FAMeulstee (Anita) - 2011, second round

Conversazioni75 Books Challenge for 2011

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FAMeulstee (Anita) - 2011, second round

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Modificato: Dic 28, 2011, 1:04 pm

Chimay and Ari:

75 Books Challenge 2008

75 Books Challenge 2009, part one
75 Books Challenge 2009, part two

75 Books Challenge 2010 - first thread
75 Books Challenge 2010 - second thread
75 Books Challenge 2010 - third thread
75 Books Challenge 2010 - fourth thread

75 Books Challenge 2011 - first round

books December 2011
#81 The ice dragon by George R.R. Martin, 3,5 stars, msg 196
#80 A game of thrones by George R.R. Martin, 5 stars, msg 183
#79 The Sworn Sword by George R.R. Martin, 3 stars, msg 183
#78 The amber spyglass by Philip Pullman, 4,5 stars, msg 182
#77 The subtle knife by Philip Pullman, 4 stars, msg 180
#76 The golden compass by Philip Pullman, 4 stars, msg 177
#75 Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay, 5 stars, msg 168
#74 The Hedge Knight by George R.R. Martin, 3 stars, msg 165
#73 Outcast by Rosemary Sutcliff, 4 stars, msg 165

books November 2011
#72 De Abdij van Le Thoronet by Nathalie Molina, 3 stars, msg 164
#71 The killer's cousin by Nancy Werlin, 4 stars, msg 155
#70 Lucy the giant by Sherri L. Smith, 4 stars, msg 154
#69 Côte d'Azur, Monaco by Michelin, 4,5 stars, msg 153
#68 The sense of ending by Julian Barnes, 5 stars, msg 151
#67 A prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving, 4,5 stars, msg 150
#66 Helden en monsters by Rosemary Sutcliff, 4 stars, msg 149
#65 Every man dies alone by Hans Fallada, 5 stars, msg 145
#64 De stervende keizer by Karl May, 3 1/2 stars, msg 144
#63 Kanselier en prairiejager by Karl May, 3 1/2 stars, msg 144
#62 Juarez van Mexico by Karl May, 3 1/2 stars, msg 144

books October 2011
#61 De piramide der Azteken by Karl May, 3 stars, msg 144
#60 Wolves of the Rocky Mountains: From Jasper to Yellowstone by Dick Dekker, 3 stars, msg 119
#59 Provence & Côte d'Azur by Rudolf Bakker, 4 stars, msg 114
#58 National Geographic Traveler: France by Rosemary Baily, 4 stars, msg msg 114
#57 Slaughterhouse-five by Kurt Vonnegut, 4 1/2 stars, msg 113
#56 The Titan's curse by Rick Riordan, 3 1/2 stars, msg 112
#55 The sea of monsters by Rick Riordan, 3 1/2 stars, msg 112
#54 Gone with the wind by Margaret Mitchell, 2 stars, msg 104
#53 Treason's Harbour by Patrick O'Brian, 4 1/2 stars, msg 93
#52 The Ionian Mission by Patrick O'Brian, 4 1/2 stars, msg 93
#51 The surgeon's mate by Patrick O'Brian, 4 1/2 stars, msg 93

books September 2011
#50 Slot Rodriganda by Karl May, 3 stars, msg 88
#49 De koningin van de Gran Chaco by Karl May, 3 stars, msg 88
#48 Aan de Rio de la Plata by Karl May, 3 stars, msg 88
#47 Winnetou en de goudzoekers by Karl May, 3 1/2 stars, msg 88

books August 2011
#46 Maus by Art Spiegelman, 5 stars, msg 71
#45 Halt's peril by John Flanagan, 4 stars, msg 70
#44 Equal rites by Terry Pratchett, 3 1/2 stars, msg 69
#43 The fortune of war by Patrick O'Brian, 4 1/2 stars, msg 67
#42 The rose rent by Ellis Peters, 3 stars, msg 65
#41 Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman, 4 1/2 stars, msg 49
#40 Desolation Island by Partick O'Brian, 4 stars, msg 47
#39 The Sanctuary Sparrow by Ellis Peters, 3 1/2 stars, msg 46
#38 The light fantastic by Terry Pratchet, 3 stars, msg 45

books July 2011
#37 The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan, 4 stars, msg 44
#36 Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer, 5 stars, msg 31
#35 The invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick, 3 stars, msg 30
#34 Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan, 4 1/2 stars, msg 29
#33 Raven Summer by David Almond, 5 stars, msg 25

books June 2011
#32 The color of magic by Terry Pratchett, 3 stars, msg 17
#31 Stardust by Neil Gaiman, 4 stars, msg 16
#30 The gods of war by Conn Iggulden, 4 stars, msg 15
#29 The field of swords by Conn Iggulden, 4 stars, msg 15
#28 The land of painted caves by Jean Auel, 4 stars, msg 15
#27 The shelters of stone by Jean Auel, 3 1/2 stars, msg 15
#26 An excellent mystery by Ellis Peters, 3 1/2 stars, msg 3
#25 The plains of passage by Jean Auel, 3 1/2 stars, msg 2
#24 The Mammoth hunters by Jean Auel, 4 stars, msg 2
#23 The valley of the horses by Jean Auel, 4 stars, msg 2

Modificato: Lug 9, 2011, 10:12 am

More Jean Auel


book #23 De vallei van de paarden by Jean Auel
own, prehistoric fiction, translation of The valley of the Horses, 4 stars

book #24 De mammoetjagers by Jean Auel
own, prehistoric fiction, translation of The Mammoth hunters, 4 stars

book #25 Het dal der beloften by Jean Auel
own, prehistoric fiction, translation of The plains of passage, 3 1/2 stars

It is good to visit old friends, Ayla and Jondalar revisited ;-)

edit to remove wrong bookmark, will try again tomorrow...

Giu 12, 2011, 2:05 pm

book #26 Een hard gelag by Ellis Peters
from the library, fiction, mystery, Cadfael, translation of An excellent mystery

Nice book in the Cadfael series.

3 1/2 stars

Giu 12, 2011, 2:06 pm

HI Anita

Happy Sunday to you!

Giu 12, 2011, 2:07 pm

the same to you Linda!

Giu 12, 2011, 6:00 pm


Pretty pretty poochies!


Giu 12, 2011, 6:23 pm

Whew! Almost failed to find the new thread!!

Giu 13, 2011, 4:21 am

> 6: thank you Richard!
Especially Ari likes to hear that!

> 7: I am glad you found me Roni ;-)

Giu 13, 2011, 10:56 am

Hi Anita, I've just caught up on your old thread and found your new one. Lovely to see Ari and Chimay looking so gorgeous at the top of the thread. I'm sure having them around is a comfort as you continue to grieve for Eoos.

I've never read any of the Clan of the Cave Bear books - I remember seeing the first one around a lot when it first came out. I've just picked up a copy in a charity shop a few days ago, so maybe one day I'll get round to reading at least that first one.

Giu 13, 2011, 3:24 pm

Thanks for making a second thread, Anita. :) My computer's so slow to load pages.

#9: I haven't read anything by Jean Auel either, though I've loads of people recommend them to me.

Giu 13, 2011, 4:14 pm

> 9: hi Genny
Thanks Ari is a very happy little doggy, he cheers us all up.
Even Chimay can't resist him she is playing with him nearly every day!
The Clan of the Cave Bear isn't great literature, but a nice read, I hope you like it.

> 10: you are welcome Sara :-)
I know how irritating it can be when pages upload slowly, I try to keep the pictures at reasonable size so they load quick.

Giu 13, 2011, 5:03 pm

Oh, no, the pictures are fine. I just have a slow computer. :)

Giu 14, 2011, 12:23 am

Spiffy new digs! Pretty new puppy pictures! Must be Anita's new place :)

Lug 4, 2011, 9:37 am

hi Stasia
Yes, my new place, barely used yet, but will try to keep up better now ;-)

Lug 4, 2011, 9:57 am

further reads in June:

more Auel
book #27 Een vuurplaats in steen by Jean Auel
own, prehistoric fiction, translation of The shelters of stone, 3 1/2 stars

book #28 Het lied van de grottenby Jean Auel
own, prehistoric fiction, translation of The land of painted caves, 4 stars

Was nice to readd all books again, I don't agree with all criticasters who did not like the last book, they probably should have stopped reading after the first, or the first two books ;-)

more Caesar by Iggulden
book #29 Het zwaard van de macht by Conn Iggulden
from the library, historical fiction, translation of The field of swords 4 stars

book #30 De toorn van de goden by Conn Iggulden
from the library, historical fiction, translation of The Gods Of War

third and fourth book of the Emperor series.
The war in Gaul, Cleopatra and the end... you know how it will end, we all know the story, but somehow the writer managed to write in a way it was almost possible that it would NOT happen...

Recommend these book to anyone who would like to read about Caesar!

Modificato: Lug 4, 2011, 10:02 am

book #31 Ster by Neil Gaiman
from the library, fiction, fairytale, adventure, translation of Stardust

A fairytale, fantasy, whatever you call it, it was a very good read!

4 stars

Lug 4, 2011, 10:06 am

book #32 De kleur van toverij by Terry Pratchett
from the library, fantasy, humor, translation of The color of magic

My first Terry Pratchett, I am not sure yet, I think I liked it, but the writer has such a strange and enormous imagination... I borrowed the next book from the library, so will let know how I liked the second book.
I know there are many fans in this group, so I decided to try too.

3 stars

Modificato: Lug 4, 2011, 11:06 am

Hi Anita, good to read some more updates from you. I'm one of the many Pratchett fans on here - but I think its a fairly common view, which I also share, that the first two or three books are not his best, so if you are not sure how much you liked it but are willing to continue, hopefully you may find you like the later ones more. 'Strange and enormous imagination' is certainly true, but there is a sort of inner consistency in his world, and many recurring characters (one of my favourites is the Librarian of the Unseen University), so while he continues to delve into new fantastical imaginings, you will find some familiar things too if you continue.

Lug 4, 2011, 8:10 pm

#16: Glad to see Neil Gaiman made in onto your reading list this year. :) I haven't tried Stardust yet; I'll have to do that. Thanks!

Lug 5, 2011, 6:29 pm

> 18:
thanks Genny, I will give a few more books a try. This one was not bad, but not the wonderfull book I hoped for. But if the better ones will come, I will stick to them for now ;-)

> 19:
hi Sara
My first Neil Gaiman was The Graveyard Book, in January 2010, I loved it!
Next one was Coraline in june 2010, liked it too, so when I saw other books from him at the library I immediately took one with me, and again a good read.
I hope you like Stardust too!

Lug 9, 2011, 12:23 am

Anansi Boys is still my favorite Gaiman, Anita--I hope you can find it.

Lug 9, 2011, 3:20 am

My first introduction into Pratchett was not successful either, Anita. Try the Tiffany Aching series and see if you like it more. The books start with The Wee Free Men.

Lug 9, 2011, 9:12 am

HI Anita

I think of you so often. How are you doing?

Lug 9, 2011, 9:50 am

> 21: yes I saw that one at the library too, Roni, maybe I take it next time :-)

> 22: I will keep that in mind, thanks Stasia

> 23: thanks Linda
The past weeks were very up and down, sleeping a lot and then sleeping only a few hours a night, mood swings... everything the doctor warned about that could happen when upping the Thyrax... but there is light at the end of the tunnel, slowly everything it getting back a bit more like "normal" ;-)
Yesterday to the hospital to draw bllod, next week I will hear from the internist. Last time he said the Thyrax might be raised one more time. If so, I will wait a month or so, don't look forward to the weeks after raising the dose...

Lug 9, 2011, 10:08 am

book #33 Slangenkuil by David Almond
from the library, YA, translation of Jackdaw Summer, US title Raven Summer

Oh, how I love the books by David Almond!

Again a precious jewel, not nice or sweet, but an adventurous story set in Northern England. Where boys will be boys daring eachother, playing violent games, all part of growing up.

One day Liam and his friend follow a raven and find a baby. The baby goes into foster care and Liam meets other foster children when he visits the baby, Crystal and Oliver. Oliver is a refugee from Liberia, but he might be send back... So he runs away with Crystal and they ask Liam to help them.

Then Oliver tells his real story, even more scary than the one he told before. A story of REAL violence, not playing violence as Liam used to do with the other boys in town.

5 stars

Lug 9, 2011, 10:59 am

I like David Almond's books too, Anita!

Lug 9, 2011, 1:51 pm

You are the one who steered me to YA and also to the works of David Almond. I read Raven Summer last year. I was disturbed by it.

Lug 27, 2011, 7:29 am

> 26: Did you read any recently Stasia?
I am terrible behind with al the threads... and don't think I will be able to catch up with all your threads :-(

> 27: I can understand that Linda, I think you would like it better if you are in the right mood for it.
I liked it so much that I bought my own copy when Isaw it at a second hand bookshop!

Lug 27, 2011, 7:38 am

book #34 Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan
from the library, YA, translated

The start of this book is a bit odd, but reading on it all gets clear and tells a good story.

4 1/2 stars

Modificato: Lug 27, 2011, 8:06 am

book #35 De uitvinding van Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick
from the library, YA, translation of The invention of Hugo Cabret

I know many readers LOVED this book, but somehow it did not work for me.
The idea to use both text and illustrations to tell a story is good, but somehow I did not really like the the drawings... The story was not great too, good, okayish.

3 stars

Lug 27, 2011, 7:57 am

book #36 Extreem luid & ongelofelijk dichtbij by Jonathan Safran Foer
from the library, translation of Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

WOW... this is a heart wrenching book!
I was moved deeply by the story of Oscar who lost his dad at 9/11 and hs a hard time coping.
The illustrations in this book are adding to the story (in opposition to the Hugo Cabret book).

I loved it, cried, laughed while reading it.

5 stars

Lug 27, 2011, 3:00 pm

I'm so sorry you didn't care for Hugo. It was one of my favorites. Luckily it was a quick read and you probably didn't waste too much time on it. There is an interesting link to a museum in the back of the book. If you haven't already you should take a look at that.

Lug 27, 2011, 8:18 pm

Good to see you posting on your thread and writing reviews!

Lug 27, 2011, 9:42 pm

Just found your thread again and see that you have been reading some excellent books once again. I loved Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and just took Jackdaw Summer back to the library unread so will have to get it again..too many books on my tbr pile at present.

Lug 28, 2011, 3:18 am

*waving* at Anita

Lug 28, 2011, 5:19 am

> 32: yes I saw the link Mamzel, I might have expected too much of the book after reading many raving reviews. And sometimes you just miss the connection. I am not sure what was the case with this book.

> 33: I just catched up with your thread Roni, found some interesting titles there too. I just finished The lightning thief, and saw some of the series at your thread too.

> 34: hi Kerry, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close was a powerfull book, but after reading I needed some lighter books ;-)

> 35: *waving back* at Stasia!

Lug 29, 2011, 8:34 pm

And a *wave* from me too.

Lug 29, 2011, 9:35 pm


If you can get your hands on the book Okay for Now by Gary Schmidt, writer of The Wednesday Wars and Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boys, I recommend you read this incredible book! I think you will really like it!

Ago 10, 2011, 4:39 pm

> 37: thanks Genny, a *wave* back to you :-)

> 38: I have seached, Linda, but none of his books is translated :-(

My Thyroid values are good now, but I am still very tired... So I went back to my GP, there had to be drawn some blood again and today I got the results.
There are more thing not completely right, but he decided to do not all at once, things can influence eachother and the most important now is to get my vitamin B12 back on track, because that was way to low (in Januari, when the Thyroid problem was discovered my B12 was allright) so that could be the reason why I am feeling so tired and desoriented.

Since my GP is going on vacation next week and I did not feel up to another docter treating me, we decided to start the B12 injections when he returns in September.

Ago 10, 2011, 4:51 pm

I'm glad to hear the thyroid levels are good, and hope the B12 injections will give you some energy, Anita. Until then, probably Ari has enough energy for both of you, no?

Ago 11, 2011, 7:19 am

> 40: hi Roni
I hope this is the last major problem ;-)
I guess it is the price I pay for avoiding doctors for such a long time.

Yes Ari has enough energy for two, for three if needed LOL!

Ago 11, 2011, 10:23 pm

Good news about the thyroid values, Anita! I hope the B-12 injections solve the energy problems.

Ago 12, 2011, 4:23 am

> 42: yes I hope so too Stasia, it has been a long haul this year....

Ago 12, 2011, 4:31 am

back to the books, as I have 5 read and not put on the thread yet!

book #37 De bliksemdief by Rick Riordan
from the library, YA, translation of The Lightning Thief

A nice wrap up of Greek Gods and their offspring in modern times.
A good read!

4 stars

Ago 12, 2011, 4:44 am

book #38 Dat wonderbare licht by Terry Pratchet
from the library, fantasy, translation of The light fantastic

Mr Pratchet has not convinced me yet, but the book was not bad either... Maybe when I am in better shape it will be easier to dive into Diskworld...

3 stars

Ago 12, 2011, 4:48 am

book #39 Het vege lijf by Ellis Peters
from the library, medieval mystery, translation of The Sanctuary Sparrow

A Cadfael mystery is good for some hours away from this world into medieval England.

3 1/2 stars

Ago 12, 2011, 5:02 am

book #40 Het verlaten eiland by Patrick O'Brian
from the library, historical fiction, translation of Desolation Island

Fifth book of the Aubrey-Maturin series.
The adventures of Captain Jack Aubrey and ship's surgeon Dr. Stephen Maturin go on.
Starting on shore in England, where captain Aubrey waits for a new command. Meanwhile he is spending way too much money on waistfull things as gambling and race-horses. When his friend Maturin comes by, they finally get a ship.
This time they have to transport prisoners to Australia, but after a very smooth start of the voyage, no wind to sail keeps them from moving for a long time, then a hostile Dutch ship keeps them from Cape Town.
O'Brian writes smoothly and after some books you get the hang of 19th century marine. In this book a chart with all sails on a ship with their names, that made it easier to understand the commands Aubrey gives to his men ;-)

4 stars

Ago 12, 2011, 5:08 am

I need to return to the Brother Cadfael series. Thanks for the reminder, Anita!

Ago 12, 2011, 5:15 am

book #41 De bende van Anansi by Neil Gaiman
from the library, fantasy, translation of Anansi Boys

You were right Stasia, this was a very good book!
I have read more stories about Anansi, but this was a very creative one.
Anansi, the spider, god of tales has died in Florida. His son Charlie, lives in England and discovers after the burial that he has a twin brother... He is curious, so he calls his brother through a tiny spider and indeed Spider arrives in his life, putting Charlies whole life upside down...

4 1/2 stars

Ago 12, 2011, 5:48 am

> 48: you are welcome Stasia, I just started with the next ;-)

Ago 12, 2011, 5:53 am

#50: I have only read the first book and a book of short stories that was a prequel, so I am only up to book 2, lol.

Ago 12, 2011, 5:59 am

Cadfael books are wonderful comfort reading! One of the few long-running series that I'd read long before discovering so many more through LT. I'm probably due for a re-read soon!

Ago 12, 2011, 6:16 am

I found out why I stopped at book 2 - my local library does not have it. I guess I will go right to book 3, Monk's Hood.

Ago 12, 2011, 7:30 am

> 51 & 53: Stasia, I don't read them in sequence, just read the ones I can get at the library. Each story stand on its own, only the war between king Stephen and empress Maud goes of and on ;-)

> 52: I completely agree Genny.
I only knew the TV series, and was glad to discover the books here on LT.

Ago 12, 2011, 8:07 am

#54: Good to know that each of the books stands on its own. Thanks for that info, Anita.

Ago 12, 2011, 3:55 pm

I just read books 4 and 5 of the Percy Jackson series last month, Anita, and enjoyed them greatly. And Anansi Boys is my favorite Gaiman! So you've been doing some great reading.

Ago 12, 2011, 4:46 pm

Hoping that little Ari isn't tiring you out too much, young dogs have so much energy.
I just finished listening to the audio of Anansi Boys this morning, and loved the story too. Lenny Henry was a simply wonderful narrator, this has to be one of the best audiobooks I've listened to so far.

I have the Ellis Peters books on my tbr list and will get to them eventually.

Ago 13, 2011, 6:32 pm

> 56 & 57: Roni and Kerry
I am glad we all agree on Anansi boys ;-)

The Percy Jackson books are popular at the library, so it might take some time to get and read the other books.

Going back to my next Cadfael: The Rose Rent

Ago 13, 2011, 8:19 pm

Hi Anita

I'm stopping by to say hi and let you know I'm thinking of you.

Ago 14, 2011, 12:26 pm

Hey your back again! I so do hope that you will get much, much better.

You took my thoughts of The Invention of Hugo Cabret right out of my brain and I agree with The lightning Thief

Ago 14, 2011, 2:40 pm

> 59: thanks Linda
thanks for visiting my thread, I think of you too, how are you?

> 60: hi Nathan
Thank you, but I try to keep my hope a bit down, better if it is more than I hoped for then to be disappointed...
I did not know where I got the thoughts of The invention of Hugo Cabret from, but now I know! Thanks for lending your brain ;-)

Ago 14, 2011, 3:46 pm

Your welcome! My brain is free the first time, but the next time...well it depends on the situation.

Set 7, 2011, 9:19 pm

Hi Anita: I lost you for a long time and just found your new thread. I loved Anansi Boys as well. Gaiman's imagination just knocks me over! Hope all is well with you and that you got that thyroid thing under control. I'm so far behind in all the threads that I don't think I'll ever catch up but I'll try not to lose yours again.

Set 8, 2011, 6:24 pm

hi Tui & all other readers
Yes the thyroid is under control, but still very tired, so now working on the next: shortage of vitamin B12
The last three weeks I got a lot worse, could not do more than walking and feeding the dogs... and luckely I could read a bit.

Yesterday I survived the first B12 shot (ohh I really hate needles, but it wasnt too bad).
Today I seem to have a bit more energy, but my brain doesn't function too well, I even missed some of the questions in my favorite quiz on tv!
Tomorrow the next shot and then next week three times, then testing and maby only once a week the next weeks....

now I will make a start on listing the books I have read last month in the next msg.

Set 8, 2011, 6:28 pm

book #42 Een witte roos by Ellis Peters
from the library, historical mystery, translation of The rose rent

Nice cozy mystery, as usual brother Cadfael solves the mystery ;-)

3 stars

Set 8, 2011, 6:30 pm

Good to hear from you, Anita. I hope the B12 shots work, and don't keep messing up your quiz answering.

Brother Cadfael is always a good bet for a cozy read.

Modificato: Set 8, 2011, 6:49 pm

book #43 Het tij keert by Patrick O'Brian
from the library, historical fiction, translation of The fortune of war

Sixth book of the Aubrey-Maturin series.
After their ship burned down they end up captured in Boston...

4 1/2 stars

Set 8, 2011, 6:37 pm

> 66: I hope so too Genny

Frank and I had some fun about it, I said that I might get really dumb from these shots and he replied that that would be the ONLY thing he would divorce about.
(We always make fun of how it would be with a partner who was significant less intelligent... and praise ourselfs happy to have found eachother LOL)

Set 8, 2011, 6:42 pm

book #44 Meidezeggenschap by Terry Pratchett
from the library, fantasy, translation of Equal rites

Well, did not see an other book at the library, so took an other chance on Terry Pratchett.
I liked this one slightly better than the previous two.

3 1/2 stars

Set 8, 2011, 7:12 pm

book #45 Halt in gevaar by John Flanagan
from the library, fantasy, translation of Halt's peril

Ranger's Apprentice, Book 9
Always good for a few hours in another world.
Halt, Will and Horace follow Tennyson again, who has fled to their home country. Tennyson sends his assassins out to stop them.

4 stars

Modificato: Set 8, 2011, 7:24 pm

book #46 Maus by Art Spiegelman
from the library, graphic novel, translation of Maus

This book is... incredible.
It contains both Maus books. Spiegelman has found a way of telling the Holocaust in a very diferent way, by both telling his fathers story and his own struggle with it.

5 stars

Set 8, 2011, 7:32 pm

Hi Anita

I'm sorry to be out of touch. I hope the B12 shots bring lots of energy for you! Thanks for the recommendation of Maus. My TBR pile contains lots and lots of your suggestions.


Set 8, 2011, 8:53 pm

Anita, I worked with a woman who had to have regular B12 shots. They worked wonders for her so I hope they do for you too. I keep meaning to read that Maus book!

Set 9, 2011, 2:50 pm

> 72 & 73
I do hope the B12 will work, had my second shot today, but no miracle yet.
According to the instructions of the manufacturer it can take some weeks before any effect is seen.
So next week on three days a shot....

Yes, read Maus, highly recommended!

Set 9, 2011, 4:48 pm

Hope those B12 shots work for you Anita. You've been reading some good books, I thought Maus was wonderful and you do have to read both of them to get the full impact.

Set 10, 2011, 5:38 pm

I've heard of Maus, actually, I actually held the book once, but I haven't read it. I wonder if Maus is a word for something in some other language.

Set 10, 2011, 5:48 pm

> 75: Kerry
I read both, together in one book.
No miracles after two B12 shots yet...

> 76: Nathan
Maus is German for Mouse

Set 10, 2011, 5:50 pm

>77 FAMeulstee: ............Well that was a Duh! moment. Were is that German class when you need it? Thanks for looking that up for me!

Set 10, 2011, 6:04 pm

> 78: no need to look up, I am multi-lingual.
Besides my own Dutch language, I know a little German, Latin and French, and some English ;-)
If you read the book you will understand the title.

Set 10, 2011, 8:15 pm


As always, I am so impressed with your ability to know so many languages. I am very challenged in that area.

Hugs to you dear special person!

I hope the B12 shots kick in soon.

And, by the way, your name was mentioned today to a friend who, like us, loves YA. She is a local librarian and also is an educator. We love sharing YA books. I told her that you were the one who pointed me in this direction and how much you opened a whole new horizon for me.

Thanks again!

Set 11, 2011, 4:12 pm

> 80: thank you Linda ...blush... hugs to you!

Today I felt a little less tired, so I do hope I the vitamin B12 shots do their work.
How nice you named me to this librarian, I know you enjoy YA, I don't write much at the moment but I do follow your threads.

Set 11, 2011, 5:04 pm

>79 FAMeulstee: That's cool.

Actually isn't the book about WWII and cats are Nazis and mice are Jews, or something like that?

Set 11, 2011, 10:59 pm

I just realized that this is the third time I've dropped in during this recent spate of messages, and I still haven't said "hi!" Glad you are feeling a little better, Anita. How is that little scamp Ari?

Set 12, 2011, 12:16 pm

Hi Anita! drive-by hug

Set 12, 2011, 4:18 pm

Ditto on recommending Maus. I've only read the first book and really enjoyed it.

Set 13, 2011, 3:04 pm

> 82: Yes Nathan, you are spot on.

> 83: hi Roni
Ari is doing well, although his showdays are over, he has grown too much!
A Pekingese (under the FCI standard) should not weigh more than 5 kilogram (11 pounds), in the US they may weigh 14 pounds, but Ari is now a bit over 7 kilogram (nearly 17 pounds)... and not full grown yet!
But he is a delight to have around and Chimay is very happy with him too. Chimay was very concerned when Ari had to go to the vet for his shots, she has had too many companions who went there and did not come back. But he survived and she was happy ;-)
I should take pictures agin, but it has been raining almost all the time lately.

> 84: thanks Richard!

> 85: you should read the seond one too Sara.

Set 13, 2011, 9:28 pm

Set 24, 2011, 3:45 pm

started the month with four Karl May books:

book #47 Winnetou en de goudzoekers by Karl May
Old Shatterhand and Winnetou come to the rescue... some Germans, one an old schoolmate of Old Shatterhand, are in the hand of villans. 3 1/2 stars

book #48 Aan de Rio de la Plata and book #49 De koningin van de Gran Chaco by Karl May.
Adventures in South America, both 3 stars

book #50 Slot Rodriganda by Karl May
First book of a series with an other German as main character: Karl Sternau, adventure and love in Spain and Mexico. 3 stars

own, translated, the original books are in German.
I loved these in my youth, still an enjoyable read if you can stand the pages long descripions of the landscapes and you should know that Karl May did not travel outside Germany when he wrote these! He was a man with an incredible imagination.
But after 4 books I had enough for now ;-)

Set 24, 2011, 9:29 pm

Sounds like fun, light reading for you!

Set 27, 2011, 4:06 pm

> 89: yes Roni
after this I went back to some Patrick O'Brian books, they were smiling at me at the shelf in the library ;-)

Meanwwhile I am feeling a bit better, the vitamin B12 injections do their work.
After a few times to my GP for the injections, I do it myself now (still don't look when I push the needle through the skin), it doesn't hurt at all!

Set 27, 2011, 8:35 pm

So glad you are feeling better. I hate the idea of injections myself--glad it has worked out okay.

Set 30, 2011, 5:15 pm

> 91: I completely understand Roni!
I used to be terryfied of needles!
But the waitingroom was worse... And now I can do it once every three days, wich is better, three times a week was too much, got very confused, all these nerves getting back to work ;-)

Set 30, 2011, 5:29 pm

Went on with 3 Aubrey/Maturin books from the library:


book #51 De blauwe diamant by Patrick O'Brian
book 7, translation of The surgeon's mate

book #52 De Ionische missie by Patrick O'Brian
book 8, translation of The Ionian Mission

book #53 Verraad by Patrick O'Brian
book 9, translation of Treason's Harbour

I love these books, well written, back in the 19th century while the English fight Napoleon.
Both captain Aubrey and surgeon Maturin are interesting characters developing further in each book.

All tree get 4 1/2 stars!

Sadly only the first 10 books (of 21) are translated, so just one more for me.
Now what to do, save the last one for a while, or take it the next time I visit the library... decisions, decisions ;-)

Set 30, 2011, 5:33 pm

But that is a GOOD type of decision to have to make!

Set 30, 2011, 7:06 pm

Yes it is Roni, but still undecided ;-)

Reading now Gone with the wind, I think I did see the movie long ago, but never read the book. I could add it to one of the TIOLI challanges for October.

Ott 1, 2011, 5:19 pm

Ott 1, 2011, 11:27 pm

Love the picture of Ari!!!!

Ott 2, 2011, 1:26 am


Ott 2, 2011, 1:53 am

Too too cute!!

Ott 2, 2011, 3:17 pm

thanks Roni, Richard and Kerry

Ari is way to cute.
Took this photo trying my new camera, a very eary birthday present :-)

Meanwhile still reading Gone with the wind, ain't easy, never met a more selfish character as Scarlett O'Hara!

Ott 2, 2011, 11:20 pm

My father always called Scarlett O'Hara "Scary Old Harlot" when talking about Gone With The Wind. I so agree.

Ott 3, 2011, 7:50 am

Ari is so gorgeous! Does his coat need a lot of brushing? It look so fluffy.

Ott 3, 2011, 4:55 pm

> 101: well Richard dear, then I am in good company ;-)

> 102: thanks Genny
Yes he does need some brushing, I am getting better at it, so now it is 10 minutes of brushing (nearly) every day. Once a week it takes a bit longer, then I use the comb, check his eyes, ears and nails.
His puppy coat was way more difficult to keep in good shape, compared to that his adult coat is easy!

Modificato: Ott 4, 2011, 2:15 pm

book #54 Gejaagd door de wind by Margaret Mitchell
from the library, historical fiction, TIOLI, translation of Gone with the wind

Well, what to say, many love this book, I didn't...

Scarlett O'Hara is an anoying, selfish woman and got at the end what she deserved.
I am sure not all slave owners where like Uncle Tom's master, but I don't believe this illusion either, the truth will be somewhere in the middle, some did treat their slaves well others did not and most did not care at all...
I did learn a little more about the Civil War, I was surprised the Democrats were Southern and the Republicans Northern... does not look like that when I see elections in the USA.

The stars are more awarded to myself, that I did finsh this book despite the content.
I am sure I will NEVER read it again

2 stars

Ott 4, 2011, 4:28 pm

What an adorable dog!! What kind is he/she?

Ott 4, 2011, 5:03 pm

Hi Chelle, welcome on my thread :-)

Ari is a one year old male Pekingese, I share my life with him, my husband Frank and Chimay, a smooth Chow Chow. Pictures of all on my profile.

Ott 4, 2011, 5:09 pm

I agree with your award of stars to yourself for finishing GWTW. One day I will award stars to myself for even attempting Ulysses.

Ott 4, 2011, 5:48 pm

I might join you Richard, I think we have a translation of Ulysses here. I never even tried it.

Ott 5, 2011, 7:48 am

The stars are more awarded to myself, that I did finsh this book despite the content.
I am sure I will NEVER read it again

I've never read GWTW (or seen the film) and am in no hurry to do so from your description!

Ott 5, 2011, 5:57 pm

I tried to read Gone With the Wind a long, long time ago because it was a gift, but after a few chapters, I set it aside. Not interesting at all.

Ott 5, 2011, 6:44 pm

> 109: Genny
I think I have seen parts of the film, it might be better that way, with help of the fast-forward ;-)

> 110: Sara
You were wiser than I was!

I picked it up at the library as a book I might read and then it fitted in a TIOLI challenge, so I felt I had to finish it

Modificato: Ott 13, 2011, 2:26 pm


book #55 De zee van monsters by Rick Riordan
from the library, YA, fantasy, translation of The sea of monsters

book #56 De vloek van de Titaan by by Rick Riordan
from the library, YA, fantasy, translation of The Titan's curse

Easy reading, a bit of mythology, a bit of adventure, I have the next one ready on my pile ;-)

Both get 3 1/2 stars

Ott 13, 2011, 2:22 pm

book #57 Slachthuis vijf, of De kinderkruistocht : een verplichte dans met de dood by Kurt Vonnegut
from the library, (science) fiction, WW II, translation of Slaughterhouse-five, or, The children's crusade : a duty-dance with death

After two YA books a more heavy book, although it was lighter than I expected.
The bombing of Dresden, time travel, how we percieve time, living in the USA after WW II... all knit together with humor, I must say a it was a treat to read this book!

4 1/2 stars

Ott 13, 2011, 2:46 pm


book #58 Frankrijk by Rosemary Bailey
from the library, trevelerguide, translation of National Geographic Traveler: France

book #59 Provence & Côte d'Azur by Rudolf Bakker
from the library, Dutch, travelersguide

Preparation for our vacation in France next month, two travelersguides :-)

Both get 4 stars

Ott 13, 2011, 3:16 pm

*Perfect* time to vacation there! Have fun.

Modificato: Ott 13, 2011, 4:35 pm

> 115: yes it is Richard dear
In November it is not too warm, it may rain a bit, but that is no problem ;-)
We went there the last two years, first time just a few days to try.
Last year a bit longer, but I was too tired to remember much (have to look up my weblog to remind myself LOL)
So I hope to enjoy it a bit more this year, I prepared with the travelersguides to find places near that are interesting to visit.

Ott 16, 2011, 8:51 am


Your upcoming vacation sounds fascinating! I've never been to France.

I hope you are feeling better and the B12 shots are helping to increase your energy.


Ott 18, 2011, 4:56 pm

hi Linda

France is a lot further away for you ;-)
How are you doing?

Yes, I feel so much better, it is amazing what a lack of B12 can do... and amazng how much improvement ther is now, we started the B12 shots early september and I now feel better than I have in years!


Ott 18, 2011, 5:07 pm

book #60 Wolven in de wildernis by Dick Dekker
from the library, non-fiction, wolves in Canada, translation of Wolves of the Rocky Mountains: From Jasper to Yellowstone

This book catched my eye in the library. As wolves are dogs ancestors, I am interested in them too.
The book contains some marvelous pictures of wolves in the wild. The author has studied them for years mostly watching packs in the Jasper National Park in Canada. He describes the relation human-wolf through the centuries and how human perspective changed in the last decades of the 20th century from vermin that had to be destroyed at all costs to important predator that keeps his prey healthy by killing the young, old and sick animals and thus an important part of natural wildlife.
Not much news (for me) in this book, but well written.

3 stars

Ott 18, 2011, 5:29 pm

Plus anything with pictures of wolves is by definition interesting! (To me, anyway.)

Ott 18, 2011, 5:49 pm

that is true Richard, they look so majestic!

Ott 18, 2011, 6:26 pm

(Going way back to...) >96 FAMeulstee: So cute of Ari. Hard to see the wolf in that little face. Have you read Barbara Hambly's Bride of the Rat God? Peke's are real heroes in that great story.

Ott 19, 2011, 1:36 pm

I thought Ren was making a joke with Bride of the Rat God...sounded like a mean joke on The Age of Innocence...but it's a real book! Huh!

Ott 19, 2011, 3:24 pm


Ott 19, 2011, 4:20 pm

> 122: Ari is very cute, but still a descendent of wolves.
Both Pekingese and Chow Chow are in the group of 14 oldest breeds of dogs, so closer to wolves than other breeds ;-)

I do know the two fables how the Pekingese breed originated:
- A lion and a marmoset fell in love. But the lion was too large. The lion went to the Buddha and told him of his woes. The Buddha allowed the lion to shrink down to the size of the marmoset. And the Pekingese was the result.
- A lion fell in love with a butterfly. But the butterfly and lion knew the difference in size was too much to overcome. Together they went to see the Buddha, who allowed their size to meet in the middle. From this, the Pekingese came.

Bride of the Rat God sounds good, can't find any translation :-(
Well have to read it in English then...

Ott 19, 2011, 4:41 pm

I think those stories are a little creepy. Lions and butterflies, errr, commingling? EW.

Ott 19, 2011, 7:37 pm

#126: Makes total sense to me. :P Like this little guy. You just can't make this stuff up!

Ott 20, 2011, 1:08 am

We had a newly born geep (sheep/goat) making news here last week!

Ott 20, 2011, 11:47 am

I guess "shoat" was already taken.

Ott 20, 2011, 3:22 pm

> 126: That what they are Richard, just stories. The thruth is for some a bit too harsh, as they all were wolves... tenthousends of years ago ;-)

> 127: well Sara, that is the oddest bat-cat I have erver seen!

> 128: that geep looks rather cute :-)

> 129: probably Roni, but geep sounds better than shoat imho

Ott 21, 2011, 2:28 pm

A shoat is a young hog. Just FYI.

Ott 23, 2011, 11:00 am

>96 FAMeulstee:: I think Ari looks like Beethoven!
And I agree with you completely about Scarlet O'Hara! I won't be reading that one again either...ever!

Ott 25, 2011, 6:30 pm

> 131: thanks Ren, did not know, had to look up hog too ;-)

> 132: hi Tui
I had to go back to the picture, but now you mentioned it... he DOES look a bit like Beethoven with his hair like this ;-)
I am glad I am not alone in my opinion about Scarlet O'Hara!!

Ott 27, 2011, 8:59 am

I now feel better than I have in years - so pleased to hear that, Anita. Have a great holiday in France!

Nov 1, 2011, 6:28 pm

> 134: thanks Genny
It feels so strange, not exhausted anymore after doing anything, but just a bit tired after doing a lot!
We leave for France next Sunday :-)

Nov 1, 2011, 6:31 pm

Wow, have a great time!

Nov 1, 2011, 6:34 pm

book #61 De andere kant van de wereld by Patrick O'Brian
from the library, translation of The far side of the world

Sadly the last translated book of the Aubrey/Maturin series :-(
But it was an highly enjoyable read :-)

4 1/2 stars

Nov 1, 2011, 6:38 pm

book #62 De strijd om het Labyrinth by Rick Riordan
from the library, YA, fantasy, translation of The battle of the Labyrinth

Easy reading, a bit of mythology, a bit of adventure, fun!
Each time I think I get the drill, Rick Riordan comes with the next Greek Myth I did not think of ;-)

4 stars

Nov 1, 2011, 6:39 pm

> 136: thanks Ren, we will!

Nov 1, 2011, 9:30 pm

So glad you are feeling so well, Anita. Please enjoy your vacation!

Nov 2, 2011, 10:38 am

So glad to hear you are taking a holiday. It sounds like you are on the mend!

Nov 4, 2011, 2:57 pm

thanks Roni and Tui

It is truly amazing what a difference the vitamin B12 makes!
Not everything is away, still have agoraphobia and some other issues...

Cleaned the whole house, tomorrow packing up, day after tomorrow we will leave :-)

Modificato: Dic 2, 2011, 3:22 pm

We are back.

Had a great time in France, saw the Cathedral in Reims

The monastry de la Verne in the Massif des Maures

and took a lot of pictures of stained glass

to view all photos, go to my Picasa album France, november 2011

I did read some too, see my next post ;-)

Dic 2, 2011, 3:53 pm


book 61 De piramide der Azteken by Karl May, 3 stars
book 62 Juarez van Mexico by Karl May, 3,5 stars
book 63 Kanselier en prairiejager by Karl May, 3,5 stars
book 64 De stervende keizer by Karl May, 3,5 stars
own, translated, the original books are in German.

next 4 books of the series I started with book 50, Slot Rodriganda
War in Mexico between Juarez and Emperor Maximilian, Karl Sternau with friends and family gets involved. And has his own personal trouble in his family.

Dic 2, 2011, 3:57 pm

book 65 Alleen in Berlijn by Hans Fallada
from the library, German literature, translated, English title Every man dies alone

I heard so many good things about this book here on Library Thing, so when I saw it in the library I took it immediately!
Otto and Anna Quangel decide to fight the nazi´s after the death of their son during the war in France.
The Gestapo is after them, but it takes a long time before they are cought.

The story is not only about the Quangels, but also describes the life of the other people who live in the same building or otherwise touch their lives during their act of resistance.
The story shows us how Hiltler and his men could stay in power by spreading fear and keep people alone (no other person can be trusted...), it doesn't matter who is arrested, it is more important SOMEONE is arrested, as everyone is guilty of something..
This story was written not long after the end of WWII, and is based on a real case. In the afterword the documents of this real case are shown.

I was deeply moved by this book

5 stars!

Dic 2, 2011, 8:17 pm

Glad to see you had a good trip! Your pictures are great

Dic 3, 2011, 3:29 pm

> 146: thanks Chelle, yes we had a very good time :-)

Dic 3, 2011, 3:44 pm

Fantastic photos, looks like you had a great trip Anita. I love that heart sculpture outside the church.
I shall put Alone in Berlin on my 'must read in 2012' list, I haven't seen a bad review yet.

Dic 3, 2011, 4:10 pm

book 66 Helden en monsters by Rosemary Sutcliff
own, YA, contains two books Beowulf: Dragonslayer and The Hound of Ulster

great retelling of two legends

4 stars

Dic 3, 2011, 4:11 pm

book 67 Bidden wij voor Owen Meany by John Irving
own, fiction, translation of A prayer for Owen Meany

I wanted to read this book for some time now, so I took it with me to France.
It took a while before I "got into" the story, my knowledge of difference between churches in the USA is VERY limited...
But after a while I started to like John and really wanted to know what was going to happen to Owen!

4,5 stars

Dic 3, 2011, 4:11 pm

Book 68 Alsof het voorbij is by Julian Barnes
own, fiction, Booker prize, translation of The sense of ending

How during our lives our memories are reconstructed, so we seemed to have lived a life that is unambiguous.
But when confronted with the REAL truth, what we remember is selective and incomplete.

5 stars

Dic 3, 2011, 4:18 pm

> 148: thanks Kerry

Yes we all had a great trip !
Except Ari, who does NOT TRUST those French speaking humans... He had a hard time being away from home, but finally adjusted the last week.
When we came back home he JUMPED out of the car, RUNNED to the front door in total happyness :-)
Frank, Chimay and me would not have minded to have stayed one or two a weeks more over there.

Yes, Alone in Berlin is really a great book!

Dic 3, 2011, 4:18 pm

Book 69 Côte d'Azur, Monaco by Michelin
from the library, travelguide

This guide was used most when we were in France.

4,5 stars

Dic 3, 2011, 4:19 pm

Book 70 Lucy XXL by Sherri L. Smith
own, YA, awarded, translation of Lucy the giant

Lucy lives in Alaska, her father is a drunk and her mother left her when she was seven.
Besides that she is also very tall (more than 6 feet) and her classmates bully her.
When the stray dog she found dies on her, she has had enough and runs away. Because she is so tall she is mistaken for an adult and gets work at a crabbing boat, hoping that she finally has found a new life.
Of course life is not that simple, but with her newly found friends Lucy is able to deal with her problems.

4 stars

Dic 3, 2011, 4:20 pm

Book 71 Schuldig by Nancy Werlin
own, YA, awarded, translation of The killer's cousin

David accidently killed his girlfriend, has to stand trial and gets acquittal.
But there has been so much publicity, his parents decide it is best for him to go and live with his uncle and aunt in Boston and finish his highschool over there.
But there is something strange with his cousin Lily and is it a gohst who is haunting him?

4 stars

Dic 3, 2011, 4:23 pm

Great pics, Anita. I especially like Chimay at Cap Camarat (did I spell that right?). I take pics of gargoyles too, so I enjoyed looking at the ones you found. So glad you were able to take the dogs with you. Must read that Booker prize winner.

Modificato: Dic 3, 2011, 4:40 pm

Thanks for sharing the photos, Anita! :) France is so beautiful. Glad you could bring your furry babies!

ETA: I just noticed how cool your camera is, being able to zoom in so close to a cat on a roof! :D

Dic 3, 2011, 4:40 pm

> 155: thanks Tui,
Yes you spelled it right :-)

Chimay liked the long walks with me, leaving the men at the appartment.
Ah, another gargoyle lover, LOL, before this vacation I dod not know I liked them, it is all the fault of my new photo camera, the zoom function is way too good!

The dogs always go with us, else I won't go!
They don't mind to stay in the car when we visit a monastry or church and in November it does not get too hot in the car.

Yes, please do read Julian Barnes, I would like to know how you like it!

Modificato: Dic 3, 2011, 4:45 pm

> 157: hi Sara
It is good to be back and connect with all of you again, but France was great too, indeed a beautiful country and with the traveler guides I found we have for years enough to go sightseeing :-)

So next year we will go again!

eta: yes it is cool, a small Sony, I took my old BIG Sony with me, but did not use it at all

Dic 3, 2011, 5:13 pm

one more photo of our vacation, the only one with me on it ;-)

Dic 6, 2011, 11:52 am

Great pictures! I love your dogs. :)

Dic 6, 2011, 12:08 pm

Hi Anita, I have just found your thread again. I have been off writing and publishing my books, see my author page. I am now retired so I can spend more time catching up with all my LT friends.


Modificato: Dic 6, 2011, 2:12 pm

> 161: thanks Ren,
Ari loves yoy too (as he loves everyone LOL)
Chimay likes to be admired from a distance.

> 162: Hey Alan!
That is a long time ago!
Wow, published, congratulations :-)
I hope you are alright now, as I saw some alarming notes on your profile...

Modificato: Dic 16, 2011, 3:58 pm

Book 72 De Abdij van Le Thoronet by Nathalie Molina
own, guide, translation of L'Abbaye du Thoronet

Small book with a lot of information about the Abbey of Thoronet

3 stars

Modificato: Dic 16, 2011, 3:55 pm

Book 73 Uitgestoten by Rosemary Sutcliff
own, YA, translation of Outcast

Beric was saved from the sea when he was a baby. When he is about to become a man in the tribe that rescued him, the harvest fails, so he is send away. He wants to join the Roman Legion, but instead is kidnapped to Rome and sold as a slave...

4 stars

Book 74 De hagenridder by George R.R. Martin
from the library, fantasy, translation of The Hedge Knight

I wanted to start with the "A song of ice and fire" series, but the first one was not available at the library, so I took this short prequel to get in the mood ;-)

3 stars

Dic 11, 2011, 12:11 pm

>163 FAMeulstee: Anita, yes, I had a heart attack in May but I am still alive and kicking and I have just published my second book The Book Traveller and am now a LibraryThing author!
And my first book The Confession of Sandy Harris has now been published as a Kindle eBook. I wonder if I am the first author who has been directly inspired to write by being a member of LT? It was Linda (Whisper1) who first motivated me to write for publication. It has taken about three years, but I got there in the end!


Dic 17, 2011, 1:07 pm

> 166: Ahh Alan, I remember The Book Traveller, I think I read the first chapters you showed us, until I got too ill to follow your writing.
I am glad you are still around, I have been very ill, my thyroid did not work anymore and we found out way too late, our dear Eoos woke me up a few times, probably because my heartbeat nearly stopped.
But I am recovering and never stopped reading ;-)

Dic 17, 2011, 1:15 pm

Book 75 Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay
from the library, fantasy, translation of Tigana

Great fantasy story.
I don't know how to describe without giving away too much... Recommended!

5 stars

Dic 17, 2011, 1:32 pm

Congratulations on reaching 75 and managing to do it with a 5 star read. I didn't get past the intro a couple of years ago so I really must give it another try.

Dic 17, 2011, 3:53 pm

thanks Kerry
Yes the start is not easy, you are thrown into a story without knowing the references (sp?), but reading on you get to know all that is needed to understand.

Dic 17, 2011, 5:36 pm

Way to go, to finish up your 75 with 15 days to go and with an outstanding book, Anita!

Dic 17, 2011, 7:39 pm


Dic 17, 2011, 10:32 pm

Congratulations on achieving the goal!

Dic 18, 2011, 11:56 am


Dic 18, 2011, 1:52 pm

Yeah for reaching 75! And such interesting books too! :)

Modificato: Dic 18, 2011, 2:05 pm

thanks Roni, Brenda, Terri, Jim and Ren

The main goal is a year of reading and sharing with all of you, reaching 75 is the bonus ;-)

Last year and 2008 I read a lot more, in 2009 I reached 75 in December too, maybe even-uneven years? Well the uneven years haven't been uneventfull... that has more to do with the numbers reached I suppose.

Dic 18, 2011, 2:45 pm

Book 76 Het gouden kompas by Philip Pullman
from the library, YA, fantasy, translation of Northern lights or The golden compass

Good fantasy story, easy to read.
Lyra and her dæmon live in a college in Oxford. Her uncle visits from time to time and she wants to go with him to see the world, but he won't take her. The children start to disappear, one of them is her friend from the college kitchen: Roger. So Lyra decides to go and find him, this quest leads her up north...

4 stars

Dic 18, 2011, 6:14 pm

I love that series

Dic 19, 2011, 12:27 pm

> 178: yes it is good Brenda
I am near the end of the second book and just got the third from the library today :-)

Dic 20, 2011, 8:06 am

Book 77 Het listige mes by Philip Pullman
from the library, YA, fantasy, translation of The subtle knife

Good fantasy story, easy to read.
Will is on a quest to find his father and meets Lyra, who is from an other world. Together they find the subtle knife that can make gates to the other worlds.

4 stars

Dic 20, 2011, 5:32 pm

Such a great trilogy, though the first book is my favorite.

Dic 22, 2011, 2:09 pm

Book 78 De amberkleurige kijker by Philip Pullman
from the library, YA, fantasy, translation of The amber spyglass

The conclusion of the "His Dark Materials" trilogy.
Pullman wraps up all lines nicely, a very good read!

4,5 stars

Dic 22, 2011, 2:12 pm

Book 79 De eed van trouw by George R.R. Martin
from the library, fantasy, translation of The Sworn Sword

An other prequel before starting A game of thrones

3 stars

Dic 22, 2011, 4:01 pm

are you liking the prequels? I love the series and some filler would be nice

Dic 22, 2011, 5:21 pm

> 181: Ren
I thought the last book (The amber spyglass) was the best of them.

> 184: Brenda
The prequels are short books, they might be better if you know more of the world of ice and fire.
The Hedge Knight and The sworn sword have the same main characters, The Hedge Knight is the first of them.
I liked, not loved, them, but don't think I would read them ever again (I am an avid re-reader)

Dic 23, 2011, 7:55 pm

Merry Christmas, Anita!

Dic 24, 2011, 6:41 am

ahh, thank you Roni!!!
That is a Christmas "tree" I would like to have around ;-)

Dic 24, 2011, 11:14 am

Merry Christmas Anita!

Dic 24, 2011, 2:08 pm

mistletoe smooches!

Dic 26, 2011, 1:10 pm

thanks Chelle and Richard

I decorated the Dracaena this year:

Click on the picture to view my blog with Cristmas decorations.

Dic 26, 2011, 4:21 pm

Book 80 Het spel der tronen by George R.R. Martin
from the library, fantasy, translation of A game of thrones

I was planning not to read A Song of Ice and Fire before all books were written, but captured, as I am in a Fantasy mood and the books were calling me from the shelf of the library...
Tried to keep it off by reding the prequels, that were not very good, but gave an enjoyable read.

And WOW!!!!
Mister Martin has a great imagination AND pairs it with a skilled writing style. He creates a Mediaeval land with kingdoms, threats, wars, kings, queens, knights, dragons, zombies...
Well the zombies were near the edge of what I can cope with... but even that did not stop me from reading. Four mornings on a row I quickly took the dogs on their morning walk, trying to be home as soon as possible, so I could continue reading.

I have ordered the next book at the library :-)

5 stars

Dic 26, 2011, 6:40 pm

#190: I love your photos (especially the little Christmas Chow)! :) We didn't decorate outside this year (we rarely do, because theft crimes are just outrageously high where we live), but my mom put up the tree, which was very pretty, I thought. Glad you had a good Christmas! :)

Dic 26, 2011, 10:13 pm

Sending hugs and love to you and Frank and Ari and Chimay!

Dic 26, 2011, 11:43 pm

Hi Anita - love your 'Christmas tree'. i'm up to Feast of Crows and will probably read it and the latest one early in the New Year, it's a great series.
Does your library have anything by Alison Goodman, Isobelle Carmody or Alison Croggon - all Australian YA crossover fantasy writers.

Modificato: Dic 28, 2011, 1:02 pm

> 192: thanks Sara, the last two years I hadn't decorated at all.
Ten years ago I gave up on chrismas-trees and started to use the Dracaena to bear the ornaments.

> 193: hugs back to you and Stella!

> 194: hi Kerry, tomorrow I will pick up the second book at the library, meanwhile I did read The ice dragon.
Yes, the library has three books of Alison Goodman: Eon, Eona and Singing the dogstar blues, one of Isobelle Carmody The gathering, no Alison Croggon... I will look for them, thanks!

Dic 28, 2011, 1:01 pm

Book 81 De ijsdraak by George R.R. Martin
from the library, fantasy, translation of The ice dragon

An other prequel while waiting for book 2 A clash of kings
Sweet story of a girl and an Ice Dragon.

3,5 stars

Dic 30, 2011, 10:40 am

A belated Happy Christmas, Anita - I've been just buzzing around this Christmas and am finally able to sit down to catch up with everyone. Congratulations on reaching the 75 goal! I think I'm going to fall a few short this year. Oh well. Like your Christmas decorations you showed us with your blog link. All the best for 2012!

Dic 30, 2011, 12:05 pm

I'm looking for those dragon books by G.R.R. Martin. Thanks! :)

Dic 30, 2011, 12:08 pm

I'm so sorry to be out of touch. In chronicling my 2011 reads, I realized most were YA. And, again I thank you for introducing me to this incredible genre.

Much love coming your way.

Dic 30, 2011, 5:39 pm

> 197: thanks Tui for taking the time to view my weblog.
A few short, well that is no problem around here!
All the best for you too :-)

> 198: you are welcome Ren, dragons actually apear very late in the first book of the Song of Ice and Fire. But The Ice Dragon is a cute story.

> 199: dear Linda
Don't be sorry, I keep up with your thread and understand your pain. I wish I was a magican and could make the pain go away!!!

Modificato: Gen 1, 2012, 11:14 am

Last day of the year, time to reflect on the year.
2011 was no happy year, loosing Eoos way too young, healthproblems, my husband is not doing well healthwise too :-(
But there was some joy, Ari has grown into a happy and good, nearly adult, Pekingese, Chimay is doing very well and we had a great vacation in France.

And my reading year was a good one, 81 books read, seven 5 star books and only one 2 star book!
acquired 27 books, read of those 8

5 stars:
Spiegeljongen by Floortje Zwigtman, Dutch, YA
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
Maus by Art Spiegelman
Every man dies alone by Hans Fallada
Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay
A game of thrones by George R.R. Martin

of the sixteen 4,5 star books I would like to mention
Raven summer by David Almond
A prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving
Master and Commander by Patrick O'Brian
(and other books in the series, they gave me lots of well spend reading time, escaping from daily life...)

I am reading now A clash of kings and The Dragonbone Chair, stumbled upon TWO great series in the library... and I reary can't choose so I think my readings for January are planned now, finish both series ;-)

I wish everyone a blissfil, healthy and happy 2012, may your days be fillied with great readings!

see you in my 2012 thread

Dic 31, 2011, 2:25 pm

Again, I'm sorry about Eoos, as well as yours and your husband's health issues (life never seems to get any easier, does it? :). But I'm glad you're positive about it all. And nice book mentions. I really enjoyed Maus as well! Now off to your new 2012 thread.... :)

Dic 31, 2011, 5:56 pm

Making my final tour of the 2011 threads, before going to my own and posting yearly statistics and a Happy New Year to all, before creating my 2012 thread. Guess what I'll be doing tomorrow? Do you know that Richard already has over 100 messages over there?
I've loved reading your thread this year, Anita, and look forward to 2012.

Dic 31, 2011, 10:23 pm

Anita, I'm so sorry that Frank is not well. What a year!

May 2012 be happy and healthier for you and Frank.

I have three top all time favorite books that remain the same over the years of reading.

A Prayer for Owen Meany is one of the top three.

It follows
Jane Eyre and
To Kill a MOckingbird

Much Love

Gen 1, 2012, 7:09 am

thanks Sara, Roni & Linda

No it doesn't seem to get easier Sara... only humor and laughing keeps us sane ;-)

The 2012 threads expolode, as all new groups did as they started Roni. This is the first time I haven't even tried to keep up with ALL new thread, just starred my friend and a few others that seem interesting. Loved reading your threads too, I might have missed a few when I was too tired or on vacation ;-)

The year hasn't been gentle to you either Linda, thanks for leaving a note.
I haven't read your other favorites yet, I am not sure if I am ever going to try Jane Eyre, but To Kill a Mockingbird is on my TBR/wishlist!


Gen 1, 2012, 10:33 am

I enjoyed To kill a mockingbird, I'm curious to hear your opinion about it when you've gotten around to reading it :)

I'll go create my 2012 thread as well now...