VSS 2022?

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VSS 2022?

Ott 27, 2022, 2:42 pm

Hello fellow Viragoites,

It has occurred to some of us that it is the time of year when, in the past, we have started planning our Virago Secret Santa. Unfortunately, we were unable to hold the VSS last year because of a number of factors, including postage cost issues and low numbers.

We have had a query about this year, and I have put this to the other elves. At the moment, we do feel that there are lots of potential issues with holding the VSS this year, not the least of which is the postal strikes which are currently taking place on a regular basis in the UK and disrupting our postal deliveries quite significantly.

Additionally, there are issues in the UK with the cost of living rising rapidly for many which is not something which we can ignore, and we're aware that many of us are having to prioritise rising bills, so cannot commit to the cost of gifts and postage.

Therefore, we thought it best to put this thread up to see how others feel about the topic. You may prefer to wait for another year to see what kind of state the world is in! Or you may wish to be involved as an antidote to the problems all around us! Please do post on the thread below, or message me if you prefer, and let us know if you would like to take part in a VSS this year or not. If you *do* wish to do so, it would be helpful to know as soon as possible so we can gauge numbers to see if this is viable.

Many thanks!


Ott 28, 2022, 9:42 am

Tricky question indeed.

How about spreading Virago love around by donating one or two to your favourite Little Free Library? Chances are if you have a favourite spot, like minded readers also have that same favourite, and will be happy to find a Virago/Persephone gem there.

Books are yet another important category becoming more expensive with time, so this is just one more way to help.

Ott 30, 2022, 4:19 pm

That's a nice idea! We probably have less LFLs in the UK, bit there must be other ways we could spread books about to help those with less access to them!

Nov 1, 2022, 6:46 pm

Dear Viragos and Elves,

>1 kaggsy: Thanks so much for starting this thread, Karen.
VSS is always a lovely tradition but my feeling is that it might be best to pass on VSS 2022 for many of the reasons Karen stated.

Do share your thoughts!

Nov 5, 2022, 3:18 am

I love the VSS and might join if we run it this year, but I probably shouldn't. Apart from all the depressing reasons I am expecting a child in early January, so it might be wiser not to promise too much for December.

Would a Christmas card exchange with bookish recommendations and well wishes be interesting as an alternative this year? I am grateful for all the lovely books I have received from VSS, but I've loved the thoughtfulness that they were sent with even more.

Nov 5, 2022, 7:06 am

I too would love to join the VSS but fully understand it may be difficult this year.
Love the idea of a card exchange with recommendations so perhaps that could be an alternative.
Thank you Alvaret for suggesting.
Hope all goes well for January and the new arrival.

Nov 5, 2022, 4:59 pm

>5 alvaret: Oh, congratulations, and what lovely news!

And a card exchange is a super idea - if there is enough interest we could definitely think something up - I will keep an eye on numbers! Snail mail is always lovely!