Best December 2022 Read

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Best December 2022 Read

Dic 26, 2022, 4:01 pm

I had one 5-star read: Daughter of York by Anne Easter Smith. A great historical fiction of Margaret of York, sister of Edward IV and Richard III, amongst others. She was wed to Charles of Burgundy, a madman and a fool. She was barren and this caused her much sorrow. Not much is known historically about Margaret, but that she was a shrewd negotiator for her day and age. She was permitted liberties because her brother was the King of England

Dic 27, 2022, 11:51 am

Enjoyed reading the novels of Mary Wesley, who published her first book at age 70.

Modificato: Dic 30, 2022, 10:29 am

Bob Ross' Happy Little Night Before Christmas

This is a sweet and short book using the Night Before Christmas poem. The winter art of trees, mountains, and buildings remind one of Bob Ross and his wonderful paintings. Poem is by Robb Pearlman and the paintings by Bob Ross. Cover design is by Brigid Pearson.
I won this in a giveaway from Goodreads. I plan to purchase some for next year Christmas gifts for some of my family.

Gen 2, 2023, 4:04 am

I'm belatedly discovering Barbara Pym. In December I enjoyed No Fond Return of Love. Subtle humor, good prose.

Gen 5, 2023, 12:04 pm

Over the last several months, as I was helping my mom transition from her home to an assisted living apartment, I came across lots of her old hardcovers that were from the 1940's and '50s. Most are in great shape, but she couldn't fit them all in her new place (only one small bookcase made it!) so I inherited most of them.

I read, and enjoyed, Not As a Stranger by Morton Thompson. It was heavier than I expected to be so it caught me off guard. I was also surprised by the medical procedures that were apparently being done in the 1920s, the time period of the novel.

I also read her very old copy of Green Mansions, which I didn't particularly care for. I liked the physical age of the book, and her maiden name inscribed on the inside cover, so I'll keep it for those reasons.

Lots more to go, and it's been fascinating already.

Gen 5, 2023, 5:45 pm

Best book of December and a favorite for the year -

The Book of Lost Friends by Lisa Wingate. historical fiction

Gen 5, 2023, 7:54 pm

>5 terriks: What a treasure trove!

Gen 7, 2023, 6:52 am

>5 terriks: I have been trying to remember the name of the book, Not as a Stranger lately. I had to write a book report in high school but I was working and other school work, so I read the end of the book and did my report, which was not really complete. Frank Sinatra was one of the stars in the movie.
My granddaughter found a 1948 copy of Pride and Prejudice this past weekend on my shelves.
I think you will enjoy your mother's books and I wish her well in her new place.

Gen 8, 2023, 8:55 pm

>8 mnleona: Thank you so much! She's been doing great - it's one of the rare places that accepts pets, so she and her little dog are quite comfortable. :)

I knew there was a movie made from the novel but didn't know it had Frank Sinatra in it! Funny that my mention of the book came at a time when you were trying to recall it. Kismet!

That's awesome about your granddaughter finding your old copy of Pride and Prejudice - I hope she loves it!

Gen 8, 2023, 8:57 pm

>7 Tess_W: Yes, Tess - it's been kind of emotional going through all her things and deciding what had to go to donations. :) We both agreed that the books would stay with us somehow!