Ira Levin, 1929-2007

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Ira Levin, 1929-2007

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Modificato: Nov 16, 2007, 12:29 am

Ira Levin died in his home in NYC this week.

* NYT obit
* Feminist SF obit

I loved his quote from the LAT in 2002 (requoted by the NYT) -- that he regretted all the pop-satanism that came from Rosemary's Baby:

“I feel guilty that ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ led to ‘The Exorcist,’ ‘The Omen,’” he told The Los Angeles Times in 2002. “A whole generation has been exposed, has more belief in Satan. I don’t believe in Satan. And I feel that the strong fundamentalism we have would not be as strong if there hadn’t been so many of these books.”

“Of course,” Mr. Levin added, “I didn’t send back any of the royalty checks.”