August-September 2022 - Catch up/Vacation time

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August-September 2022 - Catch up/Vacation time

Ago 1, 2022, 2:37 pm

Due to very low participation in the voting, we are taking a bit of a break from new authors. All previously selected authors are listed here: (with links to their threads - in cases of multiple threads, using the latest is probably the best idea).

So let's use this time to catch up with an author we missed or return to an author we really enjoyed. Was it someone from more than 2 years ago? Nominate them next time we open nominations :)

If you would not mind, please post in the thread where we discuss the author but also come here and tell us what you are reading :)

Have a good summer (winter down under) and look around for a new nominations thread later this week (because I cannot retitle the old one - if I get someone from LT to do that, I would do that instead) and let's try to pick someone for Q4 :)

Modificato: Ago 3, 2022, 2:00 am

I hope to read Mary Elizabeth Braddon's The Doctor's Wife. I understand it's a "response" of sorts to Madame Bovary. I read that decades ago, so I may need to re-read Flaubert before reading Braddon.

Set 23, 2022, 3:48 am

I forgot two mention that I finished two AC Doyles and one WS MAugham during these months: Sir Nigel, Uncle Bernac and Liza of Lambeth.