Canada, Ontario, Toronto, TYPE Books

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Canada, Ontario, Toronto, TYPE Books

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Giu 5, 2007, 6:49 pm

A new bookstore in town- located at 883 Queen Streeet West. I found the staff to be knowledgeable and friendly. The selection of books was really interesting. They also ordered a book for me and the price was comparable and in one case better than some other bookstores. I picked up their bookmark and they have a website.

Modificato: Giu 14, 2007, 5:58 am

Thanks, torontoc. Will definitely check it on your recommendation!

Later: I went out last weekend on a bookshop excursion in the territory (Hong Kong), thinking how I couldn't wait to get to that bookstore where the "staff were knowledgeable and friendly". I'll have to wait for summer vacation to see that one.