuff around. In all honesty, I could move a bunch of stuff to my garage, set up my sewing room and happily ignore the house wreck.

Dic 9, 2023, 11:21 pm

Current furniture in the French Door Room:

French style desk (hate)
Ikea Arts & Crafts style desk (love, except the drawer)
Target media cabinet turned printer stand (hate-ish)
(4) Pier One bookshelves
(3) steel 2.25 drawer filing cabinets
Arm chair
Leather desk chair, broken (hate)
Wheel kitchen shelving (temporarily parked, love)

Current flotsam in the French Door Room:

(6) Vacuum bags with clothes and linens
(6) storage boxes
Standing mat
Glued completed jigsaw puzzle that needs a frame -- and possibly more glue
Junk from French desk drawers
Junk ON French desk
Books (not flotsam, but need moving with shelves)
iMac (obsolete, giving to brother)
Canoe lamp
Ott lamp

What was in the craft room?
Ikea dresser (fabric)
Ikea shelf (fabric & books)
Black side chests (tools & supplies)
Green chest (fabric, tools, & supplies)
Sewing table
Cutting table

What do I want in the craft room?
Cutting table
Sewing table
Green chest
Black side chests? (repainted?)
Dresser? (painted?)

Dic 10, 2023, 12:08 am

What do I want in my new office?

Adjustable height desk
Sitting desk
Office chair
Day bed
Arm chair?
Reading lamp?
Side chests from Safari bedroom set?

Walking desk set up in SE corner, back to room
Sitting desk set up at window, back to window, black out curtain for meetings?
Daybed along N wall?
Bookshelves along S wall?
Green screen?
Make closet into cloffice -- unlikely

To Dos?
Make floor plan
Make to-scale furniture paper "dolls"
Measurements for everything -- room, closet, window, furniture

Dic 10, 2023, 6:12 am

I like the plans for your new craft room, and getting a peek at your thought process. Good luck with it all.

Dic 10, 2023, 6:25 am

Your plans sound good! My very tentative plans for when I finally get a place is also to have an iron daybed in the office! (Although mine will also be combined with the craft room.)

I look forward to seeing how it all turns out.

Dic 10, 2023, 1:19 pm

When we moved to where we are now, I knew we wouldn't have enough overnight company to justify(?) setting up another bedroom. So we bought an Ikea couch with a chaise end that then converts to a queen bed. (It's like a trundle bed. That left me enough room to set up a banquet table with my smaller sewing machine so I can use that as a second area to quilt. Looks like you've got some good plans.

Dic 11, 2023, 10:55 am

ARGH! My graph paper isn't lining up correctly when I try to tape it together. I have 8.5 x 11 sheets (standard US letter size); but buried in my storage totes is an oversized pad. I could use my iPad graphing app, maybe. Hrmmm. I tried figuring out where the offset happens in the sheets; but I had other things to do yesterday that ate up my attention.

I needed to wrap one outside pipe. That was an unholy mess; but I got it done. Whoever has to wrap it next time (probably me) is going to need to cut the insulation off because I used a LOT of duct tape. I also bought a used under desk treadmill and adjustable desk! One step closer to getting the office I want!

Dic 14, 2023, 12:27 pm

Ugh. I just don't have the time or the energy to play space planner right now. My tentative plan for now is come back after the holidays, move everything I can from the French Door Room into my garage and set up my craft space. No, that isn't solving anything long term; but it's a start in the right direction. I have a feeling I'm going to need more bookshelves. It's not something for me to worry about right now. I need to remember I can only work with what I have in front of me in the moment.

Dic 20, 2023, 1:00 am

I'm staring at a quilt I made for my mother. It's not hung well. I think about this nearly every visit. I really want to get some quilt clamps to hang the quilts in this room. There are three biggish quilts (lap size) and one long quilt that was supposed to be a wrap. Leave it to Mom to decide she wants to display the thing I want her to use.

Dic 20, 2023, 5:01 am

Sounds like the "it's too good to be used" syndrome. I had an aunt and when she died, we found sweaters still in boxes that we had given her for gifts. For the quilt I hung in the guest room, I used a curtain rod pole and used those rings that have clamps at the end to hang it.

Dic 20, 2023, 11:26 am

>128 dudes22: I mean..she's using it right? It's just not the use I envisioned. 😂

Dic 21, 2023, 12:50 pm

I'm gonna need a little piffle to get to the magic number. I was thinking I could do a short inventory of the projects I copied from magazines. I can't go over my own project list (it will just make me cry if I could) since I didn't bring in with me.

I asked Mom what she would want for her craft room. She would love lots of shelves, a drafting table, storage for scrapbooking supplies, storage for fabric.

Dic 21, 2023, 1:58 pm

>130 lesmel: - If it makes you feel a little bit better you're not alone. I took out my box of UFOs last year or the one before and counted all the tops I had done that needed finishing as well as others I had hanging around and the total was over 50. I don't think I've finished anything from that box and I know there are now more that I haven't finished. (Including those Christmas tops for next Christmas.) With the projects I have planned for this year, I highly doubt that I'll finish many/any of them, but I have good intentions.

Dic 22, 2023, 11:52 pm

I'm pretty sure I mentioned that my step-sister made a denim bag that I love. I keep wanting to remake the bag. I have an oversized denim bag that I made and love; but I really want a smaller tote.

This is my step-sister's tote:

Dic 23, 2023, 1:34 am

Ha! I like this Periodic Table of Quilt Blocks from C&T Publishing.

Dic 23, 2023, 10:06 pm

Ok. A little more piffle for this thread! I need to lose this list of C&T catalogs. They have backlists and it makes me want to order ALL THE THINGS through the library!

Dic 23, 2023, 10:08 pm

Oddly, I only read 9 crafty titles this year. Going to post about them...

Modificato: Dic 23, 2023, 10:11 pm

We Love Color: 16 Iconic Quilt Designers Create with Kona Solids
Mostly average quilty title. I'm not sure what I was really expecting.

Modificato: Dic 23, 2023, 10:28 pm

More 90-Minute Quilts: 20+ Quick and Easy Projects with Triangles and Squares
It's fine. Some of the methods are worth a try. Not much new from the other quilty titles I've read.

Modificato: Dic 23, 2023, 10:28 pm

Terrific Tees: I Can't Believe It's A T-Shirt Quilt
I like seeing different ways to create t-shirt quilts that aren't just squares or rectangles.

Modificato: Dic 23, 2023, 10:30 pm

How to Embroider Almost Everything: A Sourcebook of 500+ Modern Motifs & Easy Stitch Tutorials
I really like this. It's far better as a print book than an ebook. Also, I'd still need videos to explain some of the stitches.

Modificato: Dic 23, 2023, 10:33 pm

Modificato: Dic 23, 2023, 10:41 pm

Easy Stack Quilts, Doyle
Yet another variation of "stack and whack." Very detailed. I'm never gonna do this style of piecing...at least, not from a book.

Modificato: Dic 23, 2023, 10:42 pm

Pillows & Quilts: Quilting Projects to Decorate Your Home
Shabby chic-y? aesthetic. Interesting projects.

Modificato: Dic 23, 2023, 10:43 pm

Wild Blooms & Colorful Creatures: 15 Appliqué Projects--Quilts, Bags, Pillows & More
Really lovely projects that I'll never make; but I can oooh and aaah over.

Modificato: Dic 23, 2023, 10:48 pm

Modern Triangle Quilts: 70 Graphic Triangle Blocks - 11 Bold Samplers
This is an interesting quilty book. Sections include: equilateral, right, and isosceles triangles. HST and HRT are usually the easiest (least fussy?) quilt triangles.

Dic 25, 2023, 7:39 am

I think it is great you are reading all the quilting books. I really should include more of the cross-stitch books I've read this past year in my totals, but I don't always think to include them.

Dic 27, 2023, 12:52 am

Had a nice crafty-ish haul for Xmas. My cousin got me several prints for my craft room & a couple tin signs & a tote bag. Not crafty, but still awesome, she got me an elephant salt & pepper shaker set.

Dic 27, 2023, 4:26 am

Now you've got me wondering if I should add some of the quilt books I have to LT so I know I have then.

>146 lesmel: - I haven't gotten any quilting stuff yet, but there's one more get-together next weekend so maybe then.

Dic 30, 2023, 8:20 am

>147 dudes22: If I don't record my crafty reads, I would end up reading the same things over & over. Hope you get at least one crafty gift!

Dic 30, 2023, 12:03 pm

>148 lesmel: - Even though we saw the kids on Christmas Eve, we're getting together today to take them out for dinner and then come back here for gifts and dessert. I'm pretty sure my daughter-in-law is getting me a set of fabric clappers since she asked what I wanted.

Dic 30, 2023, 9:37 pm

>149 dudes22: I have a tailor's clapper that I love. It makes the seams on my quilts so crisp & flat!

Dic 31, 2023, 5:57 am

I was right! I did get a small and a large clapper. I'm anxious to give them a try but it might be a couple of days before I get back to sewing. Now that we've had our last company for Christmas, it's time to take down the decorations. Despite my best efforts, I have a forest of needles under the tree.
Questa conversazione è stata continuata da lesmel - 2024 Sew it seams.

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