We are Not a Political Debate Group! ALL MEMBERS READ!

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We are Not a Political Debate Group! ALL MEMBERS READ!

Modificato: Mar 22, 2021, 7:42 pm

Un messaggio dall'amministratore del tuo gruppoDear Members:

Over the past few days I've gotten messages and such concerning specific posts in this group. Since we have many many new members, let me take the time to state: We will NOT debate, politics or religion. We will not debate a government's efficiency of lack thereof. Please adhere to this rule and be a part of this group. If you can not, then either leave or you will be asked to do so. If you want to debate political/religious issues, please join the Pro and Con group. If when you post, ask yourself, will this be offensive to someone else? Might someone else hold a different opinion? If so, best not to post! (politics/religion)

Please read the description of our group--nostalgia and books!

Be a part of the solution, not the problem!

If somebody really "bugs" you, then go to their profile and simply click on "ignore". It works! (bottom right hand corner)

Mar 22, 2021, 7:42 pm

>1 Tess_W:

May I suggest that you pin this topic?

Mar 22, 2021, 8:59 pm

>2 lilithcat: Good idea.....now I just need to learn how to do that!

Modificato: Mar 22, 2021, 9:19 pm

>3 Tess_W:

Since you're the admin, you should see over on the top right the option to "Pin this Topic", just under "Star this Topic" and "Ignore this Topic".

Never mind! I see you found it. ;-)

Mar 23, 2021, 12:07 am

Thanks, Tess. I'm glad to see more members here, but it does seem to open the door for those who want to carry their particular arguments wherever they go.

I've already blocked one recent addition, and I can do it again! But it would be better if folks just respected the guidelines here.

You do a great job. 👍

Modificato: Mar 23, 2021, 5:43 am

Thanks, Tess.

You can also make your post appear as an official message from the Group Admin as well as pinning it. I think you'll find it under "More" at the bottom of the post, then "Admin Actions".

Edited to add: I see you've now done so.

Mar 23, 2021, 3:41 am

You might like to think about adding religion to what’s off limits. The Green Dragon has banned religion and politics right from the start and is much the happier for it. Plenty of other groups if you want to talk religion or politics.

Mar 23, 2021, 5:37 am

>7 haydninvienna: see sentence two

Mar 23, 2021, 7:18 am

>8 Tess_W: Whoops! Begging your pardon.

Mar 23, 2021, 10:47 am

I can see banning debates over religion and politics. However, I sometimes find it interesting and helpful when people preface booktalk by explaining that they're coming from a particular ethnic, partisan, or sectarian POV by way of explanation. I don't see that as debate.

Deliberately trying to insult people is just bad manners. Good luck trying to rein in the boors. If they're over 60 and still haven't learned to respect people, all the "READ THIS" pins in the world won't fix them ...

Mar 23, 2021, 1:23 pm

>10 nohrt4me2: I agree with your first paragraph (and second!). Background info is great---that's not debate.

Mag 11, 2021, 9:53 pm

>1 Tess_W: Here, here!!!!

Mag 11, 2021, 9:54 pm

>5 terriks: there are just people who need to stir things up, no matter what the consequence, booting them, or putting them on ignore, stops it quick enough

Mag 12, 2021, 9:43 pm

>13 cindydavid4: You're absolutely right. :)

Gen 8, 2022, 8:45 pm

Tess I'm so glad this message is here. I'm new to this group and part of the reason I don't join many groups is because they often devolve into politics, anger, prejudice, etc. Thank you for helping make this group more enjoyable.

Gen 8, 2022, 10:21 pm

>You are so very welcome!

Modificato: Feb 20, 2023, 3:29 pm

Is this group about books - any books?/ Or just about being over 60? If it’s just about being over 60 and you can post about non-book topics such as the cost of apples, it’s not for me and I’ve unfortunately flagged two messages in error and for this I apologize.

But I would also object to the group itself, because if it’s not about books or reading material, I find it
A - unnecessary. There are plenty of sm sites for older people, catering for older-person interests.

B - I find the existence of the group patronizing. We over 60s are still people. Should Ian McEwan be a typical member for this group? Would we invite him? Obviously not.

I joined believing it could be relevant as I’m well over 60. I thought attitudes to literature have changed and there may be many areas of interest. If I want to tell the community the brand of a fridge I bought in 1960 I would go to Facebook.

Of course joining this group is not mandatory and I’ve unjoined. But broadening the groups to non -book groups changes the look and feel of LT and I would just like to know what are valid posts.

People over 60 still read books. We are not by definition too old to be able to write about books or have opinions. If age is a consideration, why not groups for the different generations?

It might seem what’s the harm about a post about the price of groceries, but having such posts makes one feel posting about a book issue would be inappropriate. A group discussing old cars and the price of spuds doesn’t encourage participation by a 61 year old. And are not 30 year old interested in the cost of living?

I’ve rambled on too much, but I wanted to make all my points.

Thank you for listening.

Feb 20, 2023, 3:37 pm

>17 kjuliff:

I would also object to the group itself, because if it’s not about books or reading material, I find it A - unnecessary.

There are a great many groups on LT that are not about books and reading material.

There's a group about Tea: https://www.librarything.com/ngroups/96/Tea%21, there are groups for particular geographical locations: https://www.librarything.com/ngroups/141/Chicagoans, there are groups for lawyers, about chocolate, about opera, etiquette and manners, and all sorts of non-books groups.

Feb 20, 2023, 3:57 pm

>18 lilithcat: oh I didn’t know about those other groups. Thanks for telling me. I did see one for different geographic locations but assumed it was about books in that area.

Modificato: Feb 24, 2023, 11:32 pm

>17 kjuliff: I would love more book discussions and have tried several times to steer discussions that way. However, it's obvious by the conversations that is not where this group wishes to head at this time! I feel the group is for the members, so we go with the flow! I feel the group is just a catch-all for those 60 or over, and that is fine with me.

I would also welcome Ian McEwan to the group! I'm not sure what that comment was all about, but I know dozens of people over 60 who have read McEwan's books!

Sorry you do not find it appealing.

P.S. LT also has gardening, cooking, birding, and classical music groups!

Modificato: Feb 25, 2023, 2:25 am

I think for many of us LT has become a form of social media, an online community if you like, which seems more civil and less fraught than many of the more widely known ones. It's the only one I engage with regularly, apart from a couple of specialist railway groups. It's a chance to interact with literate people who are interested in books, but the interactions are not limited to the books and cover a wide range of topics. The "readers over sixty" group is a platform for conversations with readers of our own generation and is an interesting opportunity to converse about things we share in common, but also to learn from the diversity of cultures from which we hail. And naturally, LT also has a railway group!

Feb 25, 2023, 3:37 am

>20 Tess_W: see my post >19 kjuliff:. I was unaware when I first posted in this group that it encompassed topics other than books. I did apologize when it was explained to me.

Feb 25, 2023, 3:40 am

>21 John5918: Thanks, I will certainly look into those other groups. I just didn’t know about them or understand about the purpose of this one.