futuristic drugged society

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futuristic drugged society

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Apr 11, 2012, 10:38 am

People voluntarily let themselves be drugged by a machine that injects drugs that prevent normal feelings. The protagonist inadvertently has something on his arm (a paper wrapper?) that prevents the drug from entering his system. He becomes lucid and secretly stops the drugs. When he is found out they chase him and say that he is ill. Sound familiar to anyone?

Modificato: Apr 11, 2012, 3:27 pm

Sounds like 'This Perfect Day' by Ira Levin.
"This perfect day is the story of a child living in a perfect society, the difference between him and everyone else is that he has different coloured eyes, the first hint that he is special. His slightly extravagant grandfather, partly responsible for building unicomp, the computer that regulates and controls evervbodies lives, refers to this child as a "chip off the old block" and thus the name 'chip' being assigned to him and used through out the book.
With regualr injections designed to lower humanities abilities, imaginations and libidos, humanity becomes a series of drones. Even their names are taken from them, for each sex there are only four names to choose from, followed by a series of numbers identifying where they live etc. The names come from the christian names of the so called founders of their perfect world.

Basically this book shows reality in a very unreal world. It is very explicit about every part of the characters lives allowing you to emphatically understand them when they break free from the control of Unicomp. "

Apr 13, 2012, 9:32 am

My sister asked me to do this search, and I'm waiting for her to respond (she's on vacation). However, I don't think this is it, because she talked as if the protagonist was an adult. This book sounds good - I might try it. Thanks!

Apr 13, 2012, 1:36 pm

This Perfect Day is the book I thought of when I read your request. I remember Chip as being a young adult, so this still might be the book you are looking for.

Apr 18, 2012, 7:40 pm

"This Perfect Day" is it! Thank you so much for responding to our search.