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Apr 2, 2021, 10:28 am

I've been cleaning the studio today. It needed reorganization, dusting and vacuuming (badly). It has 40 years of select accumulation in it. I managed to eliminate one good-sized basket, a couple of silly projects I was going to do with tiny scraps (what was I thinking!), a lot of hidden dust and fabric bits, an old pair of my husband's pants (now what were my plans for that?) and so on....

1. How many needlearts hobbies are you juggling these days? How many needleart hobbies have you 'left behind'?

2. Do you have a dedicated room or space for your hobby/hobbies? How small/big is it? How do you arrange or sort all your creative stuff?

3. Has anyone noticed how bins, boxes and shelves multiply? What do you store your goodies in?

4. Are you a die-hard packrat or a ruthless eliminator (or something in between)? Confess (please) And is your "stuff" accumulating as you age or have you been able to keep it under control?

5. What has been your most clever idea for storage or sorting, or anything else in your set-up?

Anyone should feel at liberty to add other questions or misc. topics to this thread.....

Modificato: Apr 2, 2021, 10:32 am

Ha, ha, I just realized we already have a thread for miscellaneous questions!!! (and what was I thinking re the thread title in capital letters....) Clearly I've inhaled far too much dust today....

Apr 2, 2021, 10:47 am

Well, you are an admin. Delete away? ;)

Apr 2, 2021, 2:13 pm

>3 lesmel: Good point! (I forget the whole admin thing much of the time), but then I have to copy from one to the other....

Will come back later in the day to see what I can do.

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