Online or books knitting help?


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Online or books knitting help?

Set 24, 2021, 5:23 pm

I have a friend whose mother knows how to knit but needs a refresher on stitches and/or places to purchase patterns. Do you have suggestions?

Says she who does not knit and is more liable to stab herself with a knitting needle than use it appropriately.

Set 24, 2021, 6:01 pm

I can help with this!

KnitPurlHunter is a good source for video tutorials. There are loads of YouTubers out there; I've found her site to be a reliable source for basic techniques.

Ravelry has become my go-to source for patterns. It has a huge pattern database (think of it like LT, but for patterns and yarn and such). Many patterns are free and many can be purchased through Ravelry (as PDF files). The pattern database will also tell you if it's published in a book or magazine.

This is just a start -- feel free to post follow-up questions, like if she's looking for specific type(s) of patterns or tutorials.

Set 24, 2021, 8:23 pm

I always check out Drops and Järbos YouTube videos when I need to learn or re-learn techniques. They’re silent, so no language barrier - thought Järbos videos have titles in Swedish so might be tricky to find. Drops’ videos have English titles and should be easy to find.

I get 99,99% of the patterns from the various Nordic yarn companies’ websites. They have tons of free stuff and at least Drops and Novita have them in English too.

Set 26, 2021, 10:44 am

>1 lesmel: If your friend's mother is more comfortable with books instead of online resources there is Vogue Knitting, a veritable encyclopedia of the art.

Pattern resources are more difficult to suggest, as that depends so much on her personal style, but if she finds a knitting magazine she likes, it will have lots of links to online resources for follow-up. Some magazines like the Interpretations series (Finnish and Argentinian authors combo) have codes in the back for online versions.

Set 26, 2021, 12:05 pm

>4 SassyLassy: Great suggestions. I love the Vogue Knitting book, it is really comprehensive. Vogue also publishes a knitting magazine, but their patterns tend toward the complex/more difficult. Interweave Knits magazine has a broader range when it comes to pattern difficulty.

Feb 4, 2023, 3:51 pm

Don't discount the value of face-to-face contact with other knitters! Check for knitting groups (knit shops, senior centers, libraries, etc. may sponsor or host them) that meet in the "rusty" knitter's area. Local Facebook-type listings may also be a help in locating these.

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