Feb/March 2022 Authors: Open nominations & voting

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Feb/March 2022 Authors: Open nominations & voting

Ago 18, 2021, 9:59 am

Hello all,

As January ended up getting covered last time in voting, we have just two months to vote for this time.

Please use this thread to nominate authors you'd like to read and discuss as a group. You can vote for an author by giving a second/third/fourth/etc. to any nomination. The two authors with the most votes will be the reads for February and March 2022.

Reminder that any authors discussed in the past 2 years are not eligible for nomination in this round. The list of these can be found here: https://wiki.librarything.com/index.php/Monthly_Author_Reads

However, anyone previously nominated but not selected can be nominated again.

Kindly get your votes in by December 1.

Best wishes,

Ago 18, 2021, 10:03 am

Some suggestions:

Gail Tsukiyama
-- one of the "lost" threads from several years ago
Jhumpa Lahiri
-- one of the "lost" threads from several years ago
Wilkie Collins
-- one of the "lost" threads from several years ago
David Sedaris
-- usually funny and we can use with some light-heartedness
Georgette Heyer
-- folks in my other book club have been recommending her for years
Shirley Jackson
-- it's been a while since I've read anything by her
Vera Caspary
-- sort of forgotten in literary history but I liked the two titles I read by her

Ago 18, 2021, 10:41 am

>2 sweetiegherkin: All of these sound great! The only author I have read from this list is David Sedaris. I will second all of them.

I nominate…

James Joyce
Daniel Defoe
Richard Wagamese
Herman Wouk
Oscar Wilde

Modificato: Ago 22, 2021, 12:43 pm

I'd suggest we take one of the "lost" threads for each cycle .. and then choose two new authors.

I'll nominate as a new author
Ernest J Gaines

Ago 27, 2021, 3:18 pm

Seconding Jhumpa Lahiri and Wilkie Collins.

And nominating:
Ngugi wa Thiong'o (I know he was done in 2009 but the thread has barely anything)
Jane Smiley

Ago 28, 2021, 5:20 pm

Ott 31, 2021, 2:14 pm

A third for Jane Smiley

Ott 31, 2021, 3:17 pm

A third for Ernest J. Gaines and a second for Oscar Wilde.

Nov 5, 2021, 8:08 pm

I don’t see a thread for this month. It should be for George Orwell. I am still waiting on my hold to come in from the library so I’m reading other things in the meantime.

Nov 5, 2021, 10:01 pm

can the author be a fantasy writer?

Nov 6, 2021, 2:38 am

>10 cindydavid4: Of course.

Nov 15, 2021, 2:29 pm

>9 Tara1Reads: I just posted it and the one for December - our admin is missing again :) I will post the January one in 2 weeks if they are still missing.

Modificato: Nov 15, 2021, 4:09 pm

>4 BookConcierge: thats a good idea; Id go for collins

N.K. Jemisin

Kelly Barnhill

Nov 15, 2021, 4:07 pm

>13 cindydavid4: Jemisin is not eligible so soon as she was our July 2021 author. The thread is here: https://www.librarything.com/topic/332815

You mean Kelly Barnhill, right?

PS: We won't reserve a space for a lost author but if one or more makes it to the top 2 spots, they will get it. :) If the group is interested enough in the author, they will buble up after al.

Nov 15, 2021, 4:09 pm

yes, fixed and I didn't realize there was a Jemisin thread! How did I miss that?

Nov 15, 2021, 4:25 pm

Current tabulation (so people know where we are without doing math and tracking all messages uphill):

Wilkie Collins (4) - sweetiegherkin, Tara1Reads, AnnieMod, cindydavid4
Jhumpa Lahiri (3) - sweetiegherkin, Tara1Reads, AnnieMod
Ernest J Gaines (3) - BookConcierge, Tara1Reads, kac522
Jane Smiley (3) - AnnieMod, Tara1Reads, dianelouise100
Gail Tsukiyama (2) - sweetiegherkin, Tara1Reads
David Sedaris (2) - sweetiegherkin, Tara1Reads
Georgette Heyer (2) - sweetiegherkin, Tara1Reads
Shirley Jackson (2) - sweetiegherkin, Tara1Reads
Vera Caspary (2) - sweetiegherkin, Tara1Reads
Oscar Wilde (2) - Tara1Reads, kac522
Ngugi wa Thiong'o (2) - AnnieMod, Tara1Reads
James Joyce (1) - Tara1Reads
Daniel Defoe (1) - Tara1Reads
Richard Wagamese (1) - Tara1Reads
Herman Wouk (1) - Tara1Reads
Kelly Barnhill (1) - cindydavid4

We are trying to pick up only 2 authors here :) 15 more days left for nominations and voting.

Modificato: Nov 15, 2021, 4:28 pm

I'll add a vote for Wilkie Collins; I've been meaning to re-read The Moonstone for years.

Nov 15, 2021, 6:54 pm

queen of hearts is my favorite book of his

Nov 15, 2021, 7:19 pm

>12 AnnieMod: Thank you for posting them!

Modificato: Nov 19, 2021, 10:10 am

Oh one of my fav authors has a new set of essays! these precious days by ann pratchett. Is it too late to nominate her?

Nov 19, 2021, 11:57 am

>20 cindydavid4: Open until Dec 1 :)
You mean Ann Patchett, right? :)

Nov 19, 2021, 6:43 pm

yes; not terry pratchett :)

Nov 22, 2021, 10:39 am

I'll nominate Angie Thomas

And I'll second Herman Wouk

Nov 22, 2021, 12:57 pm

Modificato: Nov 30, 2021, 2:02 pm

Current tabulation (so people know where we are without doing math and tracking all messages uphill):

Wilkie Collins (5) - sweetiegherkin, Tara1Reads, AnnieMod, cindydavid4, kac522
Jhumpa Lahiri (4) - sweetiegherkin, Tara1Reads, AnnieMod, BookConcierge
Ernest J Gaines (3) - BookConcierge, Tara1Reads, kac522
Jane Smiley (3) - AnnieMod, Tara1Reads, dianelouise100
Gail Tsukiyama (2) - sweetiegherkin, Tara1Reads
David Sedaris (2) - sweetiegherkin, Tara1Reads
Georgette Heyer (2) - sweetiegherkin, Tara1Reads
Shirley Jackson (2) - sweetiegherkin, Tara1Reads
Vera Caspary (2) - sweetiegherkin, Tara1Reads
Oscar Wilde (2) - Tara1Reads, kac522
Herman Wouk (2) - Tara1Reads, BookConcierge
Angie Thomas (2) - BookConcierge, Tara1Reads
Ngugi wa Thiong'o (2) - AnnieMod, Tara1Reads
James Joyce (1) - Tara1Reads
Daniel Defoe (1) - Tara1Reads
Richard Wagamese (1) - Tara1Reads
Kelly Barnhill (1) - cindydavid4
Ann Patchett (1) - cindydavid4

Unless something radically changes, Wilkins seems to run unopposed for February :) March is still very unclear - unless someone breaks the tie, we will have authors for March-May the way it looks now. Or longer if another author joins the tie.

Updated with >26 BookConcierge: so I do not need to copy it again :)

Nov 26, 2021, 3:06 pm

I'll add a vote for Jhumpa Lahiri

Nov 30, 2021, 2:03 pm

Last day for votes/nominations.

>25 AnnieMod: is updated with the vote from >26 BookConcierge: so you can see where we are currently standing.

Dic 1, 2021, 1:34 pm

And we have our results:
February: Wilkie Collins
March: Jhumpa Lahiri

I will post the topics shortly so people can prepare/start chatting and so on.

Dic 10, 2021, 7:07 pm

And threads are up:

February: Wilkie Collins: https://www.librarything.com/topic/337419
March: Jhumpa Lahiri: https://www.librarything.com/topic/337420