Piercing by Ryū Murakami

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Piercing by Ryū Murakami

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Ago 19, 2012, 10:56 pm

As a child, Kawashima Masayuki was physically and mentally tortured by his mother before being placed in an institution. As a result he hears a mysterious inner voice and is periodically overcome by the desire to stab a woman, any woman, with an ice pick. When he suddenly finds himself one night standing over his infant daughter, ice pick in hand, Kawashima decides the only way to get this compulsion out of his system is to actually kill someone. A woman he doesn't know. A prostitute.

Little does Kawashima suspect that the call girl he picks as his victim, Sanada Chiaki, is even more messed up than he is. Sexually abused as a child by her father, Chiaki is prone to violent personality changes, sudden rages, and self mutilation. When the two come together the result is a dark--very dark--comedy of errors as each assumes the other is acting rationally, which triggers even more bizarre reactions. Whose psychosis will prevail?

Piercing is a fast-paced thriller, sometimes morbidly funny, but not for the squeamish. If Almost Transparent Blue was too much for you, this is one you'll want to skip.

According to other reviews there are several references in the novel to movies such as Psycho--not surprising since Murakami is also a filmmaker. I'm not a moviegoer, however, so I didn't catch any except the ice pick from Basic Instinct. If anyone else in the group reads this, it would be interesting to see what other films are referenced.