Picture book, pets, pre-1985

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Picture book, pets, pre-1985

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Ago 29, 2013, 2:18 pm

I'm trying to remember the title of a picture book. I remember reading it as a child (mid-'80s), but it is probably from earlier than that. I seem to remember the illustrations being black line drawings colored in yellow and green.

The plot of the story is that a little boy's cat has a large litter of kittens (I think, maybe it's a dog with puppies?) and his mother says they can't keep all of them, so the boy takes them around the neighborhood to give them away. But every time he finds someone who wants one of the kittens, they give him a pet in return -- I seem to remember goldfish, a parrot, maybe some mice, and various other animals -- so when he goes home he has all different kinds of anmials instead of just the litter he started out with.

I've done some searching on NoveList, but no luck yet. It is NOT Can I Keep Him? by Steven Kellogg.

Ago 29, 2013, 2:34 pm

Of course, just after I posted this I did a tagmash on kittens and picture books and came up with the answer. The book is One Kitten for Kim by Adelaide Holl.

Ago 29, 2013, 4:32 pm

Happens all the time! Glad you tracked it down.

Set 3, 2013, 7:38 pm

I remember that book! I loved seeing all the different "exotic" pets that got swapped out.