New Author Trying To Put The Word Out

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New Author Trying To Put The Word Out

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1Squirt Primo messaggio
Set 6, 2006, 5:56 pm

I would like to know what I need to do to get the word out about my two published books, Sweets and Sweeter Than Sweets. I promote in my city, but how can I get the other states to take notice of two great romance novels.

Darlene Nicholson, Squirt

Modificato: Set 6, 2006, 10:04 pm

Well, if you put 50 books up on LT you can become a LibraryThing Author and you get put on the list, as well as get a button for your profile. I'm not sure what all the requirements are, though. Look at the Zeitgeist page for more info.

That's one thing.