YA Love Story of a Blind Woman

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YA Love Story of a Blind Woman

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Modificato: Nov 22, 2011, 9:06 pm

So there's a young woman. The book starts off with her in a coma. As she lays in a coma, she begins to think of her life. She started to go blind, from a disease that her brother had also suffered from. It starts as a blind spot on her eye. Her brother had committed suicide, I think, because their mother was too smothering.

Then as she realizes she's going blind, it talks about how she is playing racquet ball with her guy friend, whose name is either Nate or Paul, I think. She does poorly in the game, because of the disease.

I'm pretty sure the disease starts with an A.

Then, as she leaves the gym, in a huff, she tries to open her car door with her keys but is having trouble because of the blind spot. Her friend can see that, I don't remember what he does about it though.

They end up going somewhere where they hang out at a beach, and she can't see his face very well. He ends up telling her he loves her, but I think she reacts badly. Because she feels it is out of pity.

She runs away to a place where it snows, I think. The guy finds out by looking in a drawer and finding a brochure. They find her but she had been lost in the snow, I think. This part might not have happened at all.

Every once in a while it flashes to her while she is thinking in her mind, laying there in a coma. She thinks of her husband (the friend she had) and her daughter? I think.

So yea, she learns how to walk with those white cane things, and might even have a dog?

But it ends with her waking up and seeing her husband. It ends up being that either, her husband died from the crash and she grew old without him, or she's in a coma because of the crash, while her husband had already died from it.

Either way, her husband is there beside her, his spirit I guess, and he asks her if she's ready or something.. I don't know if that's how it goes but please, if anyone knows this book I'd really appreciate it if someone would let me know.

I need to know soon, I was hoping to do a project on the disease the woman had.

Nov 22, 2011, 9:37 pm

I think I found your book: Beyond the Night.

From Amazon:
"They say love is blind. This time they’re right…

As a woman lies unconscious in a hospital bed, her husband waits beside her, urging her to wake up and come home. Between them lies an ocean of fear and the tenuous grip of memories long past. Memories of wonder. Of love. Memories of a girl named Madison and a boy named Paul…

Madison Foster knew she was going blind. But she didn’t want pity–not from her mother, not from her roommate, and especially not from her best friend Paul–the man she secretly loved.

Paul Tilden knew a good thing when he saw it. And a good thing was his friendship with Maddie Foster. That is, until he started to fall in love.

With the music of the seventies as their soundtrack and its groovy fashions as their scenery, Maddie and Paul were drawn together and driven apart. Then one night changed everything…forever.

And only now, when life tiptoes past the edge of yesterday, along the rim of today, can they glimpse the beauty that awaits them…beyond the night."

Nov 22, 2011, 9:44 pm

Also, the disease in the book seems to be macular degeneration.

Nov 22, 2011, 11:14 pm

Beyond the Night (2008) by Marlo Schalesky is classified as adult fiction. The eye condition is Stargardt's disease, a form of macular degeneration.

Nov 22, 2011, 11:17 pm

This book review mentions racquetball.

Gen 28, 2012, 6:39 pm
