Deaths in March - 2020

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Deaths in March - 2020

Mar 1, 2020, 7:52 pm

Nicaraguan poet and priest Ernesto Cardenal died March 1 at the age of 95. His many works include Zero Hour, The Gospel in solentiname and The Psalms of Struggle and Liberation.

Mar 1, 2020, 9:05 pm

#1--a long life and one well lived. Cardenal was a priest of the people---a libertarian theologian. His faith was as much about the here and now as the hereafter.

Modificato: Mar 2, 2020, 6:52 pm

Writer, actor, and academic James Lipton was best known for hosting Inside the Actor's Studio. He died March 2 at the age of 93. His books include An Exaltation of Larks and Inside Inside.

Former CEO of GE, Jack Welch died March 1 at the age of 84. His books include Jack, Straight from the Gut and Winning.

Modificato: Mar 3, 2020, 6:39 am

The performance artist known as Ulay died March 2 at the age of 76. His books include A Ulay & Abramovic: The Lovers and Art from Europe.

Modificato: Mar 4, 2020, 5:25 pm

In 1954, Rafael Cancel Miranda as involved in an attack on Congress. He died March 1 at the age of 88. He wrote Puerto Rico: Independence is a Necessity.

Celebrated architect Henry Cobb died March 2 at the age of 93. His books include Architecture of Frank Gehry , Where I Stand and Henry N. Cobb: Words & Works 1948-2018: Scenes from a Life in Architecture .

Modificato: Mar 5, 2020, 6:11 pm

Former UN Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar died March 4 at the age of 100. His books include Pilgrimage for Peace and Our Creative Diversity.

French comic book illustrator Andre Cheret died March 5 at the age of 82. He is the creator of Rahan.

Mar 9, 2020, 9:07 am

Actor Max von Sydow died March 8 at the age of 90. He wrote Loppcirkus. Farewell to the 3 Eyed Raven. :’(

Mar 9, 2020, 9:48 am

Finally lost that chess match...

Mar 9, 2020, 12:06 pm

Playwright Mart Crowley died March 8 at the age of 84. His work includes The Boys in the Band and Eloise Takes a Bawth.

Mar 10, 2020, 11:27 am

Former New York housing commission Charles Urstadt died March 3 at the age of 91. He wrote Battery Park City: The Early Years.

Modificato: Mar 12, 2020, 10:31 am

Mystery writer Barbara Neely died March 2 at the age of 78. Her books include Blanche on the Lam, Blanche Cleans Up and Blanche Among the Talented Tenth.

Chef Michel Roux died March 12 at the age of 78. His books include Eggs and Michel Roux’s Desserts.

Modificato: Mar 13, 2020, 6:50 pm

Sculptor J. Seward Johnson died March 10 at the age of 89. His books include Beyond the Frame and Sculpture Rat’s.

Composer Charles Wourinen died March 11 at the age of 81. His books include Time’s Encomium.

Modificato: Mar 15, 2020, 9:17 am

Performance artist Genesis Breyer P-Orridge died March 14 at the age of 70. His books include Thee Psychick Bible, Esoterrorist and 30 Years of Being Cut Up.

Mar 15, 2020, 10:54 am

#13--a very interesting character.

Modificato: Mar 27, 2020, 7:54 am

Famed Italian architect Vittorio Gregotti died of corona virus on March 15 at the age of 92. His books include New Directions in Italian Architecture, Inside Architecture and Architecture, Means and Ends.

Modificato: Mar 17, 2020, 10:52 pm

The first female bishop in the Anglican communion, Barbara C. Harris died March 13 at the age of 89. Her works include Parting Words and Call for Women Bishops.

Dissident Russian author Eduard Limonov died March 17 at the age of 77. His books include It’s me Eddie, Memoirs of a Russian Punk and His Butler’s Story.

Mar 18, 2020, 8:28 am

Actor Roy Hudd died March 15 at the age of 83. His autobiography was called A Fart in a Colander.

Mar 18, 2020, 3:47 pm

What an amazing title!

Mar 18, 2020, 6:07 pm

Australian scholar of early modern literature, especially concerning Ben Jonson, Ian Donaldson (1) died March 18 at the age of 84. His works include Ben Jonson: a life, Jonson's magic houses : essays in interpretation, and Jonson and Shakespeare. Appreciation here:

Modificato: Mar 18, 2020, 11:23 pm

Astronaut Alfred M. Worden died March 18 at the age of 88. His books include Falling to Earth and Hello Earth.

Dr. Catherine Hamlin died March 18 at the age of 96. She wrote The Hospital by the River.

Modificato: Mar 19, 2020, 8:22 am

Jack Webster died March 17th 2020. I indexed one of his books about Aberdeen.

Modificato: Mar 20, 2020, 1:18 pm

Prankster Mal Sharpe died March 10 at the age of 83. He wrote Weird Rooms.

Poet and memoirist Molly Brodak died March 8 at the age of 39. She wrote Bandit: A Daughter’s Memoir and A Little Middle of the Night.

Modificato: Mar 21, 2020, 7:22 am

Mother of comedienne Kathy Griffin, Maggie Griffin died March 17 at the age of 99. She wrote Tip It! The World According to Maggie.

Times photographer Boris Yaro died March 18 at the age of 81. He is best known for the photos of the RFK assassination and for being characterized as Animal on the Lou Grant show. He wrote Assignment: LA.

Advocate for Native American rights, Charles Trimble has died at the age of 84. His books include The American Indian Oral History Manual and The World of the Teton Sioux.

Singer Kenny Rogers died March 20 at the age of 81. He wrote Christmas in Canaan and Luck or Something Like It.

Mar 22, 2020, 6:58 am

Artist Wolf Kahn died March 15 at the age of 92. His books include Wolf Kahn’s America and Wolf Kahn’s pastels.

Modificato: Mar 23, 2020, 8:25 am

Science journalist Daniel S. Greenberg died March 9 at the age of 88. He wrote The Politics of Pure Science and Science, Money, and Politics.

Modificato: Mar 25, 2020, 3:40 pm

Comic book author and illustrator Albert Uderzo died March 24 at the age of 92. His books include Asterix the Gaul, Asterix and Cleopatra and Asterix in Britain.

Playwright Terrence McNally died March 24 at the age of 80 from corona virus. His work includes Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune, Master Class and Mothers and Sons.

Wine writer Michael Broadbent died March 17 at the age of 92. His books include Michael Broadbent’s Vintage Wine and Michael Broadbent Guide tO Wine Tasting.

Musician Manu Dibango died March 24 at the age of 86. His autobiography was called Three Kilos of Coffee.

Modificato: Mar 25, 2020, 3:42 pm

Horror filmmaker Stuart Gordon died March 24 at the age of 72. He edited A Lovecraft Retrospective.

Celebrity chef Floyd Cardoz has died of corona virus. His books include Flavorwalla and One Spice, Two Spice.

Editor Richard Marek has died at the age of 86. He wrote Works of Genius and Book of Nathan.

Theater founder Julia Miles died March 18 at the age of 90. Her works include Women Heroes: Six short plays from the women’s Project, Women’s Project and Womenswork.

Modificato: Mar 26, 2020, 6:37 pm

Columnist Richard Reeves died March 25 at the age of 83. His many books include President Kennedy: Profile of Power and Richard Nixon: Alone in the White House.

Art Historian Maurice Berger died March 23 at the age of 63. His books include White Lies: Race and Constructing Masculinity.

Modificato: Mar 27, 2020, 7:24 pm

Actress Lucia Bose died March 23 at the age of 89 from coronavirus. She wrote Poemas de somosaguas.

Modificato: Mar 28, 2020, 8:42 pm

Civil rights leader Rev. Joseph E. Lowery died March 27 at the age of 98. He wrote Singing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land.

U.S. Senator Tom Coburn died March 28 at the age of 72. His books include Breach of Trust: How Washington Turns Outsiders Into Insiders and The Debt Bomb: A Bold Plan to Stop Washington from Bankrupting America .

Lung expert Dr. John F. Murray died of Coronavirus on March 18 at the age of 92. His books include Murray and Nadel’s Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. and The Normal Lung.

Dodgers and Astros outfielder Jimmy Wynn died March 27 at the age of 78. He wrote Toy Cannon: The Autobiography of Baseball’s Jimmy Wynn.

Garden writer Shirley Stackhouse died March 4 at the age of 92. Her books include Shirley Stackhouse Gardening year and Five Minute Flower Gardener.

Modificato: Mar 29, 2020, 4:50 pm

Architect Michael Sorkin died from coronavirus on March 26 at the age of 71. His many books include Variations on a Theme Park and Twenty Minutes in Manhattan.

Modificato: Mar 30, 2020, 8:50 am

WWII Greek Resistance hero Manolis Glezos died March 30 at the age of 98. He wrote ethniki antistasi.

Modificato: Mar 30, 2020, 9:22 pm

Sociologist William B. Helmreich died of Coronavirus on March 28 at the age of 74. His books include The New York Nobody Knows and The World of the Yeshiva.

Physicist Philip W. Anderson died March 29 at the age of 96. His books include The Economy as an Evolving Complex System, Basic Notions of Condensed Matter Physics and More and Different.

Children’s author. Tomie dePaola died March 30 at the age of 84. His books include Strega Nona, The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush and The Legend of the Blue Bonnet.

Trumpeter and teacher Edward Tarr died March 24 at the age of 83. His books include Fanfares and The Trumpet.

Modificato: Mar 31, 2020, 10:56 pm

Pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. James T. Goodrich died of Coronavirus on March 30. His books include Pediatric Neurosurgery. and Tumors of the Pediatric Nervous System.

Violinist Hellmut Stern died March 24 at the age of 91. His memoir was called Saitensprunge.

Apr 2, 2020, 10:51 am

Hugh Cecil died March 11th 2020 aged 78.

Apr 2, 2020, 5:39 pm

Internet entrepreneur Shane Green died March 13 at the age of 49. He wrote Culture Hacker.

Modificato: Apr 4, 2020, 7:19 am

Orchardist and apple preservationist Tom Burford died March 20 at the age of 84. He wrote Apples of North America and Apples, a Catalog of International Varieties.

Modificato: Apr 5, 2020, 8:46 am

Technology journalist Jack Schofield died March 31 at the age of 72. His books include The Darkroom Book and How Famous Photographers Work.

Modificato: Apr 8, 2020, 9:03 pm

British politician Joe Ashton died March 30 at the age of 86. He wrote Red Rose Blues: the Story of a Good Labour Man.

Gallery owner Paul Kasmin died March 23 at the age of 60. His publications include Claude and Francois-Xavier Lalanne and Kasmin’s Sixties.

Modificato: Apr 9, 2020, 6:24 pm

Philippina scholar of China Aileen S. P. Baviera died of coronavirus On March 21 at the age of 60. She wrote China, Across the Seas.

New Orleans museum curator Ronald Lewis died of coronavirus on March 20 at the age of 68. He co-wrote with Rachel Breunlin The House of Dance and Feathers.

Apr 10, 2020, 8:28 am

Paleontologist Jenny Clack died March 26 at the age of 82. She wrote Gaining Ground: The Origin and Early Evolution of Tetrapods and Evolution of Vertebrate Ear.

Apr 20, 2020, 9:16 pm

Illustrator and designer Romek Marber died March 30 at the age of 94. He wrote No Return: Journeys in the Holocaust.

Apr 22, 2020, 9:22 am

Director of the Covent Garden Royal Opera House, Sir John Tooley died March 18 at the age of 95. He wrote In House: Covent Garden.

Apr 23, 2020, 6:51 pm

Professor and Civil Rights Attorney Richard Sobol died March 24 at the age of 82. He wrote the award winning Bending the Law: The Story of the Dalkon Shield Bankruptcy.

Apr 24, 2020, 12:33 pm

Modificato: Mag 7, 2020, 7:08 am

Professor of diplomatic history Richard Sharpe died of coronavirus Related heart failure on March 21 at the age of 66. His books include Raasay: A Study in Island History and Medieval Irish Saints’ Lives.

Mag 9, 2020, 12:45 pm

INdian artist and architect Satish Gujral died March 26 at the age of 94. His autobiography was called Brush with Life.

Modificato: Giu 3, 2020, 4:32 pm

Expert on entrepreneurship David Smallbone died March 19 at the age of 73. His books include The Theory and Practice of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship and Growth.

Modificato: Lug 16, 2020, 9:09 pm

Georgia Tech scientist Robert Nerem died March 6 at the age of 82. He wrote Stem Cell Engineering.

Ago 26, 2020, 4:29 pm

Jurist Sir Gavin Lightman died March 2 at the age of 80. He wrote The Law of Receivers of Companies.

Modificato: Ott 10, 2020, 8:49 am

Professor of Russian literature Neil Cornwell died March 22 at the age of 77. His books include the Routledge Companion to Russian Literature and The Absurd in Literature.

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