Two Romance novels, please help!

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Two Romance novels, please help!

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Set 24, 2016, 1:39 pm

I was an avid reader in my younger days of the romance kinds. My Mom tossed a few by mistake and I cannot remember the names of my books! I remember parts of the story line, any help would be appreciated!

1. A lady who was a governess is hiding in a closet of a room because she was trying to get away from a male at a party she was attending. In the closet she met another man who was in there, I think he was a spy. Not sure. The man hired her for her help, then they had to get engaged. I remember that in the end a ship had come in that she had invested in and she was so happy the ship had made it. And it turned out it was his ship.

2. A lady and I think her brother are taveling with a large group (I think on the Oregon trail) the main leader Inthink his name was Clayton, he had an Indian friend with him. There was a cholera break out and then a few other small stories. Maybe his name was Jake clayton. But I remember one girl married a man she thought was rich but he wasn't. Another girl fell hit her head and became blind for a while. There was a girl who was "high yella" and had a baby and her father in law tried to rape her. She fell in love with the Indian.

Any help would be appreciated!

Set 24, 2016, 3:00 pm

I believe the first is I Thee Wed by Amanda Quick.

Ott 5, 2016, 1:06 am

Oh my goodness that is it! Thank you! All that remains is the second one.