Best Cable Introduction Book?

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Best Cable Introduction Book?

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Lug 14, 2007, 1:53 pm

Could Knitters Inc. members recommend the best books for learning how to make cables? Do the books mentioned in the last cable post start out with the basics?

I would like to learn how to use cable needles and then how to cable with just the working needles. Knitting for Anarchists's instructions were confusing to me - I assume because I can't compare her way to the cable needle way.

Lug 15, 2007, 3:11 pm

meerka, for starting out you might look at the cable diagrams in the Vouge Knitting (I have the old book but I think the content is the same as the new edition- on P60) they show a nice diagram of holding a stitches on a cable needle, knitting from the main needle and then knitting from the cable needle.

All other cable are based on the same premise it just depends on whether you hold the stiches at the front or the back how many stitches and how many times you do so etc.

I think the important thing to remember about cabling is that you are still only ever knitting on two kneedles at any given point.

Also, I wouldn't start with a plain double pointed needle but a real cable needle with the little dent in the middle it helps keep the held stitches from dropping off.

You might check on line for videos. I learned cables from watching my mom do them. I think they're pretty easy to learn but it helps to see someone else do them.

I think some of the books in the other cable post were really about certain cable patterns not about learning to knit cables.

Lug 16, 2007, 1:01 pm


I am a novice knitter, and I actually had some success with cables. I found that they were not nearly as difficult as they looked. You may want to try They have some pretty good videos.

Lug 25, 2007, 7:25 pm

meerka, how have your cables turned out?

Lug 26, 2007, 7:29 pm

I got so wrapped up in teaching basic knitting skills for the library's Charmed Knits group that I haven't had any knitting time for myself. I really enjoy teaching, though, so this isn't a grumble! I also made a note of a title of a book on cables when I was at Borders last...just have to find my notebook!

Lug 27, 2007, 10:12 am

#5 meerka, how great you are teaching others to knit.

Let us know when you get a chance to get to your cables. I think you'll find them easier and more fun than you expect.

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