Canada, Ontario, Toronto, BMV Bookstore

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Canada, Ontario, Toronto, BMV Bookstore

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Mag 24, 2007, 4:43 am

BMV for "Books Magazines Video." This is one of my favourite used bookstores in town. I spent years browsing the shelves of their midtown location after high school let out, during lunch hour on my first summer job, and on the drive home from work.

Once you walk past the tacky 50 cent sale boxes at the entrance, which have their treasures no doubt, you get two floors of browsing paradise. I usually stick to the first floor, and usually near the entrance, to browse the Can Lit section. The entire wall scans like someone's well-read library and I can usually pick up the classics, the obscures, the latest and greatest, the latest and not so great--it's all there.

Nice ambience, great selection, good prices.

Mid-town Toronto at:
2289 Yonge Street (at Eglinton)

Downtown Toronto at:
10 Edward Street (at Yonge)

Mag 24, 2007, 3:25 pm

I agree with you-I can always find a book from my "to buy list " at BMV.I recently went to their third location on Bloor Street between Spadina and Bathurst . It has much more than the mid- town branch.

Mag 24, 2007, 9:30 pm

Agreeing too, I love both BMVs. (Haven't been to the new one yet.) There's a great used CD store near the Yonge-Eglinton location, Vortex. It makes it that extra bit tempting to visit that location.

Another favourite of mine, Open City on the Danforth, seems to have closed. Wonder what became of all the books.

Mag 27, 2007, 6:08 am

Nice to see other regular patrons of BMV here! You may be interested in Amy Lavender Harris' excellent discussion of the controversy that went with BMV Books expansion to their new store on Edward Street, BMV Books: Toronto's New Literary Anti-Christ?

Set 23, 2007, 9:47 pm

I've found some real treasures there!

Insight and Artistry in African Divination for 25% of the cover price, Faulkner's The Egyptian Book of the Dead for dirt cheap (the big glossy illustrated copy!), Hero with an African Face, A Dictionary of African Mythology, Symbol and Magic in Egyptian Art and so many more of my African studies and Egyptology reference books. I'm a huge fan.