Group Read Poldark Series: January Installment - Ross Poldark

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Group Read Poldark Series: January Installment - Ross Poldark

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Modificato: Gen 16, 2017, 8:38 pm

Did you finish it yet?

Have you even started it?

What do you like best?

Who do you dislike?

How does it compare to the television series (original or remake)?

Please use spoilers.

Modificato: Gen 16, 2017, 8:47 pm

I've not seen the new series, only the Robin Ellis version from the 1970s. There are some differences:

Delelza's hair is dark in the book, not red

Demelza does not get pregnant from her first time with Ross

She does not lose the pregnancy

I love reading Jud's ramblings, especially his warnings that always end with "pfft, yer dead!"

Winston Graham does not pull his punches when it comes to showing what attitudes much of the aristocracy displayed, yet he does not make the series into a "good poor vs. bad rich" type diatribe. There are plenty of nasty people on both ends of the socio-economic scale.

Gen 17, 2017, 1:26 pm

Honestly, I haven't started it yet! I probably won't get to it until the end of this month. But I'm looking forward to reading and discussing it!

Gen 17, 2017, 1:59 pm

Thanks for starting us off! I haven't started yet. Too many irons in the fire! LOL.

Gen 17, 2017, 4:08 pm

Here's a quote I like:

“The waves were shadows, snakes under a quilt, creeping in almost unseen until they emerged in milky ripples at the water’s edge.”

Gen 23, 2017, 7:28 pm

Anyone else reading this one?

Be sure to post your thoughts here!

Gen 24, 2017, 9:03 am

I finished this. I was not familiar with this series (books or TV) until it was brought up as a possible group read here. I was able to find the first book and really enjoyed it. I love all of the characters and the setting. I don't think I've read anything set in this time period. I definitely want to check out the TV show now too.

Gen 26, 2017, 8:17 am

My dear friend Kay introduced me to the latest TV adaptation of the Poldark books. Leave it to the BBC to make such gorgeous eye candy! I was late to the series and I did not see some of the early episodes (my first was Ross-and-Demelza-and-that-dress scene), so it was nice to be able to read what I had missed out on. After I made the decision to read the series I stopped watching the episodes my DVR is faithfully recording so that I don't spoil the books.

What did I like about the book? The wit and subtle humor just steals the show. The class struggle is interesting, a little less genteel than say, Gaskell's North and South, more approachable maybe. The transformation of Ross from the angry, seething drunkard into a happy gentleman noble is nice.

What didn't I like? Some of the local color - the cock-fighting and the wrestling. I didn't mind the dress-shopping, so obviously it's the manly man stuff that doesn't appeal to my feminine nature. Still, I am so impressed that Graham could write about dress shopping! And his female characters feel female to me.

I sometimes have some trepidation when starting to read a series I've seen on TV but I'm so pleased with this one. I already know some of what lies ahead but I am looking forward to journey.

Gen 26, 2017, 6:11 pm

>8 VictoriaPL: welcome to Yorkshire, circa 1800!

I hate the idea of cock fighting, etc., but when I read about these things, I know that they are no longer accepted as they were 200 years ago. And you might have noticed that others in that scene were not thrilled with what was going on.

Gen 26, 2017, 11:00 pm

>9 fuzzi: oh, I completely agree! I'm just noting that I didn't have as much patience for the cock-fighting scene and wrestling scene as I did for the dress buying scene.
I felt the same way with Ian Fleming's baccarat and golf scenes.

Gen 27, 2017, 11:00 am

I don't think this is a spoiler, per se, but I noticed something:

Both Demelza actresses did not have dark hair, as her character does in the books.

I guess they didn't want to dye their hair or wear a wig.

It doesn't matter as far as the story goes, I was just curious.

Gen 31, 2017, 10:15 am

I finally started Ross Poldark last night! I obviously won't finish it in January, but I'm hoping to read it before February is too far gone!

Gen 31, 2017, 10:40 am

Poldark just arrived from the library so I will read it in February. So many good challenges!!

Gen 31, 2017, 3:34 pm

>12 christina_reads: >13 dallenbaugh: this thread will remain open, so feel free to let us know about your read of Ross Poldark. I, for one, want to know. :)

Feb 1, 2017, 1:10 pm

I've posted the discussion thread for Demelza here:

I'm about 1/4 of the way into Ross Poldark now. It's a reread for me, and I'm happy to say that I'm enjoying it more this time! I'm just at the point where Ross brings Demelza home with him. I'd forgotten that she's only 13 when they first meet!

Feb 1, 2017, 1:12 pm

>16 christina_reads: thanks Christina!

Feb 1, 2017, 3:34 pm

>16 christina_reads: thanks for creating the Demelza thread!