Folio Archives 288: Tales of Suspense, Mystery and Imagination by Wilkie Collins & Edgar Allen Poe 1990

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Folio Archives 288: Tales of Suspense, Mystery and Imagination by Wilkie Collins & Edgar Allen Poe 1990

Set 15, 2022, 9:59 pm

Tales of Suspense by Wilkie Collins and Tales of Mystery and Imagination by Edgar Allan Poe (aka. Tales of the Macabre) 1990

This two volume set, issued in 1990, contains reprints of books initially published by the Folio Society in the 1950s. Titled Tales of the Macabre in FS promotional literature, this title appears nowhere on the books or slipcase. The contents of the books are photolithographic reprints to their original 1950s editions, but have very different black cloth bindings blocked with a red pattern on all sides. The endleaves are dark red, and the page tops are stained red.

Tales of Mystery and Imagination by Edgar Allan Poe was originally published in 1957. It has 302 pages, 21 short stories and ten has black and white monotypes by Michael Ayrton. It is introduced by Herbert von Thal.

Tales of Suspense by Wilkie Collins was originally published in 1954. This 255 page book contains ten short stories and eight two tone lithographs by Anne Scott. It is edited and introduced by Robert Ashley and Herbert von Thal. I much prefer both these entertaining and easily read stories and illustrations in this book to those by Poe.

The black combined two volume slipcase measures 23.5x15.4cm.


1957 edition


1954 edition

An index of the other illustrated reviews in the "Folio Archives" series can be viewed here.

Set 16, 2022, 1:30 am

>1 wcarter: As always, thank you for sharing. You have inspired me a number of times to make a purchase on eBay or Abe books! My money is safe this time though, the pictures in the Tales of Mystery seem to be on par with the Sharpe novels, although not quite as bad as the Rob Roy LE. Oh and no, I do not buy books for their pictures (not always)!