Back in time to WWll

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Back in time to WWll

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Lug 7, 2011, 3:10 pm

I'm looking for a book I read from my High School library. It was a young Adult book.

I read the book back in 1978-79 it was about a girl who was having problems at home and got sick.. her mother had to move them back to live with her own mother which the girl hated… while in her new home she went for a walk one day and found herself in the past during (I think..) WWll where she met her mother as a child and got to learn all about how her mother grew up, the hard ships she and her family went through trying to survive the war. The girl makes several visits into the past each time seeing her "friends" who think she is the daughter of someone who lives nearby but moved and then comes back to the area.. as she recoups in her own time, she begins to write down what she is going through in the past and then one night gives the story to her mother to read. She's surprised later to see her mother in tears and her mother tells her that it happen just like she had written in her story. That the girl in the story was someone who she had come to love and one day at the end of the war had just disappeared. The mother told how the "Friend" seem to know things and how they had become friends… "You were named after her" her mother tells her. In the end of the book, the girl comes to better understand why her mother was the way she was.. and they have a moment…

This is what I can remember about the book… I would REALLY like to find out the name of it so I can try to read it again. THANK YOU!!

Lug 7, 2011, 3:32 pm

I love this book!! It is Time to Go Back by Mabel Esther Allan.

Lug 23, 2011, 9:48 pm

THANK YOU!!!! You do not know what a favor you have done for me... thank you thank you thank you!!!!