Guy de Maupassant: General Thread

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Guy de Maupassant: General Thread

Questa conversazione è attualmente segnalata come "addormentata"—l'ultimo messaggio è più vecchio di 90 giorni. Puoi rianimarla postando una risposta.

Mar 28, 2013, 5:40 pm

April is approaching! Any recommendations??

Mar 31, 2013, 10:37 pm

I jumped the gun by a day and just read A Life: The Humble Truth (Une Vie, also translated as A Woman's Life). It was his first novel and I very much enjoyed it. I started a new thread for it. I'm also planning on reading Bel Ami and Pierre and Jean.

Apr 9, 2013, 9:57 am

I am reading The Necklace and Other Tales. So far, only two stories in, I'm enjoying de Maupassant's (or is it just Maupassant's?) writing, but they endings seemed a little predictable.

Mag 29, 2013, 7:35 pm

There hasn't been much action on Maupassant, so I won't start separate threads for these, but I've recently read two more of his novels. Full reviews are on the book page as well as my Club Read 2013 thread.

Bel-Ami - a novel about ambition, acquisitiveness and promiscuity in the world of the Paris press. This may be considered Maupassant's best novel, but I couldn't help thinking that Balzac did the newspaper business better in Lost Illusions and Zola did greed and sex better in The Kill and Pot Luck, respectively.

Pierre et Jean - a novella about jealousy and, ultimately, self-sacrifice. I liked this best of the three I've read, possibly because it was so different and represented a break away from what others had done. This might have been the forerunner of greater things if Maupassant had lived longer.

In Pierre et Jean he says at one point: "She sat up and looked at him, and with one of those supreme acts of courage, the sort it might take to commit suicide...." Maupassant attempted suicide four years later because of his incurable syphilis. I wonder if this is a hint he was already thinking about it.