Plastic Canvas


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Plastic Canvas

Modificato: Nov 17, 2022, 9:33 am

I have done some plastic canvas in the past. I want to make some more door hangers that have a snowman and says "let it snow" for the grandkids as they enjoy the snow.
I am in Minnesota and it has snowed for 4 days now.

Nov 23, 2022, 11:25 am

I haven't done plastic canvas. My mom did some, and I might have some of her stash in a box--not sure if I kept it or let it go in the yard sale. I doubt she had a very big stash. She crocheted more than anything, but she did make a few things with plastic canvas.

Nov 29, 2022, 9:22 pm

My mother did plastic canvas too. In fact, I think I still have a couple of small purses she made. And I have a birdfeeder ornament she made with plastic canvas and a small plastic cup. When I pull out my decorations, I'll take a picture and post it.

Nov 30, 2022, 2:23 pm

This is the ornament my mother made many years ago using plastic canvas.

Nov 30, 2022, 3:52 pm

That's so cute!! I love the little bird. Does it use real feathers? Quite the piece.

Nov 30, 2022, 4:34 pm

>4 dudes22: That is absolutely adorable!

Dic 1, 2022, 8:33 am

That is so cute. I have seen a pattern for it.

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