Discussion Stats for Bloodline, James Rollis

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Discussion Stats for Bloodline, James Rollis

Modificato: Nov 16, 2022, 4:46 pm

147. Bloodline - James Rollins

Book Discussion:
Series: Sigma Force Book #7
Publication Date: March 26, 2013

Book Description:
Galilee, 1025. Infiltrating an ancient citadel, a Templar knight uncovers a holy treasure long hidden within the fortress's labyrinth: the Bachal Isu -- the staff of Jesus Christ -- a priceless icon that holds a mysterious and terrifying power that promises to change humankind forever. A millennium later, Somali pirates hijack a yacht off the coast of the Horn of Africa, kidnapping a young pregnant American woman. Commander Gray Pierce is enlisted for a covert rescue mission into the African jungle. The woman is no rich tourist: she's Amanda Gant-Bennett, daughter of the U.S. president. Suspicious that the kidnapping masks a far more nefarious plot, Gray must confront a shadowy cabal which has been manipulating events throughout history...and now challenges the current presidency. For this unique mission, SIGMA is aided by a pair of special operatives with unique talents: former Army Ranger Captain Tucker Wayne and his military war dog, Kane. But what should be a straightforward rescue turns into a fiery ambush and a deadly act of betrayal, as Gray and his team discover that the hostage is a pawn in a shattering act of terrorism with dark repercussions. And the danger is only beginning... Halfway around the world, a firebombing at a fertility clinic in South Carolina exposes a conspiracy that goes back centuries...a scheme that lies within our genetic code. With time against them, SIGMA must race to save an innocent unborn baby whose very existence raises questions about the nature of humanity, asking: Could you live forever? Would you live forever?

Dates Read: - November 10, 2022 - November 15, 2022
Participants & Ratings: (10)- Andrew:4.5 - Sergei:4.5 - Carol: 5.0 - Lynda:5.0 - Eadie: 5.0 - Bluebird:4.5 - Maura:4.5 - John: 5.0 - ColinMichaelFelix:5.0 - Brenda:4.5
Overall Average Rating: 4.75

Nov 10, 2022, 10:33 pm

Me! Me! Add Me!

Modificato: Nov 11, 2022, 7:23 am

>2 ColinMichaelFelix: Of Course...of Course... I wasn't sure who was actually going to participate when I did the stats, so I just waited to "see" everyone. You're there!

Nov 11, 2022, 7:51 am

And we’ve yet to hear from Brenda. She’s joined the group - I hope she can find time to catch up with us and contribute..

Nov 11, 2022, 8:00 am

>4 Sergeirocks: Thanks. I'll add her to the stats. Has her friend Jodi come on board yet? Maybe Brenda will tell her .

Nov 11, 2022, 8:05 am

>5 Carol420: This seems to be the largest group read ever!

Nov 11, 2022, 8:22 am

>6 EadieB: It is. Usually there is just 7 or 8 of us...but this time we have the "usual suspects' and 2 new ones.

Nov 11, 2022, 1:50 pm

I'm still puzzled as to how the book is divided up for each day's questions. Is it the number of pages divided by the number of days for the group read or perhaps number of chapters divided by days? Can someone explain to this novice please?

Modificato: Nov 11, 2022, 2:41 pm

>8 Maura49: Not a problem. Each day has an assigned number of chapters. Yesterday, Nov 10 we read and discussed questions from the Prologue to the end of chapter 8. Today, November 11 we read chapters 8-16 and the questions that are now up covers those 8 chapters. Tomorrow, November 17 we'll read chapters 17-22 and Andrew will post those questions sometime tomorrow. I'll put the schedule her in case you missed it...and it's okay to ask questions. We're glad you're here and we want you to have fun and enjoy the book.

Nov 10- Prologue - Chapter 7
Nov. 11- Chapters - 8-16
Nov 12 - Chapters - 17-22
Nov 13 - Chapters - 23-29
Nov 14 - Chapters- 30 -35
Nov 15 - Chapters 36 - Epilogue

If any of us can be of any more help to you about anything, please feel that you can ask. You don't have to keep up with anyone in the group...the questions will remain here after the 15th, and someone will always come back and discuss any of the questions with you.

Modificato: Nov 11, 2022, 7:14 pm

Hi Maura, I apologise for the delay, it wasn’t showing up that there were new responses for some reason.

Basically I look at the length of the book and decide how many days we will read the book over, it usually ranges from four to six based on the length of the book. Then I divide the book as closely as possible into equal parts based on the number of pages. It’s not perfect as when there are long chapters like this one, it can fall in the middle of a chapter and I need to decide whether to take it forward a chapter or back one.

I try not to make the sections too long for each day because of work or other commitments for group members.

Obviously these dates are just for the day on which the questions are posted. Everyone can read the book at their own pace and even if they didn’t finish chapter 16 until Sunday can answer the questions then. Others will still come back and discuss it with you.

We will discuss the book for as long as people are reading it.

Key thing is it’s a fun, informal read where talking about it with others enhances the book. Please read it at whatever pace you want to or are able to. As Carol said feel free to ask any questions.

Hope you have fun reading it and taking part.

Nov 11, 2022, 8:46 pm

>9 Carol420: I especially love the no pressure element of reading with this group. Usually I lag behind but this time I'm actually ahead because my schedule is so erratic but I won't go beyond the day's chapters when answering the questions.

Nov 12, 2022, 4:58 am

>9 Carol420:>10
Many thanks Andrew and Carol for this useful information. I am trying to keep up but pleased to know that if I lag I will still find comments. I'm finding the range of posts very interesting and informative, some sending me back to things I have missed!

Nov 12, 2022, 5:00 am

>9 Carol420: Many thanks Carol- this is really helpful and I will save the information but pleased to know that everything remains after the 15th in case I start lagging behind.

Modificato: Nov 12, 2022, 5:02 am

>10 Andrew-theQM: No apology necessary Andrew. Thank you for clarification. Good to know that I can catch up if necessary. Apologies for my somewhat messed up earlier post. I am not very technical and my posts can sometimes reflect that.

Nov 12, 2022, 8:31 am

>14 Maura49: We really aren't very technical either...just good friends that enjoy reading and conversing with one another. You and John are welcome additions.

Nov 12, 2022, 9:45 am

>15 Carol420: No we’re not. Still not worked out how to post a picture on here! Love having new people join us.

Modificato: Nov 12, 2022, 9:03 pm

>16 Andrew-theQM: Find your picture right click on it and select "Copy image link" Then go to where you want to place it and type... Type a left facing arrow and IMG SRC = (Don't leave this space) then paste your copied image link. then close it with a right facing arrow. Not all pictures can be copied, and you will know when you hit one of those. I use bing.com for many of mine but almost any are okay. Give it a try.

Modificato: Nov 12, 2022, 1:05 pm

Questo messaggio è stato cancellato dall'autore.

Modificato: Nov 12, 2022, 1:12 pm

Questo messaggio è stato cancellato dall'autore.

Nov 12, 2022, 1:10 pm

Don’t know where it’s going wrong unless it is because I am using an iPad but when I post the message I just get ‘This message has been deleted by its author’. Thanks for trying, gone al these years without it.

Modificato: Nov 12, 2022, 1:12 pm

Questo messaggio è stato cancellato dall'autore.

Modificato: Nov 12, 2022, 1:16 pm

>19 Andrew-theQM: I don't think it matters if it's a computer or an ipad. Don't give up. Picture are so much fun. Be sure you are asking it to "copy image link" and not just "copy image".

Nov 12, 2022, 1:17 pm

Modificato: Nov 12, 2022, 1:17 pm

>22 Carol420: yay, it worked!!!!!

Modificato: Nov 12, 2022, 9:01 pm

>24 Andrew-theQM:

I am proud of you!!! Now you can do pretty pictures everywhere.

Hey everyone...look what our Andrew did!!!! (#23)

Nov 12, 2022, 4:04 pm

>23 Andrew-theQM: Nice picture. 👏

Nov 12, 2022, 4:17 pm

>17 Carol420: >24 Andrew-theQM: Boo hoo. I tried and no joy. I will try again and see what happens.

Nov 12, 2022, 4:20 pm

>27 ColinMichaelFelix: Remember that you have to ask it to "copy image link" and not just "copy image".

Nov 12, 2022, 4:21 pm

>27 ColinMichaelFelix: Took a few goes for me, then following an internet search saw there had too be a gap between img and src but not between src and =.

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