name of young adult anthology ghost story book?

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name of young adult anthology ghost story book?

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Ott 23, 2012, 3:25 am

back in the mid to late 90s I had a book that I cant remember the name of it was an anthology ghost story book and I remember reading a story called "I'm going home" and it was a ghost story about a couple that stayed over night in a funeral home with a dead body at the end of the story the dead body sits straight up in its coffin and the lady yells "I'm going home!!", and there was another story in this book about a ghost lady who goes into a store to get milk for her dead baby and the guy in the store follows her to the cemetery and opens her coffin and sees a dead lady with her baby and 2 empty bottles of milk and also there was another story I read in the book called "buried alive" and it was about a guy that got buried alive and no one knew about it untill they dug up his grave and found him alive in his coffin, or maybe he just died in his coffin trying to get out I cant really remember, I also remember this book being a paperback book that was blue and black and kind if a small book and if I remember correctly I ordered it through those scholastic paper catalog flyers that the teachers would give the students and also this book was geared more towards teens that were 15-19 or so

Ott 23, 2012, 6:37 pm

This must be the book Ghostly Terrors by Daniel Cohen. The story "I'm Going Home" is the last one in the book. The stories about the people being buried alive is the second story in the book; named simply "Buried Alive".

Of course, these stories might be collected in other anthologies. I hope this is the one you are looking for.

Ott 24, 2012, 1:54 am

YES!!! this is the book I was looking for, thank you so much for finding it for me :)

Ott 24, 2012, 8:13 pm

You are welcome; I'm glad that I could help.